Module building_blocks::prelude[][src]


The key for a chunk at a particular level of detail.

A newtype wrapper for PointN where each point represents exactly one chunk.

A value compressed with compression algorithm A.

A two-tier chunk storage. The first tier is an LRU cache of uncompressed chunks. The second tier is a Slab of compressed chunks.

An object for reading from CompressibleChunkStorage with only &self. Easily construct one of these using the CompressibleChunkStorage::reader method.

An N-dimensional extent. This is mathematically the Cartesian product of a half-closed interval [a, b) in each dimension. You can also just think of it as an axis-aligned box with some shape and a minimum point. When doing queries against lattice maps, this is the primary structure used to determine the bounds of your query.

Map-local coordinates.

A ChunkedOctreeSet that indexes the chunks of a ChunkMap. Useful for representing a clipmap.

Represents a single non-empty octant in the octree. Can be used for manual traversal by calling OctreeSet::get_child.

A sparse set of voxel coordinates (3D integer points). Supports spatial queries.

A ChunkDownsampler that just selects a single point from each 2x2x2 (assuming lod_delta=1) region, ignoring the rest.

An N-dimensional point (where N=2 or N=3), which is usually just a primitive array like [i32; 2] or [i32; 3]. It is most convenient to construct points of any dimension as:

A signed distance value in the range [-1.0, 1.0] with 8 bits of precision.

A signed distance value in the range [-1.0, 1.0] with 16 bits of precision.

A ChunkDownsampler that takes the mean of each 2x2x2 region of a signed distance field. It also renormalizes the values to lie in the range [-1.0, 1.0].

A simple format for serializing a collection of chunks. All chunks are serialized with bincode, then compressed using some BytesCompression.

The Snappy compression algorithm. Uses a pure Rust implementation, making it suitable for use with the WASM target.

The most efficient coordinates for slice-backed lattice maps. A single number that translates directly to a slice offset.

A lattice map that delegates look-ups to a different lattice map, then transforms the result using some Fn(In) -> Out.


Either the X or Y axis.

Either the X, Y, or Z axis.


One piece of a chunked lattice map.

An object that knows how to construct chunks for a ChunkMap.

Methods for reading chunks from storage.

Methods for writing chunks from storage.

An algorithm for: 1. compressing a specific type Data into type Compressed 2. decompressing Compressed back into Data

When a lattice map implements IndexedArray, that means there is some underlying array with the location and shape dictated by the extent.

Used in many generic algorithms to check if a voxel is considered empty.

A trait that bundles op traits that all PointN<N> (and its components) should have.

A trait to facilitate the generic implementation of copy_extent.

A trait to facilitate the generic implementation of copy_extent.


Copy all points in extent from the src map to the dst map.

Type Definitions

A 2-dimensional, 1-channel ChunkHashMap.

A 2-dimensional, 2-channel ChunkHashMap.

A 2-dimensional, 3-channel ChunkHashMap.

A 2-dimensional, 4-channel ChunkHashMap.

A 2-dimensional, 5-channel ChunkHashMap.

A 2-dimensional, 6-channel ChunkHashMap.

A 3-dimensional, 1-channel ChunkHashMap.

A 3-dimensional, 2-channel ChunkHashMap.

A 3-dimensional, 3-channel ChunkHashMap.

A 3-dimensional, 4-channel ChunkHashMap.

A 3-dimensional, 5-channel ChunkHashMap.

A 3-dimensional, 6-channel ChunkHashMap.

An N-dimensional, 1-channel ChunkHashMap.

A 2-dimensional ChunkKey.

A 3-dimensional ChunkKey.

A ChunkMapBuilder for Array2x1 chunks.

A ChunkMapBuilder for Array3x1 chunks.

A ChunkMapBuilder for ArrayNx1 chunks.

A ChunkMap using CompressibleChunkStorage as chunk storage.

A ChunkMap backed by a CompressibleChunkStorageReader.

A 2-dimensional extent with scalar type T.

A 2-dimensional extent with scalar type f32.

A 2-dimensional extent with scalar type i32.

A 3-dimensional extent with scalar type T.

A 3-dimensional extent with scalar type f32.

A 3-dimensional extent with scalar type i32.

A LocalCache of 2D chunks.

A LocalCache of 3D chunks.

A 2-dimensional point with scalar type T.

A 2-dimensional point with scalar type f32.

A 2-dimensional point with scalar type i32.

A 3-dimensional point with scalar type T.

A 3-dimensional point with scalar type f32.

A 3-dimensional point with scalar type i32.