prisma 0.1.1

A color library for both simple and complex color manipulation, intending to be the go to rust color library for most tasks. It can handle conversion between a large number of color models, and can convert into the CIE device independent color spaces. Prisma tries to be easy to use while encouraging correct transformations, making mathematically correct conversions easy without knowing the whole field of color science.
//! A collection of traits implemented by the various color types

use num_traits;

/// The base color trait, representing any color
/// The main use of `Color` is to manipulate and act on colors in a generic context. It is used
/// extensively internally.
pub trait Color: Clone + PartialEq {
    /// The unique tag unit struct identifying the color type
    type Tag;
    /// A tuple of types for each channel in the color
    type ChannelsTuple;

    /// Return how many channels the color has
    fn num_channels() -> u32;
    /// Convert a color into a tuple of channels
    fn to_tuple(self) -> Self::ChannelsTuple;

/// A trait for colors that can be constructed from a tuple of channels
pub trait FromTuple: Color {
    /// Construct `Self` from a tuple of channel values
    fn from_tuple(values: Self::ChannelsTuple) -> Self;

/// A color that has a angular hue channel
pub trait PolarColor: Color {
    /// The angular channel's scalar type
    type Angular;
    /// The remaining channels' scalar types
    type Cartesian;

/// A color that can be represented as a slice without any conversion
pub trait Flatten: HomogeneousColor {
    /// Return `Self` constructed from `values`
    fn from_slice(values: &[Self::ChannelFormat]) -> Self;
    /// Return a slice representation of `Self`
    fn as_slice(&self) -> &[Self::ChannelFormat];

/// A color only having one type of channel
pub trait HomogeneousColor: Color {
    /// The scalar type of each channel
    type ChannelFormat;

    /// Clamp the value of each channel between `min` and `max`
    fn clamp(self, min: Self::ChannelFormat, max: Self::ChannelFormat) -> Self;

/// A color that can have all of its channels set from a single value
pub trait Broadcast: HomogeneousColor {
    /// Construct `Self` with each channel set to `value`
    fn broadcast(value: Self::ChannelFormat) -> Self;

/// A color with three channels
pub trait Color3: Color {}
/// A color with four channels
pub trait Color4: Color {}

/// A value that can be linearly interpolated between two values
pub trait Lerp {
    /// The type of the `pos` argument
    type Position: num_traits::Float;
    /// Interpolate between `self` and `right`
    /// `pos` specifies how far between the two values to interpolate on a line, between zero and one.
    /// $`pos = 0`$ would return `self` while $`pos = 1`$ would return right.
    fn lerp(&self, right: &Self, pos: Self::Position) -> Self;

/// A value that can be inverted
pub trait Invert {
    /// Invert `Self`
    fn invert(self) -> Self;

/// A value that is constrained between a minimum and maximum in its "normal" form
pub trait Bounded {
    /// Return a value clipped inside the normalized range
    fn normalize(self) -> Self;
    /// Return true if the value is normalized
    fn is_normalized(&self) -> bool;

/// A color which must have a space specified in order to uniquely represent a color
pub trait DeviceDependentColor: Color {}