bonnie 0.3.2

Simple, cross-platform, and fast command aliases with superpowers.
// This file contains the schema that all Bonnie configuration files are deserialised with
// They will then be parsed into the schema defined in `` using the logic in the methods on this schema
// The use of `#[serde(untagged)]` on all `enum`s simply ensures that Serde doesn't require them to be labelled as to their variant
// This raw schema will also derive the `Arbitrary` trait for fuzzing when that feature is enabled

use crate::bones::parse_directive_str;
use crate::default_shells::get_default_shells;
use crate::schema;
use crate::version::{get_version_parts, VersionCompatibility, VersionDifference, BONNIE_VERSION};
use serde::Deserialize;
use std::collections::HashMap;

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)]
pub struct Config {
    version: String,                // This will be used to confirm compatibility
    env_files: Option<Vec<String>>, // Files specified here have their environment variables loaded into Bonnie
    default_shell: Option<DefaultShell>,
    scripts: Scripts,
impl Config {
    pub fn new(cfg_string: &str) -> Result<Self, String> {
        let cfg: Result<Self, toml::de::Error> = toml::from_str(cfg_string);
        let cfg = match cfg {
            Ok(cfg) => cfg,
            // We explicitly handle the missing version for better backward-compatibility before 0.2.0 and because it's an easy mistake to make
            Err(err) if err.to_string().starts_with("missing field `version`") => return Err("Your Bonnie configuration file appears to be missing a 'version' key. From Bonnie 0.2.0 onwards, this key is mandatory for compatibility reasons. Please add `version = \"".to_string() + BONNIE_VERSION + "\"` to the top of your Bonnie configuration file."),
            Err(err) => return Err(format!("Invalid Bonnie configuration file. Error: '{}'", err))

    // Runs all the necessary methods to fully parse the config, consuming `self`
    // Takes the current version of Bonnie (extracted for testing purposes)
    // This accepts an output for warnings (extracted for testing)
    pub fn to_final(
        bonnie_version_str: &str,
        output: &mut impl std::io::Write,
    ) -> Result<schema::Config, String> {
        // These two are run for their side-effects (both also used in loading from a cache)
        Self::parse_version_against_current(&self.version, bonnie_version_str, output)?;
        // And then we get the final config
        let cfg = self.parse()?;

    // Parses the version of the config to check for compatibility issues, consuming `self`
    // We extract the version of Bonnie itself for testing purposes
    // This si generic because it's used in caching logic as well
    pub fn parse_version_against_current(
        cfg_version_str: &str,
        bonnie_version_str: &str,
        output: &mut impl std::io::Write,
    ) -> Result<(), String> {
        // Split the program and config file versions into their components
        let bonnie_version = get_version_parts(bonnie_version_str)?;
        let cfg_version = get_version_parts(cfg_version_str)?;
        // Compare the two and warn/error appropriately
        let compat = bonnie_version.is_compatible_with(&cfg_version);
        match compat {
            VersionCompatibility::DifferentBetaVersion(version_difference) => return Err("The provided configuration file is incompatible with this version of Bonnie. You are running Bonnie v".to_string() + bonnie_version_str + ", but the configuration file expects Bonnie v" + cfg_version_str + ". " + match version_difference {
                VersionDifference::TooNew => "This issue can be fixed by updating Bonnie to the appropriate version, which can be done at",
                VersionDifference::TooOld => "This issue can be fixed by updating the configuration file, which may require changing some of its syntax (see for how to do so). Alternatively, you can download an older version of Bonnie from (not recommended)."
            VersionCompatibility::DifferentMajor(version_difference) => return Err("The provided configuration file is incompatible with this version of Bonnie. You are running Bonnie v".to_string() + bonnie_version_str + ", but the configuration file expects Bonnie v" + cfg_version_str + ". " + match version_difference {
                VersionDifference::TooNew => "This issue can be fixed by updating Bonnie to the appropriate version, which can be done at",
                VersionDifference::TooOld => "This issue can be fixed by updating the configuration file, which may require changing some of its syntax (see for how to do so). Alternatively, you can download an older version of Bonnie from (not recommended)."
            // These next two are just warnings, not errors
            VersionCompatibility::DifferentMinor(version_difference) => writeln!(output, "{}", "The provided configuration file is compatible with this version of Bonnie, but has a different minor version. You are running Bonnie v".to_string() + bonnie_version_str + ", but the configuration file expects Bonnie v" + cfg_version_str + ". " + match version_difference {
                VersionDifference::TooNew => "This issue can be fixed by updating Bonnie to the appropriate version, which can be done at",
                VersionDifference::TooOld => "This issue can be fixed by updating the configuration file, which may require changing some of its syntax (see for how to do so). Alternatively, you can download an older version of Bonnie from (not recommended)."
            }).expect("Failed to write warning."),
            VersionCompatibility::DifferentPatch(version_difference) => writeln!(output, "{}", "The provided configuration file is compatible with this version of Bonnie, but has a different patch version. You are running Bonnie v".to_string() + bonnie_version_str + ", but the configuration file expects Bonnie v" + cfg_version_str + ". " + match version_difference {
                VersionDifference::TooNew => "You may want to update Bonnie to the appropriate version, which can be done at",
                VersionDifference::TooOld => "You may want to update the configuration file (which shouldn't require any syntax changes)."
            }).expect("Failed to write warning."),
            _ => ()

