bonnie 0.3.2

Simple, cross-platform, and fast command aliases with superpowers.
# This file defines experimental syntax!

version = "0.3.2"
env_files = [
default_shell.generic = ["sh", "-c", "{COMMAND}"] # This will be used if the target being run on is not found in the following list = { parts = ["cmd", "/C", "{COMMAND}"], delimiter = " && " }

# The most basic possible syntax
basic = "echo Test"
# This command will have all given arguments interpolated into it
echo = "echo \"Message is: '%%'.\""
# This command is explicitly documented
documented.cmd = "echo \"I'm documented!\""
documented.desc = "here's some documentation"
# This command has required specific arguments and then interpolates everything after that at `%%`
append_with_args.cmd = "echo \"Hi %name! Message is: '%%'.\""
append_with_args.args = ["name"]
# Basic syntax, interpolates arguments and environment variables
interpolation.cmd = "echo %GREETING %name"
interpolation.args = ["name"]
interpolation.env_vars = ["GREETING"]
# This command will run differently on different targets
adaptable.cmd.generic = "echo Test"
adaptable.cmd.targets.magic_os = "please print string \"Test\" > console"
# This command will run differently in different shells on different targets
# Otherwise the shell would be selected from the options given under the top-level `default_shell`
super_versatile.cmd.generic.exec = "echo Test" = ["sh", "-c", "{COMMAND}"]
super_versatile.cmd.targets.magic_os.exec = "please print string \"Test\" > console" = ["please", "run", "command", "{COMMAND}", "against", "sys"]
# This command has multiple parts that will be run in series
multistage = [
    "echo \"Part 1\"",
    "echo \"Part 2\""
# This command has multiple parts that show they're executed in the same shell
multistage_shell_demo = [
    "cd /tmp",
# This command has multiple parts that will be run in series, with interpolation
multistage_with_interpolation.cmd = [
    "echo \"Greeting: %GREETING\"",
    "echo \"Name: %name\""
multistage_with_interpolation.args = ["name"]
multistage_with_interpolation.env_vars = ["GREETING"]
# This command has a series of subcommands, one of which is multi-stage with interpolation
subcommands.cmd = "echo Parent" # This is optional
# subcommands.args = ["name"] # Unordered subcommands aren't compatible with arguments
subcommands.subcommands.basic = "echo Test"
subcommands.subcommands.multistage_with_interpolation.cmd = [
    "echo \"Greeting: %GREETING\"",
    "echo \"Name: %name\""
subcommands.subcommands.multistage_with_interpolation.args = ["name"]
subcommands.subcommands.multistage_with_interpolation.env_vars = ["GREETING"]
subcommands.subcommands.nested.subcommands.basic.cmd = "echo Nested"
subcommands.subcommands.nested.subcommands.basic.desc = "here's a deeply nested description"
subcommands.subcommands.nested.order = "basic" # As long as this is given, no problems arise
# This command has a series of subcommands that will be executed in a certain order
# With this type, subcommands can't take arguments, all arguments must be provided up-front for the execution
# power.cmd = "echo Parent" # This is illegal because top-level commands are incompatible with ordered subcommands (ambiguous execution)
power.subcommands.basic = "echo Test"
power.subcommands.multistage_with_interpolation.cmd = [
    "echo \"Greeting: %GREETING\"",
    "echo \"Name: %name\""
# power.subcommands.multistage_with_interpolation.args = ["name"] # This is illegal, and must be set at the top-level instead
power.subcommands.multistage_with_interpolation.env_vars = ["GREETING"]
power.subcommands.error = "echo \"An error has occurred.\""
power.subcommands.nested.subcommands.basic = "echo Nested"
power.subcommands.nested.order = "basic" # As long as this is given, no problems arise
power.order = """
basic {
    Success => multistage_with_interpolation {
        Failure => error
    Failure => error
""" # This syntax is HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL!!!
power.args = ["name"]