resource 0.4.0

Macros for statically including assets in release mode, but dynamically loading them in debug mode. This is primarily intended for games, allowing you to both avoid file IO in release builds and dynamically reload assets in debug mode.

set -e

echo -e "\033[36;1mRunning debug tests:\033[0m"
cargo test

echo -e "\033[36;1mRunning debug/force-static tests:\033[0m"
cargo test --features force-static

echo -e "\033[36;1mRunning debug/force-dynamic tests:\033[0m"
cargo test --features force-dynamic

echo -e "\033[36;1mRunning release tests:\033[0m"
cargo test --release

echo -e "\033[36;1mRunning release/force-static tests:\033[0m"
cargo test --release --features force-static

echo -e "\033[36;1mRunning release/force-dynamic tests:\033[0m"
cargo test --release --features force-dynamic

echo -e "\033[36;1mRunning rustfmt:\033[0m"
cargo fmt -- --check

echo -e "\033[36;1mRunning clippy:\033[0m"
cargo clippy -- -D clippy::all
cargo clippy --release -- -D clippy::all