prisma 0.1.1

A color library for both simple and complex color manipulation, intending to be the go to rust color library for most tasks. It can handle conversion between a large number of color models, and can convert into the CIE device independent color spaces. Prisma tries to be easy to use while encouraging correct transformations, making mathematically correct conversions easy without knowing the whole field of color science.
//! The $`\textrm{Lch}_{(\textrm{uv})}`$ device-independent polar color space


use crate::channel::{
    AngularChannel, AngularChannelScalar, ChannelCast, ChannelFormatCast, ColorChannel,
    FreeChannelScalar, PosFreeChannel,
use crate::color::{Bounded, Color, FromTuple, Lerp, PolarColor};
use crate::convert::{FromColor, GetChroma, GetHue};
use crate::luv::Luv;
use crate::tags::LchuvTag;
use crate::white_point::{UnitWhitePoint, WhitePoint};
use angle::{Angle, Deg, FromAngle, IntoAngle, Rad};
#[cfg(feature = "approx")]
use approx;
use num_traits;
use std::fmt;

/// The $`\textrm{Lch}_{(\textrm{uv})}`$ device-independent polar color space
/// `Lchuv` is a simple polar representation of the [`Luv`](struct.Luv.html) color space defined as:
/// ```math
/// \begin{aligned}
///     L &= L \\
///     C &= \sqrt{u^2 + v^2} \\
///     H &= atan2(v, u)
/// \end{aligned}
/// ```
/// It is a useful space for computing smooth gradients in a polar space, but like `Luv` is out of gamut
/// for many values which are not bounded by a simple geometric object.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub struct Lchuv<T, W, A = Deg<T>> {
    L: PosFreeChannel<T>,
    chroma: PosFreeChannel<T>,
    hue: AngularChannel<A>,
    white_point: W,

impl<T, W, A> Lchuv<T, W, A>
    T: FreeChannelScalar,
    A: AngularChannelScalar,
    W: UnitWhitePoint<T>,
    /// Construct a new `Lchuv` value with a named white point and channels
    /// Unlike `new_with_whitepoint`, `new` constructs a default instance of a [`UnitWhitePoint`](white_point/trait.UnitWhitePoint.html).
    /// It is only valid when `W` is a `UnitWhitePoint`.
    pub fn new(L: T, chroma: T, hue: A) -> Self {
        Lchuv {
            L: PosFreeChannel::new(L),
            chroma: PosFreeChannel::new(chroma),
            hue: AngularChannel::new(hue),
            white_point: W::default(),

impl<T, W, A> Lchuv<T, W, A>
    T: FreeChannelScalar,
    A: AngularChannelScalar,
    W: WhitePoint<T>,
    /// Construct a new `Lchuv` value with a given white point and channels
    pub fn new_with_whitepoint(L: T, chroma: T, hue: A, white_point: W) -> Self {
        Lchuv {
            L: PosFreeChannel::new(L),
            chroma: PosFreeChannel::new(chroma),
            hue: AngularChannel::new(hue),

    /// Convert the internal channel scalar format
    pub fn color_cast<TOut, AOut>(&self) -> Lchuv<TOut, W, AOut>
        T: ChannelFormatCast<TOut>,
        TOut: FreeChannelScalar,
        A: ChannelFormatCast<AOut>,
        AOut: AngularChannelScalar,
        Lchuv {
            L: self.L.clone().channel_cast(),
            chroma: self.chroma.clone().channel_cast(),
            hue: self.hue.clone().channel_cast(),
            white_point: self.white_point.clone(),

    /// Returns the `L` lightness channel scalar
    pub fn L(&self) -> T {
    /// Returns the `C` chroma channel scalar
    pub fn chroma(&self) -> T {
    /// Returns the `H` hue channel scalar
    pub fn hue(&self) -> A {
    /// Returns a mutable reference to the the `L` lightness channel scalar
    pub fn L_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
        &mut self.L.0
    /// Returns a mutable reference to the the `C` chroma channel scalar
    pub fn chroma_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
        &mut self.chroma.0
    /// Returns a mutable reference to the the `L` hue channel scalar
    pub fn hue_mut(&mut self) -> &mut A {
        &mut self.hue.0
    /// Sets the `L` channel scalar
    pub fn set_L(&mut self, val: T) {
        self.L.0 = val;
    /// Sets the `chroma` channel scalar
    pub fn set_chroma(&mut self, val: T) {
        self.chroma.0 = val;
    /// Sets the `hue` channel scalar
    pub fn set_hue(&mut self, val: A) {
        self.hue.0 = val;
    /// Returns a reference to the white point for the `Lchab` color space
    pub fn white_point(&self) -> &W {

