fermium 0.0.11

An opinionated crate of SDL2 bindings.

License:Zlib AppVeyor TravisCI crates.io docs.rs


  • Has pre-generated bindings files for major platforms
    • win32-msvc-x86_64, linux-x86_64, linux-arm32 (rpi3), mac-x86_64,
    • You can build with either the use_bindgen_bin or use_bindgen_lib features to make your own bindings if you need to. PRs are accepted if you generate bindings for a new platform!
  • Performs static linking to SDL2 by default, with the Dynamic API enabled.
    • There is a dynamic_link cargo feature if you really want.
  • Does not attempt to automatically set up SDL2 itself on non-Windows platforms.
    • On win32-msvc-x86_64 there are provided build artifacts for both a static link and dynamic link build.
    • On Mac you should use Homebrew: brew install sdl2
    • On Linux you should install SDL2-2.0.9 or later using any desired method. This version is not currently available in many package managers, so you might have to build from source. There's a shell script that I use for the CI builds, if you'd like to use that.
    • Non-Windows platforms require sdl2-config to be in the PATH during the build to get the proper linking info, but this is part of a normal SDL2 install on both macOS and Linux so it shouldn't be a problem.
  • The whole crate is no_std of course.
  • The bindings use libc for the C type declarations.

Major Differences From sdl2-sys

  • Static linking by default (cargo feature for dynamic_link)
  • Bindings use "scoped constants" instead of "rustified enums".
  • The build.rs file is simple and easy to understand.


This crate uses the Zlib license, the same license that SDL2 itself uses.

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