rust-webvr-api 0.9.3

Safe rust API that provides a way to interact with Virtual Reality headsets and integration with vendor specific SDKs like OpenVR and Oculus. The API is inspired on the easy to use WebVR API but adapted to Rust design patterns
/// The VRPose struct represents a sensor’s state at a given timestamp.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde-serialization", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
pub struct VRPose {
    /// Position of the VRDisplay as a 3D vector.
    /// May be None if the sensor is incapable of providing positional data.
    pub position: Option<[f32; 3]>,

    /// Linear velocity of the sensor given in meters per second.
    /// May be None if the sensor is incapable of providing linear velocity data.
    pub linear_velocity: Option<[f32; 3]>,

    /// Linear acceleration of the sensor given in meters per second squared.
    /// May be None if the sensor is incapable of providing linear acceleration data.
    pub linear_acceleration: Option<[f32; 3]>,

    /// Orientation of the sensor as a quaternion.
    /// May be None if the sensor is incapable of providing orientation.
    pub orientation: Option<[f32; 4]>,

    /// Angular velocity of the sensor given in radians per second.
    /// May be None if the sensor is incapable of providing angular velocity data.
    pub angular_velocity: Option<[f32; 3]>,

    /// Linear acceleration of the sensor given in radians per second squared.
    /// May be None if the sensor is incapable of providing angular acceleration data.
    pub angular_acceleration: Option<[f32; 3]>,