holochain_tracing 0.0.13

abstraction for distributed tracing choices
use crate::Tracer;
pub use rustracing::sampler::AllSampler;
use rustracing::span::{FinishedSpan as RtFinishedSpan, SpanReference::*};
use rustracing_jaeger::span::SpanContextState;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};

/// Create a Tracer and Reporter that reports all spans in ASCII form
pub fn new_tracer_with_console_reporter() -> (Tracer, ConsoleReporter) {
    let (span_tx, span_rx) = crossbeam_channel::bounded(1000);
    let tracer = Tracer::with_sender(AllSampler, span_tx);
    (tracer, ConsoleReporter::new(span_rx))

/// A Reporter that stores all spans it receives in a map,
/// with the intent to display all received spans to the console.
pub struct ConsoleReporter {
    span_rx: crossbeam_channel::Receiver<FinishedSpan>,
    span_map: SpanMap,

impl ConsoleReporter {
    /// Constructor
    pub fn new(span_rx: crossbeam_channel::Receiver<FinishedSpan>) -> Self {
        ConsoleReporter {
            span_map: HashMap::new(),

    /// Delete all stored spans
    pub fn clear(&mut self) {
        let _ = self.drain();

    /// Drain `span_rx` and add to map
    /// TODO: Could be done periodically in a separate thread
    pub fn drain(&mut self) -> u32 {
        let mut count = 0;
        while let Ok(span) = self.span_rx.try_recv() {
            count += 1;
            self.span_map.insert(span.context().state().span_id(), span);

    /// Print span_map to console
    pub fn print(&self, only_events: bool) {
        print_span_map(&self.span_map, only_events);

/// Sugar, as we are using rusttracing specifically with rustracing_jaeger
type FinishedSpan = RtFinishedSpan<SpanContextState>;
/// A HashMap of finished span. Key is span_id.
type SpanMap = std::collections::HashMap<u64, FinishedSpan>;

/// Print a span but only its logs
fn print_span_events(span: &FinishedSpan) {
    for log in span.logs() {
        for field in log.fields() {
            println!("{}", field.value());

/// Print a single span
fn print_span(span_map: &SpanMap, span: &FinishedSpan, only_events: bool) {
    if only_events {
    } else {
        let span_id = span.context().state().span_id();
        let (span_depth, _span_offset) =
            get_span_position(span_map, span_id).expect("span not part of span_map");
        let mut spacing = String::new();
        for _ in 0..span_depth {
        let mut tags = String::new();
        for tag in span.tags() {
            tags.push_str(&format!("{{{} = {:?}}} ", tag.name(), tag.value()));
        println!("{}[{}] {}", spacing, span.operation_name(), tags);
        for log in span.logs() {
            for field in log.fields() {
                println!("{}!{}! {}", spacing, field.name(), field.value());

/// Print a single span with it's hierachy
/// TODO: this was moved from public to private, but is this used externally?
fn _print_span_stack(span_map: &SpanMap, span_id: u64) {
    let maybe_span = span_map.get(&span_id);
    let span = match maybe_span {
        None => return,
        Some(s) => s,
    for span_ref in span.references() {
        match span_ref {
            ChildOf(parent) => {
                _print_span_stack(span_map, parent.span_id());
            FollowsFrom(sibling) => {
                _print_span_stack(span_map, sibling.span_id());
    print_span(span_map, span, false);

/// Print the span_map as a tree
fn print_span_map(span_map: &SpanMap, only_events: bool) {
    // Create children & sibling map
    let mut sibling_map = HashMap::new();
    let mut children_map = HashMap::new();
    // BTree of root spans by start_time.
    // Many Spans can have same start_time, so tree node stores a list of span_ids.
    let mut root_span_list = BTreeMap::new();
    // For each span, browse span-references to fill children & sibling map
    for (span_id, span) in span_map {
        // Handle root span case first
        let (span_depth, span_offset) =
            get_span_position(span_map, *span_id).expect("span not part of span_map");
        let is_root = span_depth == 0 && span_offset == 0;
        if is_root {
            let maybe_entry = root_span_list.get(&span.start_time());
            let mut span_id_list: Vec<u64> = maybe_entry.unwrap_or(&Vec::new()).to_vec();
            root_span_list.insert(span.start_time(), span_id_list);
        // Browse span-references
        for span_ref in span.references() {
            match span_ref {
                ChildOf(parent) => {
                    let maybe_children_tree = children_map.remove(&parent.span_id());
                    let mut children_tree = maybe_children_tree.unwrap_or(BTreeMap::new());
                    let maybe_entry = children_tree.get(&span.start_time());
                    let mut span_id_list = maybe_entry.unwrap_or(&Vec::new()).to_vec();
                    children_tree.insert(span.start_time(), span_id_list);
                    //println!("Parent of {} has children: {:?}", span.operation_name(), tree);
                    children_map.insert(parent.span_id(), children_tree);
                FollowsFrom(sibling) => {
                    let maybe_sibling_tree = sibling_map.remove(&sibling.span_id());
                    let mut sibling_tree = maybe_sibling_tree.unwrap_or(BTreeMap::new());
                    let maybe_entry = sibling_tree.get(&span_offset);
                    let mut span_id_list = maybe_entry.unwrap_or(&Vec::new()).to_vec();
                    sibling_tree.insert(span_offset, span_id_list);
                    sibling_map.insert(sibling.span_id(), sibling_tree);
    // print span tree
    for (_start_time, span_id_list) in root_span_list.iter() {
        for span_id in span_id_list {
            print_span_tree(&children_map, &sibling_map, span_map, *span_id, only_events);

/// Recursive tree walking
fn print_span_tree(
    children_map: &HashMap<u64, BTreeMap<std::time::SystemTime, Vec<u64>>>,
    sibling_map: &HashMap<u64, BTreeMap<u32, Vec<u64>>>,
    span_map: &SpanMap,
    span_id: u64,
    only_events: bool,
) {
    // print self
    let span = span_map.get(&span_id).expect("Span not found");
    print_span(span_map, span, only_events);
    // print children
    let maybe_children_tree = children_map.get(&span_id);
    if let Some(children_tree) = maybe_children_tree {
        for (_start_time, child_span_id_list) in children_tree.iter() {
            for child_span_id in child_span_id_list {
    // print siblings
    let maybe_siblings_tree = sibling_map.get(&span_id);
    if let Some(sibling_tree) = maybe_siblings_tree {
        for (_sibling_offset, sibling_span_id_list) in sibling_tree.iter() {
            for sibling_span_id in sibling_span_id_list {

/// gives the depth and sibling offset of a span
fn get_span_position(span_map: &SpanMap, span_id: u64) -> Option<(u32, u32)> {
    let maybe_span = span_map.get(&span_id);
    let span = match maybe_span {
        None => return None,
        Some(s) => s,
    let mut depth = 0;
    let mut offset = 0;
    for span_ref in span.references() {
        match span_ref {
            ChildOf(parent) => {
                if let Some((parent_depth, _parent_offset)) =
                    get_span_position(span_map, parent.span_id())
                    depth = parent_depth + 1;
            FollowsFrom(sibling) => {
                if let Some((sibling_depth, sibling_offset)) =
                    get_span_position(span_map, sibling.span_id())
                    depth = sibling_depth;
                    offset = sibling_offset + 1;
    Some((depth, offset))