glium 0.32.1

Elegant and safe OpenGL wrapper. Glium is an intermediate layer between OpenGL and your application. You still need to manually handle the graphics pipeline, but without having to use OpenGL's old and error-prone API. Its objectives: - Be safe to use. Many aspects of OpenGL that can trigger a crash if misused are automatically handled by glium. - Provide an API that enforces good pratices such as RAII or stateless function calls. - Be compatible with all OpenGL versions that support shaders, providing unified API when things diverge. - Avoid all OpenGL errors beforehand. - Produce optimized OpenGL function calls, and allow the user to easily use modern OpenGL techniques.


use crate::backend::Facade;
use crate::context::Context;
use crate::ContextExt;
use crate::version::Api;
use crate::version::Version;
use crate::gl;
use std::rc::Rc;

pub use crate::context::DebugCallbackBehavior;

/// Represents a callback that can be used for the debug output feature of OpenGL.
/// The first three parameters are self-explanatory. The fourth parameter is an identifier for this
/// message whose meaning is implementation-defined. The fifth parameter indicates whether glium
/// is already handling any possible error condition, so you don't need to print an error. The last
/// parameter is a message generated by the OpenGL implementation.
pub type DebugCallback = Box<dyn FnMut(Source, MessageType, Severity, u32, bool, &str)>;

/// Severity of a debug message.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Severity {
    /// Anything that isn't an error or performance issue.

    /// Redundant state-change performance warning, or unimportant undefined behavior.

    /// Major performance warnings, shader compilation/linking warnings,
    /// or the use of deprecated functionality.

    /// All OpenGL Errors, shader compilation/linking errors,
    /// or highly-dangerous undefined behavior.

/// Source of a debug message.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub enum Source {
    /// Calls to the OpenGL API.
    Api = gl::DEBUG_SOURCE_API,

    /// Calls to a window-system API.
    WindowSystem = gl::DEBUG_SOURCE_WINDOW_SYSTEM,

    /// A compiler for a shading language.
    ShaderCompiler = gl::DEBUG_SOURCE_SHADER_COMPILER,

    /// An application associated with
    ThirdParty = gl::DEBUG_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY,

    /// Explicitly generated by Glium or the application.
    /// This should never happen, but is included here for completeness.
    Application = gl::DEBUG_SOURCE_APPLICATION,

    OtherSource = gl::DEBUG_SOURCE_OTHER,

/// Type of a debug message.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub enum MessageType {
    /// An error, typically from the API
    Error = gl::DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR,
    /// Some behavior marked deprecated has been used
    DeprecatedBehavior = gl::DEBUG_TYPE_DEPRECATED_BEHAVIOR,
    /// Something has invoked undefined behavior
    UndefinedBehavior = gl::DEBUG_TYPE_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR,
    /// Some functionality the user relies upon is not portable
    Portability = gl::DEBUG_TYPE_PORTABILITY,
    /// Code has triggered possible performance issues
    Performance = gl::DEBUG_TYPE_PERFORMANCE,
    /// Command stream annotation
    Marker = gl::DEBUG_TYPE_MARKER,
    /// Entering a debug group
    PushGroup = gl::DEBUG_TYPE_PUSH_GROUP,
    /// Leaving a debug group
    PopGroup = gl::DEBUG_TYPE_POP_GROUP,
    /// Any other event
    Other = gl::DEBUG_TYPE_OTHER,

/// Allows you to obtain the timestamp inside the OpenGL commands queue.
/// When you call functions in glium, they are not instantly executed. Instead they are
/// added in a commands queue that the backend executes asynchronously.
/// When you call `TimestampQuery::new`, a command is added to this list asking the
/// backend to send us the current timestamp. Thanks to this, you can know how much time
/// it takes to execute commands.
/// ## Example
/// ```no_run
/// # fn example(display: glium::Display) {
/// let before = glium::debug::TimestampQuery::new(&display);
/// // do some stuff here
/// let after = glium::debug::TimestampQuery::new(&display);
/// match (after, before) {
///     (Some(after), Some(before)) => {
///         let elapsed = after.get() - before.get();
///         println!("Time it took to do stuff: {}", elapsed);
///     },
///     _ => ()
/// }
/// # }
/// ```
pub struct TimestampQuery {
    context: Rc<Context>,
    id: gl::types::GLuint,

impl TimestampQuery {
    /// Creates a new `TimestampQuery`. Returns `None` if the backend doesn't support it.
    pub fn new<F: ?Sized>(facade: &F) -> Option<TimestampQuery> where F: Facade {
        let ctxt = facade.get_context().make_current();

        let id = if ctxt.version >= &Version(Api::Gl, 3, 2) {    // TODO: extension
            unsafe {
                let mut id = 0;
      , &mut id);

      , gl::TIMESTAMP);


        } else if ctxt.extensions.gl_ext_disjoint_timer_query {
            unsafe {
                let mut id = 0;
      , &mut id);

      , gl::TIMESTAMP);


        } else {
        };|q| TimestampQuery {
            context: facade.get_context().clone(),
            id: q

    /// Queries the counter to see if the timestamp is already available.
    /// It takes some time to retrieve the value, during which you can execute other
    /// functions.
    pub fn is_ready(&self) -> bool {
        let ctxt = self.context.make_current();

        if ctxt.version >= &Version(Api::Gl, 3, 2) {    // TODO: extension
            unsafe {
                let mut value = 0;
      , gl::QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE, &mut value);
                value != 0

        } else if ctxt.extensions.gl_ext_disjoint_timer_query {
            unsafe {
                let mut value = 0;
      , gl::QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE_EXT, &mut value);
                value != 0

        } else {

    /// Returns the value of the timestamp. Blocks until it is available.
    /// This function doesn't block if `is_ready` returns true.
    pub fn get(self) -> u64 {
        let ctxt = self.context.make_current();

        if ctxt.version >= &Version(Api::Gl, 3, 2) {    // TODO: extension
            unsafe {
                let mut value = 0;
      , gl::QUERY_RESULT, &mut value);
      , [].as_ptr());

        } else if ctxt.extensions.gl_ext_disjoint_timer_query {
            unsafe {
                let mut value = 0;
      , gl::QUERY_RESULT_EXT, &mut value);
      , [].as_ptr());

        } else {