impl<T, W, A> Color for Lchuv<T, W, A>
    T: FreeChannelScalar,
    A: AngularChannelScalar,
    W: WhitePoint<T>,
    type Tag = LchuvTag;
    type ChannelsTuple = (T, T, A);

    fn num_channels() -> u32 {
    fn to_tuple(self) -> Self::ChannelsTuple {
        (self.L.0, self.chroma.0, self.hue.0)

impl<T, W, A> PolarColor for Lchuv<T, W, A>
    T: FreeChannelScalar,
    A: AngularChannelScalar,
    W: WhitePoint<T>,
    type Angular = A;
    type Cartesian = T;

impl<T, W, A> FromTuple for Lchuv<T, W, A>
    T: FreeChannelScalar,
    A: AngularChannelScalar,
    W: UnitWhitePoint<T>,
    fn from_tuple(values: Self::ChannelsTuple) -> Self {
        Lchuv::new(values.0, values.1, values.2)

impl<T, W, A> Lerp for Lchuv<T, W, A>
    T: FreeChannelScalar + Lerp,
    A: AngularChannelScalar + Lerp,
    W: WhitePoint<T>,
    type Position = A::Position;

    impl_color_lerp_angular!(Lchuv<T> {hue, L, chroma}, copy={white_point});

impl<T, W, A> Bounded for Lchuv<T, W, A>
    T: FreeChannelScalar,
    A: AngularChannelScalar,
    W: WhitePoint<T>,
    fn normalize(self) -> Self {
    fn is_normalized(&self) -> bool {
        self.L.is_normalized() && self.hue.is_normalized()

#[cfg(feature = "approx")]
impl<T, W, A> approx::AbsDiffEq for Lchuv<T, W, A>
    T: FreeChannelScalar + approx::AbsDiffEq<Epsilon = A::Epsilon>,
    A: AngularChannelScalar + approx::AbsDiffEq,
    A::Epsilon: Clone + num_traits::Float,
    W: WhitePoint<T>,
    impl_abs_diff_eq!({L, chroma, hue});
#[cfg(feature = "approx")]
impl<T, W, A> approx::RelativeEq for Lchuv<T, W, A>
    T: FreeChannelScalar + approx::RelativeEq<Epsilon = A::Epsilon>,
    A: AngularChannelScalar + approx::RelativeEq,
    A::Epsilon: Clone + num_traits::Float,
    W: WhitePoint<T>,
    impl_rel_eq!({L, chroma, hue});
#[cfg(feature = "approx")]
impl<T, W, A> approx::UlpsEq for Lchuv<T, W, A>
    T: FreeChannelScalar + approx::UlpsEq<Epsilon = A::Epsilon>,
    A: AngularChannelScalar + approx::UlpsEq,
    A::Epsilon: Clone + num_traits::Float,
    W: WhitePoint<T>,
    impl_ulps_eq!({L, chroma, hue});

impl<T, W, A> Default for Lchuv<T, W, A>
    T: FreeChannelScalar + num_traits::Zero,
    A: AngularChannelScalar + num_traits::Zero,
    W: UnitWhitePoint<T>,
    fn default() -> Self {
        Lchuv {
            L: Default::default(),
            chroma: Default::default(),
            hue: Default::default(),
            white_point: Default::default(),

impl<T, W, A> fmt::Display for Lchuv<T, W, A>
    T: FreeChannelScalar + fmt::Display,
    A: AngularChannelScalar + fmt::Display,
    W: WhitePoint<T>,
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "Lch(uv)({}, {}, {})", self.L, self.chroma, self.hue)

impl<T, W, A> GetChroma for Lchuv<T, W, A>
    T: FreeChannelScalar,
    A: AngularChannelScalar,
    W: WhitePoint<T>,
    type ChromaType = T;
    fn get_chroma(&self) -> T {

impl<T, W, A> GetHue for Lchuv<T, W, A>
    T: FreeChannelScalar,
    A: AngularChannelScalar,
    W: WhitePoint<T>,

impl<T, W, A> FromColor<Luv<T, W>> for Lchuv<T, W, A>
    T: FreeChannelScalar,
    A: AngularChannelScalar + FromAngle<Rad<T>> + Angle,
    W: WhitePoint<T>,
    /// Construct an `Lchuv` value from a `Lab` value
    fn from_color(from: &Luv<T, W>) -> Self {
        let L = from.L();
        let c = (from.u() * from.u() + from.v() * from.v()).sqrt();
        let h = A::from_angle(Rad::atan2(from.v(), from.u()));

