fermium 0.0.8

An opinionated crate of SDL2 bindings.

License:Zlib AppVeyor TravisCI crates.io docs.rs


  • This crate is always no_std.
  • The bindings use libc for the C type declarations.
  • There are pre-generated bindings files included for the major platforms (Windows MSVC, Mac OS, Linux x86_64, Linux ARM rpi3), and presumably you could also run bindgen (via cargo feature) to generate bindings if you're building in some other platform. If you do run bindgen for some other platform, PRs are welcome (I don't have any Android or iOS expertise).

Differences From sdl2-sys

  • Static linking by default (cargo feature for dynamic_link)
  • Bindings use "scoped constants" instead of "rustified enums".
  • I actually pretty much understand the whole build process.

Using This Crate

Before Building

The crate supplies the necessary files to build on Windows MSVC without any previous installation. However, at the moment, it expects that SDL2 developer files have already been installed to the system if you're building for any other platform. Homebrew has SDL2-2.0.9, but most linux package managers have an older version of SDL2 and you'll have to build from source. You can look in the travis file to see how you might install SDL2-2.0.9 from source if you decide to go that route. Please note that you must use -fPIC when building SDL2 if you're planning to statically link to SDL2 (the default mode for this crate).

If you want to run bindgen yourself you'll of course have to install bindgen. This crate supports both using bindgen as a library or using bindgen as a CLI application.

If you are not on a platform with a pre-generated file and you don't run bindgen yourself the build will complete but the crate will be empty. If all the functions appear to be missing you're probably on an unusual platform and you didn't run bindgen.

After Building

By default, fermium generates programs that are statically linked to SDL2 with the dynamic API enabled. This means that the generated binary won't depend on any external SDL2 files. Just send your binary to the user and they can play it out of the box. However, the user will be able to use the SDL_DYNAMIC_API environment variable to run the program using an alternate SDL2 implementation that they have on their system (v2.0.9 or later), if they desire.

If you'd link to only have a dynamic link, you can enable the dynamic_link cargo feature. This makes the binary a little smaller (~1.4mb) but then if the end user doesn't have SDL2 already installed they won't be able to run the program at all.


This crate uses the Zlib license (the same license that SDL2 itself uses).

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