holochain_tracing 0.0.13

abstraction for distributed tracing choices
use crate::span_context::HSpanContext;
use crate::span_wrap::SpanWrap;
use rustracing::sampler::*;
use rustracing::span::StartSpanOptions;
use rustracing_jaeger::Span as RjSpan;
use rustracing_jaeger::{span::SpanContextState, Tracer};
use std::borrow::Cow;

/// A wrapper around a simple rustracing_jaeger::RjSpan, providing some
/// convenience functions.
/// It overshadows the lower-level `child` and `follower` methods
/// with simpler versions. To access the lower-level methods, use `.0`.
#[derive(Debug, Shrinkwrap)]
pub struct HSpan(pub RjSpan);

impl From<RjSpan> for HSpan {
    fn from(span: RjSpan) -> HSpan {

impl HSpan {
    pub fn event<S: Into<Cow<'static, str>>>(&mut self, msg: S) {
        self.0.log(|l| {

    pub fn error<S: Into<Cow<'static, str>>>(&mut self, kind: S, msg: S) {
        self.0.log(|l| {

    pub fn context(&self) -> Option<HSpanContext> {
        self.0.context().map(|ctx| HSpanContext(ctx.to_owned()))

    /// Renaming of underlying `child` method
    pub fn child_<'a, N: Into<Cow<'static, str>>, F>(&'a self, operation_name: N, f: F) -> RjSpan
        F: FnOnce(StartSpanOptions<'_, AllSampler, SpanContextState>) -> RjSpan,
        self.0.child(operation_name, f)

    /// Renaming of underlying `follow` method
    pub fn follower_<'a, N: Into<Cow<'static, str>>, F>(&'a self, operation_name: N, f: F) -> RjSpan
        F: FnOnce(StartSpanOptions<'_, AllSampler, SpanContextState>) -> RjSpan,
        self.0.follower(operation_name, f)

    /// Call underlying `child` method with only a simple operation name
    pub fn child<S: Into<Cow<'static, str>>>(&self, operation_name: S) -> Self {
        self.0.child(operation_name, |o| o.start()).into()

    /// Call underlying `follower` method with only a simple operation name
    pub fn follower<S: Into<Cow<'static, str>>>(&self, operation_name: S) -> Self {
        self.0.follower(operation_name, |o| o.start()).into()

    /// Wrap this span in a SpanWrap along with some user data
    pub fn wrap<T>(self, data: T) -> SpanWrap<T> {
        SpanWrap::new(data, self.0.context().cloned().map(HSpanContext))

    /// e.g. for times when a function requires a RjSpan but we don't desire to actually
    /// instrument that function call.
    pub fn noop() -> Self {
        noop("no-op, intentionally disconnected RjSpan".into())

    /// Useful for retrofitting existing codebases with traces. This is a noop,
    /// but signals intent to eventually hook this up in a meaningful way,
    /// perhaps requiring some restructuring of the underlying code to make
    /// hookup possible.
    pub fn todo(reason: &'static str) -> Self {
        noop(format!("TODO: {}", reason))

    /// Like todo(), but lazier. There is no reason why this span can't be
    /// hooked up other than lack of programmer time. This signals that
    /// it'll be simple to hook up whenever you get around it.
    pub fn fixme() -> Self {
        noop("not yet hooked up".into())

/// Tracer placeholder (use only as last resort)
pub fn null_tracer() -> Tracer {

/// TODO: use lazy_static / thread_local singleton Tracer
fn noop(name: String) -> HSpan {

/// Dummy span, useful for tests that don't test tracing
pub fn test_span(name: &str) -> HSpan {

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::{tracer_console, Tag};

    fn trace_test() {
        // Creates a tracer
        let (tracer, mut reporter) = tracer_console::new_tracer_with_console_reporter();
            // Starts "parent" span
            let parent_span: HSpan = tracer.span("parent").start().into();
                // Starts "child" span
                let mut child_span = parent_span.child("child_span");
                child_span.set_tag(|| Tag::new("id", "A"));
                child_span.event("a log message");
                let mut child_b_span = parent_span.child("child_b_span");
                child_b_span.set_tag(|| Tag::new("id", "B"));
                let mut _grand_child_span = child_span.child("grand_child_span");
                // Starts "follower" span
                let mut _follower_span = child_span.follower("child_follower_span");
            } // The "child" span dropped and will be sent to `span_rx`
            let parent_follower_span = parent_span.follower("parent_follower_span");
            let _parent_follower_b_span = parent_span.follower("parent_follower_b_span");
            // std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(10));
            let mut _parent_follower_follower_span =
        } // The "parent" span dropped and will be sent to `span_rx`

        // Outputs finished spans to the standard output
        let count = reporter.drain();
        assert_eq!(8, count);