        Lchuv::new_with_whitepoint(L, c, <A as Angle>::normalize(h), from.white_point().clone())

impl<T, W, A> FromColor<Lchuv<T, W, A>> for Luv<T, W>
    T: FreeChannelScalar,
    A: AngularChannelScalar + Angle<Scalar = T>,
    W: WhitePoint<T>,
    /// Construct a `Lab` value from an `Lchuv` value
    fn from_color(from: &Lchuv<T, W, A>) -> Self {
        let L = from.L();
        let u = from.chroma() * from.hue().cos();
        let v = from.chroma() * from.hue().sin();

        Luv::new_with_whitepoint(L, u, v, from.white_point.clone())

mod test {
    use super::*;
    use crate::luv::Luv;
    use crate::white_point::*;
    use angle::Turns;
    use approx::*;

    fn test_construct() {
        let c1 = Lchuv::<_, D65, _>::new(60.0, 30.0, Turns(0.33));
        assert_relative_eq!(c1.L(), 60.0);
        assert_relative_eq!(c1.chroma(), 30.0);
        assert_relative_eq!(c1.hue(), Turns(0.33));
        assert_eq!(c1.to_tuple(), (60.0, 30.0, Turns(0.33)));
        assert_relative_eq!(Lchuv::from_tuple(c1.to_tuple()), c1);

    fn test_lerp() {
        let c1 = Lchuv::<_, D65, _>::new(50.0, 70.0, Deg(120.0));
        let c2 = Lchuv::<_, D65, _>::new(00.0, 80.0, Deg(0.0));
        assert_relative_eq!(c1.lerp(&c2, 0.0), c1);
        assert_relative_eq!(c1.lerp(&c2, 1.0), c2);
        assert_relative_eq!(c2.lerp(&c1, 1.0), c1);
        assert_relative_eq!(c1.lerp(&c2, 0.5), Lchuv::new(25.0, 75.0, Deg(60.0)));
        assert_relative_eq!(c1.lerp(&c2, 0.75), Lchuv::new(12.5, 77.5, Deg(30.0)));

        let c3 = Lchuv::<_, D65, _>::new(20.0, 60.0, Deg(150.0));
        let c4 = Lchuv::<_, D65, _>::new(50.0, 100.0, Deg(350.0));
        assert_relative_eq!(c3.lerp(&c4, 0.0), c3);
        assert_relative_eq!(c3.lerp(&c4, 1.0), c4);
        assert_relative_eq!(c3.lerp(&c4, 0.5), Lchuv::new(35.0, 80.0, Deg(70.0)));
        assert_relative_eq!(c3.lerp(&c4, 0.25), Lchuv::new(27.5, 70.0, Deg(110.0)));

    fn test_normalize() {
        let c1 = Lchuv::<_, D65, _>::new(111.1, 222.2, Deg(333.3));
        assert_relative_eq!(c1.normalize(), c1);

        let c2 = Lchuv::<_, D65, _>::new(-50.5, -100.0, Deg(50.0));
        assert_relative_eq!(c2.normalize(), Lchuv::new(0.0, 0.0, Deg(50.0)));

        let c3 = Lchuv::<_, D65, _>::new(20.0, 60.0, Turns(-1.25));
            Lchuv::<_, D65, _>::new(20.0, 60.0, Turns(0.75))

        let c4 = Lchuv::<_, D65, _>::new(60.0, -10.0, Deg(500.0));
            Lchuv::<_, D65, _>::new(60.0, 0.0, Deg(140.0))

    fn test_get_chroma() {
        let c1 = Lchuv::<_, D65, _>::new(50.0, 25.0, Deg(65.5));
        assert_relative_eq!(c1.chroma(), 25.0);

