prisma 0.1.1

A color library for both simple and complex color manipulation, intending to be the go to rust color library for most tasks. It can handle conversion between a large number of color models, and can convert into the CIE device independent color spaces. Prisma tries to be easy to use while encouraging correct transformations, making mathematically correct conversions easy without knowing the whole field of color science.
use crate::color::PolarColor;
use crate::hsi::HsiOutOfGamutMode;
/// Traits and methods for converting between colors and representations
use crate::ycbcr::YCbCrOutOfGamutMode;
use angle;
use angle::{Angle, FromAngle};
use num_traits;
use num_traits::Float;

/// Infallibly convert between two color models
/// The `From` trait only apply when not changing color spaces. Thus, Rgb -> XYZ is not supported
/// via `FromColor`. Additionally, any conversion that may go out of gamut requires a different
/// conversion method or trait.
pub trait FromColor<From> {
    /// Construct `Self` from `from`
    fn from_color(from: &From) -> Self;
/// Convert from Hsi to another color model
/// This is a separate trait as Hsi can go out of gamut. This trait accepts an enum describing how to
/// handle out of gamut colors.
pub trait FromHsi<From> {
    /// Construct `Self` from `from`, describing what to do if the color is out of gamut for `Self`
    fn from_hsi(from: &From, out_of_gamut_mode: HsiOutOfGamutMode) -> Self;
/// Convert from YCbCr to another color model
/// This is a separate trait as YCbCr can go out of gamut. This trait accepts an enum describing how to
/// handle out of gamut colors.
pub trait FromYCbCr<From> {
    /// Construct `Self` from `from`, describing what to do if the color is out of gamut for `Self`
    fn from_ycbcr(from: &From, out_of_gamut_mode: YCbCrOutOfGamutMode) -> Self;

/// Return the chroma of a color
pub trait GetChroma {
    /// The type of the returned chroma value
    type ChromaType;
    /// Return the chroma for `self`
    fn get_chroma(&self) -> Self::ChromaType;

/// Return the chroma of a color
pub trait GetHue {
    /// The angle type used internally to compute the hue
    type InternalAngle: angle::Angle;
    /// Return the hue of `self` in the supplied angular unit.
    fn get_hue<U>(&self) -> U
        U: Angle<Scalar = <Self::InternalAngle as Angle>::Scalar> + FromAngle<Self::InternalAngle>;

/// Compute the hexagonal segment that the hue falls under, as well as the distance into that segment
/// This is used internally to compute the hue in many conversions
pub fn decompose_hue_segment<Color>(
    color: &Color,
) -> (i32, <<Color as PolarColor>::Angular as Angle>::Scalar)
    Color: PolarColor + GetHue<InternalAngle = <Color as PolarColor>::Angular>,
    Color::Angular: Angle,
    let scaled_hue = (color.get_hue::<angle::Turns<_>>() * num_traits::cast(6.0).unwrap()).scalar();
    let hue_seg = scaled_hue.floor();

    (num_traits::cast(hue_seg).unwrap(), scaled_hue - hue_seg)