artifact-app 0.6.4

Artifact is a design doc tool made for developers. It allows anyone to easily write and link their design docs both to each other and to source code, making it easy to track how complete their project is. Documents are revision controllable, can be rendered as a static web page and have a full suite of command line tools for searching, formatting and displaying them.
# justfile
# see:

# constants
version = `sed -En 's/version = "([^"]+)"/\1/p' Cargo.toml | head -n1`
target = "$PWD/target"
nightly = "CARGO_TARGET_DIR=$TG/nightly CARGO_INCREMENTAL=1 rustup run nightly"

	echo {{version}}

	cargo doc --open

# build commands
build-dev: # build using nightly and incremental compilation
	TG={{target}} {{nightly}} cargo build
	echo "built binary to: target/nightly/debug/art"

build-elm: # build just elm (not rust)
	(cd web-ui; npm run build)
	(cd web-ui/dist; tar -cvf ../../src/api/data/web-ui.tar *)

build-static: # build and package elm as a static index.html
	(cd web-ui; elm make src/Main-Static.elm)
	rm -rf target/web
	mkdir target/web
	cp web-ui/index.html target/web
	cp -r web-ui/css target/web
	# copy and link the style sheets
	sed -e 's/<title>Main<\/title>/<title>Design Documents<\/title>/g' target/web/index.html -i
	sed -e 's/<head>/<head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text\/css" href="css\/index.css" \/>/g' target/web/index.html -i
	(cd target/web; tar -cvf ../../src/cmd/data/web-ui-static.tar *)

# full build for a std release. Currently doesn't include the server code
build-full: build-static
	just build-dev

# unit testing/linting commands
test: # do tests with web=false
	RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo test --lib

test-dev: # test using nightly and incremental compilation
	TG={{target}} {{nightly}} cargo test --lib

	(cd web-ui; elm test)

test-all: test-elm test

filter PATTERN: # run only specific tests
	RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo test --lib {{PATTERN}}

lint: # run linter
	CARGO_TARGET_DIR={{target}}/nightly rustup run nightly cargo clippy
	RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo test --lib --features server

test-server: build-elm # run the test-server for e2e testing, still in development
	just test-server-only

test-e2e: # run e2e tests, still in development
	(cd web-ui; py2t e2e_tests/

# running commands

api: # run the api server (without the web-ui)
	cargo run -- -v server

serve: build-elm  # run the full frontend
	TG={{target}} {{nightly}} cargo run -- -v server

self-check: # build self and run `art check` using own binary
	TG={{target}} {{nightly}} cargo run -- check

# release command

	cargo fmt -- --write-mode overwrite  # don't generate *.bk files
	art fmt -w

	cargo fmt -- --write-mode=diff

check: check-fmt
	art check

git-verify: # make sure git is clean and on master
	git branch | grep '* master'
	git diff --no-ext-diff --quiet --exit-code

publish: git-verify lint build-full test-all self-check # publish to github and
	git commit -a -m "v{{version}} release"
	just publish-cargo
	just publish-git

export-site: build-full
	rm -rf _gh-pages/index.html _gh-pages/css
	TG={{target}} {{nightly}} cargo run -- export html && mv index.html css _gh-pages

publish-site: export-site
	rm -rf _gh-pages/index.html _gh-pages/css
	TG={{target}} {{nightly}} cargo run -- export html && mv index.html css _gh-pages
	(cd _gh-pages; git commit -am 'v{{version}}' && git push origin gh-pages)

publish-cargo: # publish cargo without verification
	cargo publish --no-verify

publish-git: # publish git without verification
	git push origin master
	git tag -a "v{{version}}" -m "v{{version}}"
	git push origin --tags

# developer installation helpers

update: # update rust and tools used by this lib
	rustup update
	(cargo install just -f)
	(cargo install rustfmt -f)
	rustup run nightly cargo install clippy -f

	rustup install nightly