pipedconsole 0.1.4

Piped console is a (currently windows-only) rust crate wich allows you to easily manage two or more different consoles from within one process.
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A rust crate for managing multiple consoles from one windows application.

Normaly a program running on windows can only use one console.

A process can be associated with only one console, so the AllocConsole function fails if the calling process already has a console.

From the microsoft docs.

This crate solves this problem by providing an abstraction over a worker process wich is controlled using named pipes.


You can use the Console class to create a new console, after that you can write to it or read a line.

use pipedconsole::Console;

let console = Console::new("My Console").expect("Failed to create a new console");
console.println("What is your name?").expect("Failed to call println"); // a seperate console window

let mut name = String::new();
console.read_line(&mut name).expect("Failed to read from the console");
println!("Your name is: {}", name); // main processe's console

Documentation and download

Download the crate either directly through Cargo or visit crates.io.

More documentation can be found on docs.rs.

Why so many versions?

There were some problems getting docs.rs to work correctly, as this is my first crate and I had no experience with documentation etc. in rust.

Every time publishing a version I was sure to have fixed the problems that come with docs.rs and winapi crates. It turns out it took me 5 trys to get it working correctly...

While you can use any version of this crate, the newer versions contains some documentation improvements and spelling corrections. Overall there aren't any bigger differences between 0.1.0 -> 0.1.4.