glium 0.32.1

Elegant and safe OpenGL wrapper. Glium is an intermediate layer between OpenGL and your application. You still need to manually handle the graphics pipeline, but without having to use OpenGL's old and error-prone API. Its objectives: - Be safe to use. Many aspects of OpenGL that can trigger a crash if misused are automatically handled by glium. - Provide an API that enforces good pratices such as RAII or stateless function calls. - Be compatible with all OpenGL versions that support shaders, providing unified API when things diverge. - Avoid all OpenGL errors beforehand. - Produce optimized OpenGL function calls, and allow the user to easily use modern OpenGL techniques.
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::ffi::CStr;
use crate::gl;

/// Describes a version.
/// A version can only be compared to another version if they belong to the same API.
/// For example, both `Version(Gl, 3, 0) >= Version(GlEs, 3, 0)` and `Version(GlEs, 3, 0) >=
/// Version(Gl, 3, 0)` return `false`.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Version(pub Api, pub u8, pub u8);

/// Describes an OpenGL-related API.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Api {
    /// Regular OpenGL.
    /// OpenGL embedded system.

impl PartialOrd for Version {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Version) -> Option<Ordering> {
        if self.0 != other.0 {
            return None;

        match self.1.cmp(&other.1) {
            Ordering::Equal => Some(self.2.cmp(&other.2)),
            a => Some(a)

/// Obtains the OpenGL version of the current context using the loaded functions.
/// # Unsafe
/// You must ensure that the functions belong to the current context, otherwise you will get
/// an undefined behavior.
pub unsafe fn get_gl_version(gl: &gl::Gl) -> Version {
    let version = gl.GetString(gl::VERSION);
    let version = String::from_utf8(CStr::from_ptr(version as *const _).to_bytes().to_vec()).unwrap();

    // for the moment we mock WebGL as OpenGL ES 2.0
    // TODO: handle the differences between WebGL and OpenGL ES
    if version.starts_with("WebGL ") {
        return Version(Api::GlEs, 2, 0);

    let (version, api) = if version.starts_with("OpenGL ES ") {
        (&version[10..], Api::GlEs)
    } else if version.starts_with("OpenGL ES-") {
        (&version[13..], Api::GlEs)
    } else {
        (&version[..], Api::Gl)

    let version = version.split(' ').next().expect("glGetString(GL_VERSION) returned an empty \

    let mut iter = version.split('.');
    let major =;
    let minor ="glGetString(GL_VERSION) did not return a correct version");

        major.parse().ok().expect("failed to parse GL major version"),
        minor.parse().ok().expect("failed to parse GL minor version"),

/// Given an API version, this function returns the GLSL version that the implementation is
/// required to support.
/// # Panic
/// Panics if the version is invalid or is not supposed to support a GLSL version.
pub fn get_supported_glsl_version(gl_version: &Version) -> Version {
    match gl_version.0 {
        Api::Gl => {
            // since OpenGL 3.3: glsl versions match gl version, just return a copy
            if *gl_version >= Version(gl_version.0, 3, 3) {
                return *gl_version;

            // match to detect invalid versions
            match *gl_version {
                Version(a, 2, 0) => Version(a, 1, 1),
                Version(a, 2, 1) => Version(a, 1, 2),
                Version(a, 3, 0) => Version(a, 1, 3),
                Version(a, 3, 1) => Version(a, 1, 4),
                Version(a, 3, 2) => Version(a, 1, 5),
                _ => panic!("no corresponding glsl version exists")
        Api::GlEs => {
            // since OpenGL ES 3.0: glsl versions match gl version, just return a copy
            if *gl_version >= Version(gl_version.0, 3, 0) {
                return *gl_version;

            // only other valid GLES version is 2.0
            if *gl_version == Version(gl_version.0, 2, 0){
                Version(Api::GlEs, 1, 0)
            } else {
                panic!("no corresponding glsl version exists")

mod tests {
    use super::{Version, Api, get_supported_glsl_version};

    macro_rules! assert_versions {
        ( $api:path, $gl_major:expr, $gl_minor:expr => $glsl_major:expr, $glsl_minor:expr) => {
                get_supported_glsl_version(&Version($api, $gl_major, $gl_minor)),
                Version($api, $glsl_major, $glsl_minor)

    fn valid_gl_versions() {
        // irregular versions
        assert_versions!(Api::Gl, 2, 0 => 1, 1);
        assert_versions!(Api::Gl, 2, 1 => 1, 2);
        assert_versions!(Api::Gl, 3, 0 => 1, 3);
        assert_versions!(Api::Gl, 3, 1 => 1, 4);
        assert_versions!(Api::Gl, 3, 2 => 1, 5);

        // test a few regular versions
        assert_versions!(Api::Gl, 3, 3 => 3, 3);
        assert_versions!(Api::Gl, 4, 0 => 4, 0);
        assert_versions!(Api::Gl, 4, 5 => 4, 5);

    fn valid_gles_versions() {
        // only irregular version
        assert_versions!(Api::GlEs, 2, 0 => 1, 0);

        // some regular versions
        assert_versions!(Api::GlEs, 3, 0 => 3, 0);
        assert_versions!(Api::GlEs, 3, 1 => 3, 1);

    fn invalid_gl_version() {
        get_supported_glsl_version(&Version(Api::Gl, 1, 0));

    fn invalid_gles_version() {
        get_supported_glsl_version(&Version(Api::GlEs, 1, 0));