        // If we haven't returned an error yet, the version is valid (and warnings have been emitted as necessary)
    // Loads the environment variable files requested in the config
    // This is generic because it's called in caching as well
    pub fn load_env_files(env_files: Option<Vec<String>>) -> Result<(), String> {
        let env_files = match env_files {
            Some(env_files) => env_files,
            None => Vec::new(),
        // Parse each of the requested environment variable files
        for env_file in env_files.iter() {
            // Load the file
            // This will be loaded for the Bonnie program, which allows us to interpolate them into commands
            let res = dotenv::from_filename(&env_file);
            if res.is_err() {
                return Err(format!("Requested environment variable file '{}' could not be loaded. Either the file doesn't exist, Bonnie doesn't have the permissions necessary to access it, or something inside it can't be processed.", &env_file));

    // Parses the rest of the config into the final form, consuming `self`
    // A very large portion of Bonnie's logic lives here or is called here (spec transformation)
    fn parse(&self) -> Result<schema::Config, String> {
        // Parse the default shell
        let default_shell = match &self.default_shell {
            // If we're just given a shell string, use it as the generic shell
            Some(DefaultShell::Simple(generic)) => schema::DefaultShell {
                generic: generic.parse(),
                targets: HashMap::new(),
            // If we have all the information we need, just transform it
            Some(DefaultShell::Complex { generic, targets }) => schema::DefaultShell {
                generic: generic.parse(),
                targets: match targets {
                    Some(raw_targets) => {
                        // This is just transformation logic
                        let mut targets = HashMap::new();
                        for (target_name, shell) in raw_targets.iter() {
                            targets.insert(target_name.to_string(), shell.parse());
                    None => HashMap::new(), // We'll just use the generic if we don't have anything else
            // If no default shell is provided, we'll use the default paradigm (see ``)
            None => get_default_shells(),
        // Parse the scripts (brace yourself!)
        // We do this inside a function because it's recursive
        // Unfortunately we can't define methods on type aliases, so this goes here
        // This involves validation logic to ensure invalid property combinations aren't specified, so we need to know whether or not `order` is specified if this is parsing subcommands
        fn parse_scripts(
            raw_scripts: &Scripts,
            is_order_defined: bool,
        ) -> Result<schema::Scripts, String> {
            let mut scripts: schema::Scripts = HashMap::new();
            for (script_name, raw_command) in raw_scripts.iter() {
                let command = match raw_command {
                    Command::Simple(raw_command_wrapper) => schema::Command {
                        args: Vec::new(),
                        env_vars: Vec::new(),
                        subcommands: None,
                        order: None,
                        cmd: Some(raw_command_wrapper.parse()), // In the simple form, a command must be given (no subcommands can be specified)
                        description: None
                    Command::Complex {
                    } => schema::Command {
                        // If `order` is defined at the level above, we can't interpolate environment variables from here (has to be done at the level `order` was specified)
                        args: match is_order_defined {
                            // Unordered subcommands can't take arguments in any case of upper-level `order` definition
                            _ if matches!(subcommands, Some(_)) && matches!(order, None) && matches!(args, Some(_)) => return Err(format!("Error in parsing Bonnie configuration file: if `subcommands` is specified without `order`, `args` cannot be specified. This error occurred in in the '{}' script/subscript.", script_name)),
                            // If it was and `args` is specified, return an error
                            true if matches!(args, Some(_)) => return Err(format!("Error in parsing Bonnie configuration file: if `order` is specified, subscripts cannot specify `args`, as no environment variables can be provided to them. Environment variables to be interpolated in ordered subcommands must be set at the top-level. This error occurred in the '{}' script/subscript.", script_name)),
                            // If it was but args` isn't specified, it doesn't matter and we just give an empty vector instead
                            true => Vec::new(),
                            // If it wasn't, no validation needed
