fermium 0.0.2

An opinionated crate of sdl2 bindings.

License:Zlib AppVeyor TravisCI


This is always no_std.

To define the C types involved, the bindings use winapi on Windows and libc elsewhere.


  • This library uses bindgen, which requires a working copy of clang (3.9 or later). Their page has instructions for installing clang, based on your system.
    • Win32 note: after installing LLVM you must make an environment variable for LIBCLANG_PATH pointing to the install directory that has libclang.dll (eg: D:\programs\LLVM\bin)
  • To build the library you need the SDL2 libraries to link against.
    • On Window this is provided for you by the build script.
    • On Mac and Linux it's assumed that you've already installed them via some appropriate method (make sure you have 2.0.9 or later). There's a Mac installer file on the SDL2 download page if you like. It's also fairly trivial to build from source in the normal style for a C project:
curl -L https://www.libsdl.org/release/SDL2-2.0.9.tar.gz | tar xz
cd SDL2-2.0.9
sudo make install
  • To run a program using this library you'll also need the appropriate SDL2 runtime files in a place the OS can find them. These are available for Windows and Mac on the SDL2 download page, and on Linux it's trivial to build from source.
    • On Windows, you should generally ship the SDL2.dll along side your program.exe file. The dynamic library lookup starts in the same folder the exe lives in, so you shipping a copy of SDL2.dll won't get mixed up with any other SDL2.dll they have installed from anywhere else. If a user needs to override your version they can just replace the file, but they probably won't even need to.
    • On Mac and Linux you should generally not attempt to ship an SDL2 library along with your game. Assume that the user already has an appropriate library configured and installed with the best settings for their particular system (there's just too many fiddly different systems out there). Simply be clear that your program requires SDL2-2.0.9 (or later) and direct them to the SDL2 download page (Mac users) or remind them how to build it from source (Linux users).

In the future the crate will likely have a feature to enable a static link with SDL2 (necessary on some platforms), but you should avoid a static link if possible. Using a dynamic link lets users get a newer versions of SDL2 with bug fixes and patches and it'll "Just Work" with the copy of your program they already have.