holochain_tracing 0.0.13

abstraction for distributed tracing choices
//! This module is centered around a thread-local Stack of Span references,
//! with some public functions for pushing and accessing values from the stack.
//! This is primarily used by the autotrace proc macro in holochain_tracing_macros,
//! to automatically push new child spans onto the stack when entering a new function frame.
//! Using functions like `with_top` allow the user to access the stack directly, for situations
//! like needing to take a span context and send it into another thread, or out of the process entirely.

use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc;

use crate::Span;

/// This enum defines how to handle situations where we expect there to be a Span
/// on the stack, but there is none.
enum Mode {
    /// Panic when finding an empty stack. Useful for quickly discovering gaps in tracing coverage
    /// Emit a warning and a full backtrace. Note, this is very noisy and slow!
    /// Ignore cases of an empty stack, and just return a null span.

const MODE: Mode = Mode::Noop;

thread_local! {
    static SPANSTACK: RefCell<SpanStack> = RefCell::new(SpanStack::default());

lazy_static! {
    static ref NOOP_SPAN: Span = Span::noop();

/// Internal representation of a stack of Rc<Span>
/// Keep this private! We're doing some careful management of Rc lifetimes here,
/// it would be a shame if these Rc's were to leak out, destroying the guarantees
/// of the span stack.
struct SpanStack(Vec<Rc<Span>>);

impl SpanStack {
    fn push_span(&mut self, span: Rc<Span>) {

    fn pop(&mut self) {
        let _ = self.0.pop();

    fn top(&self) -> Option<&Span> {
        self.0.last().map(|s| (*s).as_ref())

    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {

/// A guard to track the lifetime of an item on the stack. Items are popped from the stack
/// when these guards are dropped.
/// Each guard corresponds to a single item in the stack, and contains Rc references
/// to each item below this item in the stack.
/// This is such that if a guard for an item is dropped, the item will not be popped from the stack
/// if there are still guards from higher-up items still on the stack.
pub struct SpanStackGuard {
    _spans: Vec<Rc<Span>>,

impl SpanStackGuard {
    pub fn new(span: Span) -> Self {
        let span = Rc::new(span);
        let _spans = SPANSTACK.with(|stack| {
            let mut stack = stack.borrow_mut();
        Self { _spans }

impl Drop for SpanStackGuard {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        SPANSTACK.with(|stack| stack.borrow_mut().pop());

fn handle_empty_stack(msg: &'static str) {
    match MODE {
        Mode::Panic => panic!(msg),
        Mode::Backtrace => {
            warn!("{}, backtrace:\n{:?}", msg, backtrace::Backtrace::new());
        Mode::Noop => (),

/// Push a span onto the stack. The value will automatically be popped when the returned guard
/// is dropped, as well as the guards of any subsequently pushed spans
pub fn push_span(span: Span) -> SpanStackGuard {

/// Applies a function to the top of the span stack and pushes the value onto the stack.
/// If the stack is empty, the function will not be executed and None will be returned.
pub fn push_span_with<F: FnOnce(&Span) -> Span>(f: F) -> Option<SpanStackGuard> {
    let maybe_guard = SPANSTACK
        .with(|stack| stack.borrow().top().map(f))
    if maybe_guard.is_none() {
        handle_empty_stack("Using push_span_with but the span stack is empty! Using noop span.");

/// If the stack is not empty, return the top item, else return None
pub fn with_top<A, F: FnOnce(Option<&Span>) -> Option<A>>(f: F) -> Option<A> {
    SPANSTACK.with(|stack| f(stack.borrow().top()))

pub fn is_empty() -> bool {
    SPANSTACK.with(|stack| stack.borrow().is_empty())

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::Span;

    fn test_push() {
        SPANSTACK.with(|stack| assert_eq!(stack.borrow().0.len(), 0));
            let _g0 = push_span(Span::noop());
            SPANSTACK.with(|stack| assert_eq!(stack.borrow().0.len(), 1));
                let _g1 = push_span_with(|s| s.child("1"));
                SPANSTACK.with(|stack| assert_eq!(stack.borrow().0.len(), 2));
                    let _g2 = push_span_with(|s| s.child("2"));
                    SPANSTACK.with(|stack| assert_eq!(stack.borrow().0.len(), 3));
                SPANSTACK.with(|stack| assert_eq!(stack.borrow().0.len(), 2));
            SPANSTACK.with(|stack| assert_eq!(stack.borrow().0.len(), 1));
        SPANSTACK.with(|stack| assert_eq!(stack.borrow().0.len(), 0));