                            false => args.as_ref().unwrap_or(&Vec::new()).to_vec()
                        // This doesn't need any transformation, just a simple alternative if it's `None`
                        env_vars: env_vars.as_ref().unwrap_or(&Vec::new()).to_vec(),
                        // The subcommands are parsed recursively as scripts using this very function
                        // We parse through whether or not `order` is defined (has validation implications)
                        subcommands: match subcommands {
                            // We can't use `.map()` for this because we need support for `?`
                            Some(subcommands) => Some(
                                parse_scripts(subcommands, matches!(order, Some(_)))?
                            None => None
                        // If `order` is defined at the level above and `subcommands` is defined here, `order` must be defined here too
                        order: match is_order_defined {
                            true if matches!(subcommands, Some(_)) => match order {
                                // If it was required and was given, no problem
                                Some(order) => Some(parse_directive_str(order)?),
                                // If it was required but not given, return an error
                                None => return Err(format!("Error in parsing Bonnie configuration file: if `order` is specified, all further nested subsubcommands must also specify `order`. This occurred in the '{}' script/subscript.", script_name))
                            // If it wasn't required, no validation needed
                            true | false => match order {
                                Some(order) => Some(parse_directive_str(order)?),
                                None => None
                        // If subcommands were specified, this is optional, otherwise we return an error
                        cmd: match cmd {
                            // It was given, but there are also ordered subcommands here, so execution will be ambiguous, return an error
                            Some(_) if matches!(order, Some(_)) => return Err(format!("Error in parsing Bonnie configuration file: both `cmd` and `order` were specified. This would lead to problems of ambiguous execution, so commands can have either the top-level `cmd` property or ordered subcommands, the two are mutually exclusive. This error occurred in in the '{}' script/subscript.", script_name)),
                            // It's optional
                            _ if matches!(subcommands, Some(_)) => cmd.as_ref().map(|cmd| cmd.parse()),
                            // It's mandatory and given
                            Some(cmd) => Some(cmd.parse()),
                            // It's mandatory and not given
                            None => return Err(format!("Error in parsing Bonnie configuration file: if `subcommands` is not specified, `cmd` is mandatory. This error occurred in in the '{}' script/subscript.", script_name))
                        description: desc.clone()
                scripts.insert(script_name.to_string(), command);


        let scripts = parse_scripts(&self.scripts, false)?;

        Ok(schema::Config {
            // Copy these last two in case the final config is cached and needs to be revalidated on load
            env_files: match &self.env_files {
                Some(env_files) => env_files.to_vec(),
                None => Vec::new(),
            version: self.version.clone(),
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)]
enum DefaultShell {
    Simple(Shell), // Just a generic shell
    Complex {
        generic: Shell, // A generic shell must be given
        targets: Option<HashMap<String, Shell>>,
// A vector of the executable followed by raw arguments thereto, the location for command interpolation is specified with '{COMMAND}'
// A custom delimiter can also be specified (the default is ` && `), this should include spaces if necessary
// Note that the default for PowerShell uses `;` instead
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)]
pub enum Shell {
    WithDelimiter {
        parts: Vec<String>,
        delimiter: String,
impl Shell {
    fn parse(&self) -> schema::Shell {
        match self {
            Shell::Simple(parts) => schema::Shell {
                parts: parts.to_vec(),
                // The default delimiter is ` && ` in all cases (supported everywhere except Windows PowerShell)
                delimiter: " && ".to_string(),
            Shell::WithDelimiter { parts, delimiter } => schema::Shell {
                parts: parts.to_vec(),
                // The default delimiter is `&&` in all cases (supported everywhere except Windows PowerShell)
                delimiter: delimiter.to_string(),
type TargetString = String; // A target like `linux` or `x86_64-unknown-linux-musl` (see `rustup` targets)
type Scripts = HashMap<String, Command>;

