bonnie 0.3.2

Simple, cross-platform, and fast command aliases with superpowers.
use crate::version::BONNIE_VERSION;

pub fn help(output: &mut impl std::io::Write) {
        "Bonnie v{version} help page:

Bonnie is a command aliasing tool that supports extremely simple and extremely advanced syntax. For the full reference, please see the documentation at
This just summarizes the functionality of this command, not the syntax of Bonnie configuration files!

-h, --help                                      prints this help page
-v, --version                                   prints the current version of Bonnie
-i, --init [-t, --template <template-file>]     creates a new `bonnie.toml` configuration (or whatever's set in `BONNIE_CONF`), using the specified template file if provided
-c, --cache                                     caches the Bonnie configuration file to `.bonnie.cache.json` for performance (this cache must be MANUALLY updated by re-running this command!)

help [command-name]                             prints the help page for the current Bonnie configuration or for the given command

The expected location of a Bonnie configuration file can be changed from the default `./bonnie.toml` by setting the `BONNIE_CONF` environment variable.
The expected location of a Bonnie cache file can be changed from the default `./.bonnie.cache.json` by setting the `BONNIE_CACHE` environment variable.
The expected location of your default template can be changed from the default `~/.bonnie/template.toml` by setting the `BONNIE_TEMPLATE` environment variable.

Further information can be found at",
        version = BONNIE_VERSION
    .expect("Failed to write help page.")