gctex 0.3.7

gctex is a Rust crate designed for encoding and decoding texture formats used in the Nintendo GameCube and Wii games. The library provides C bindings, making it useful in both Rust and C/C++ based projects.

crates.io docs.rs


gctex is a Rust crate designed for encoding and decoding texture formats used in the Nintendo GameCube and Wii games. The library provides C bindings, making it useful in both Rust and C/C++ based projects.



The following snippet demonstrates how to encode a texture in CMPR format using Rust:

let src = vec![0; src_len];
let dst = gctex::encode(gctex::TextureFormat::CMPR, &src, width, height);

C# Bindings

See https://github.com/riidefi/RiiStudio/tree/master/source/gctex/examples/c%23

byte[] dst = new byte[dst_len];
byte[] src = new byte[src_len];
gctex.Encode(0xE /* CMPR */, dst, src, width, height);


See https://github.com/riidefi/RiiStudio/tree/master/source/gctex/examples/c%2b%2b

#include "gctex.h"

unsigned char dst[dst_len];
unsigned char src[src_len];
rii_encode_cmpr(dst, sizeof(dst), src, sizeof(src), width, height);

The relevant header is available in include/gctex.h.

Supported Formats

All supported texture formats and their respective encoding and decoding sources are listed below.

Format Encoding Source Decoding Source
CMPR Builtin Dolphin Emulator (SIMD) / Rust non-SIMD fallback
I4 Builtin Builtin (SIMD (SSE3))
I8 Builtin Dolphin Emulator (SIMD) / Rust non-SIMD fallback
IA4 Builtin Builtin
IA8 Builtin Dolphin Emulator (SIMD) / Rust non-SIMD fallback
RGB565 Builtin Dolphin Emulator (SIMD) / Rust non-SIMD fallback
RGB5A3 Builtin Dolphin Emulator (SIMD) / Rust non-SIMD fallback
RGBA8 Builtin Builtin (SIMD (SSE3))
C4 - Dolphin Emulator / No fallback
C8 - Dolphin Emulator / No fallback
C14 - Dolphin Emulator / No fallback

Please note, SIMD texture decoding for I4, I8 and IA8 formats uses SSE3 instructions with a fallback to SSE2 if necessary (excepting I4), and these are implemented based on the Dolphin Emulator's texture decoding logic.

Optional Features

  • To avoid needing a C++ compiler or running C++ code, unset the cpp_fallback feature to fallback to non-SIMD Rust implementations of I4/I8/IA8/RGB565/RGB5A3 decoding.
  • For debugging the simd feature can be disabled to use pure, standard Rust.


This dynamically linked library is published under GPLv2.