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)]
enum Command {
    Simple(CommandWrapper), // Might be just a string command to run on the default generic shell
    Complex {
        args: Option<Vec<String>>,
        env_vars: Option<Vec<String>>,
        subcommands: Option<Scripts>, // Subcommands are fully-fledged commands (mostly)
        order: Option<OrderString>, // If this is specified, subcomands must not specify the `args` property, it may be specified at the top-level of this script as a sibling of `order`
        cmd: Option<CommandWrapper>, // This is optional if subcommands are specified
        desc: Option<String>, // This will be rendered in the config's help page ('description' is overly verbose)
type OrderString = String; // A string of as yet undefined syntax that defines the progression between subcommands
                           // This wraps the complexities of having different shell logic for each command in a multi-stage context
                           // subcommands are specified above this level (see `Command::Complex`)
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)]
enum CommandWrapper {
    Universal(CommandCore), // Just a given command
    Specific {
        generic: CommandCore,
        targets: Option<HashMap<TargetString, CommandCore>>,
impl CommandWrapper {
    // Parses `self` into its final form (`schema::CommandWrapper`)
    fn parse(&self) -> schema::CommandWrapper {
        match self {
            // If it's universal to all targets, just provide a generic
            CommandWrapper::Universal(raw_command_core) => schema::CommandWrapper {
                generic: raw_command_core.parse(),
                targets: HashMap::new(),
            // If no targets were given in specific form, the expansion is basically the same as if it were universal
            CommandWrapper::Specific {
                targets: None,
            } => schema::CommandWrapper {
                generic: generic.parse(),
                targets: HashMap::new(),
            CommandWrapper::Specific {
                targets: Some(targets),
            } => {
                let parsed_generic = generic.parse();
                let mut parsed_targets: HashMap<schema::TargetString, schema::CommandCore> =
                for (target_name, raw_command_core) in targets.iter() {
                    parsed_targets.insert(target_name.to_string(), raw_command_core.parse());
                schema::CommandWrapper {
                    generic: parsed_generic,
                    targets: parsed_targets,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)]
enum CommandCore {
    Simple(CommandBox), // No shell configuration
    WithShell {
        exec: CommandBox, // We can't call this `cmd` because otherwise we'd have a collision with the higher-level `cmd`, which leads to misinterpretation
        shell: Option<Shell>,
impl CommandCore {
    // Parses `self` into its final form (`schema::CommandCore`)
    fn parse(&self) -> schema::CommandCore {
        match self {
            CommandCore::Simple(exec) => schema::CommandCore {
                exec: exec.parse(),
                shell: None,
            CommandCore::WithShell {
                shell: Some(shell),
            } => schema::CommandCore {
                exec: exec.parse(),
                shell: Some(shell.parse()),
            // If no shell was given in the complex form, the expansion is the same as the simple form
            CommandCore::WithShell { exec, shell: None } => schema::CommandCore {
                exec: exec.parse(),
                shell: None,
// This represents the possibility of a vector or string at the lowest level
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)]
enum CommandBox {
impl CommandBox {
    // Parses `self` into its final form (`Vec<schema::CommandWrapper>`)
    fn parse(&self) -> Vec<String> {
        match self {
            // In fully parsed form, all command wrappers are inside vectors for simplicity
            CommandBox::Simple(cmd_str) => vec![cmd_str.to_string()],
            CommandBox::MultiStage(cmd_strs) => {
                cmd_strs.iter().map(|cmd_str| cmd_str.to_string()).collect()