    fn test_get_hue() {
        let c1 = Lchuv::<_, D65, _>::new(22.0, 98.0, Deg(120.0));
        assert_relative_eq!(c1.get_hue(), Deg(120.0));
        assert_relative_eq!(c1.get_hue(), Turns(1.0 / 3.0));

    fn test_from_luv() {
        let c1 = Luv::<_, D65>::new(60.0, 30.0, -30.0);
        let t1 = Lchuv::from_color(&c1);
        assert_relative_eq!(t1, Lchuv::new(60.0, 42.4264, Deg(315.0)), epsilon = 1e-4);
        assert_relative_eq!(Luv::from_color(&t1), c1, epsilon = 1e-4);

        let c2 = Luv::<_, D65>::new(75.0, 0.0, 100.0);
        let t2 = Lchuv::from_color(&c2);
        assert_relative_eq!(t2, Lchuv::new(75.0, 100.0, Deg(90.0)), epsilon = 1e-4);
        assert_relative_eq!(Luv::from_color(&t2), c2, epsilon = 1e-4);

        let c3 = Luv::<_, D65>::new(50.0, -45.0, -30.0);
        let t3 = Lchuv::from_color(&c3);
        assert_relative_eq!(t3, Lchuv::new(50.0, 54.0833, Deg(213.6901)), epsilon = 1e-4);
        assert_relative_eq!(Luv::from_color(&t3), c3, epsilon = 1e-4);

        let c4 = Luv::<_, D65>::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        let t4 = Lchuv::from_color(&c4);
        assert_relative_eq!(t4, Lchuv::new(0.0, 0.0, Rad(0.0)), epsilon = 1e-4);
        assert_relative_eq!(Luv::from_color(&t4), c4, epsilon = 1e-4);

        let c5 = Luv::<_, D65>::new(72.0, -100.0, -100.0);
        let t5 = Lchuv::from_color(&c5);
        assert_relative_eq!(t5, Lchuv::new(72.0, 141.4214, Deg(225.0)), epsilon = 1e-4);
        assert_relative_eq!(Luv::from_color(&t5), c5, epsilon = 1e-4);

        let c6 = Luv::<_, D65>::new(88.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        let t6 = Lchuv::from_color(&c6);
        assert_relative_eq!(t6, Lchuv::new(88.0, 0.0, Deg(0.0)), epsilon = 1e-6);
        assert_relative_eq!(Luv::from_color(&t6), c6, epsilon = 1e-4);

    fn test_to_luv() {
        let c1 = Lchuv::new(50.0, 70.0, Turns(0.5));
        let t1 = Luv::<_, D65>::from_color(&c1);
        assert_relative_eq!(t1, Luv::new(50.0, -70.0, 0.0), epsilon = 1e-4);
        assert_relative_eq!(Lchuv::from_color(&t1), c1, epsilon = 1e-4);

        let c2 = Lchuv::new(66.0, 75.0, Deg(35.35335335));
        let t2 = Luv::<_, D65>::from_color(&c2);
        assert_relative_eq!(t2, Luv::new(66.0, 61.1699, 43.3963), epsilon = 1e-4);
        assert_relative_eq!(Lchuv::from_color(&t2), c2, epsilon = 1e-4);

        let c3 = Lchuv::new(100.0, 100.0, Deg(155.0));
        let t3 = Luv::<_, D65>::from_color(&c3);
        assert_relative_eq!(t3, Luv::new(100.0, -90.6308, 42.2618), epsilon = 1e-4);
        assert_relative_eq!(Lchuv::from_color(&t3), c3, epsilon = 1e-4);

        let c4 = Lchuv::new(23.0, 70.0, Deg(222.0));
        let t4 = Luv::<_, D65>::from_color(&c4);
        assert_relative_eq!(t4, Luv::new(23.0, -52.0201, -46.8391), epsilon = 1e-4);
        assert_relative_eq!(Lchuv::from_color(&t4), c4, epsilon = 1e-4);

    fn test_color_cast() {
        let c1 = Lchuv::<_, D65, _>::new(88.0, 31.0, Deg(180.0));
        assert_relative_eq!(c1.color_cast(), c1);
            c1.color_cast::<f32, Turns<f32>>(),
            Lchuv::new(88.0f32, 31.0f32, Turns(0.5f32))
        assert_relative_eq!(c1.color_cast::<f32, Rad<f32>>().color_cast(), c1);