fermium 0.0.5

An opinionated crate of sdl2 bindings.

License:Zlib AppVeyor TravisCI


This is always no_std.The bindings use libc for the C type declarations.

Currently only supports the desktop platforms: Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Why Not Use sdl2-sys?

Fair question. I'd say that between that crate and this crate there's two notable differences:

  • A change they could easily make (at the flip of a switch): Debug and PartialEq impls for all the types.
  • A change that would probably require a long fiddly refactor for their higher level wrapper crate: All the SDL2 enums are just const values, instead of Rust enum types.

If those don't sound like a good enough reason to switch to this crate, keep using sdl2-sys.

How To Use This Crate

  • Before Building: Since this crate is about SDL2 bindings, it obviously requires SDL2. You will need the latest stable version of SDL2 (currently 2.0.9).

    • For Windows, the crate packages the MSVC development libraries from the SDL2 download page
    • For Linux, there are no provided downloads, they tell you to just install using your package manager. However, the version that's usually in package managers is often not up to date, so honestly just build it from source. The travis file of this repository has an example.
    • For Mac you can download the dmg installer from the SDL2 website, or use Homebrew, or build from source. Note that if you build from source yourself there's a few special flags you need to use or you'll get build errors. The travis file has an example of how to use the gcc-fat.sh script to make things build properly.
  • Building: This library uses bindgen as a build-dependency. By default it will attempt to invoke the CLI version of the program, but if you enable the use_bindgen_lib feature then it will build bindgen as a library and use it that way. Either as a cli program or as a library, bindgen requires a working copy of clang (3.9 or later) to be installed. The bindgen requirements page has instructions for installing clang for each major OS. Windows Users: after installing LLVM you must manually make an environment variable for LIBCLANG_PATH pointing to the install directory that has libclang.dll (eg: D:\programs\LLVM\bin)

    • When building you can also activate the static_link_sdl2_use_with_caution feature if you would like to staticly link SDL2 instead of the normal dynamic link.
    • On non-Windows platforms, this feature requires that your copy of SDL2 was compiled wih the -fPIC flag.
    • On non-Windows platforms this feature will add every directory in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH list to be searched for the static lib files (which should find SDL2 just fine).
    • As the name implies, you should generally not statically link SDL2, unless your target platform absolutely requires it.
  • Running: Once you've compiled your program using this library, you'll need to have the SDL2 dynamic library somewhere that the OS can find for your program to run.

    • For Windows, the SDL2 download page has both a 32-bit version and 64-bit version of SDL2.dll available. It's also in the lib directory of this repository.
    • On Mac and Linux, generally whatever you used to install SDL2 will have placed the shared library in the correct system directory for all the shared libraries to go. If this is somehow not the case, you can set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to an appropriate directory.
  • Shipping: When you're ready to send a program out the door, how should you package SDL2 along with your program? Well, it depends.

    • For Windows, you should probably just send your SDL2.dll file along side your program.exe. DLL loading starts by checking the same directory as the executable, so it's sure to find the correct DLL that way. If the user really needs to they can replace the DLL later. Having one copy of SDL2.dll per program isn't a huge deal, it's only about 1.4 megabytes.
    • For Mac and Linux you could ship a copy of the SDL2 shared library with your program, but it's honestly better to assume that the user already has it correctly installed they way that they want things setup, and just give them instructions to install it if they somehow don't have SDL2 at all.
    • For Steam OS you literally aren't allowed to ship your own version of SDL2, they keep the latest version installed as part of the OS setup, and you're not allowed to mess with it.


This crate uses the Zlib license (the same license that SDL2 itself uses).