artifact-app 0.6.4

Artifact is a design doc tool made for developers. It allows anyone to easily write and link their design docs both to each other and to source code, making it easy to track how complete their project is. Documents are revision controllable, can be rendered as a static web page and have a full suite of command line tools for searching, formatting and displaying them.
    # This will be used as part of the zipfile name
    # DONE change the project name
    PROJECT_NAME: artifact
  # DONE feel free to delete targets/channels you don't need
    # Stable channel
    - TARGET: i686-pc-windows-gnu
      CHANNEL: stable
    - TARGET: i686-pc-windows-msvc
      CHANNEL: stable
    - TARGET: x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
      CHANNEL: stable
    - TARGET: x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
      CHANNEL: stable

# Install Rust and Cargo
# (Based on from
  - curl -sSf -o rustup-init.exe
  - rustup-init.exe --default-host %TARGET% --default-toolchain %CHANNEL% -y
  - set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Users\appveyor\.cargo\bin
  - rustc -Vv
  - cargo -V

# 'cargo test' takes care of building for us, so disable Appveyor's build stage. This prevents
# the "directory does not contain a project or solution file" error.
# source:
build: false

# Equivalent to Travis' `script` phase
# DONE modify this phase as you see fit
  - cargo build --verbose
  - cargo run -- check
  - cargo test

  # Generate artifacts for release
  - cargo build --release
  - mkdir staging
  # DONE update this part to copy the artifacts that make sense for your project
  - copy target\release\art.exe staging
  - cd staging
    # release zipfile will look like 'rust-everywhere-v1.2.3-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc'
  - 7z a ../ *
  - appveyor PushArtifact ../

  description: 'Windows release'
  # All the zipped artifacts will be deployed
  artifact: /.*\.zip/
  # DONE Regenerate this auth_token for your project, this one won't work for you. Here's how:
  # - Go to '' and generate a Token with only the
  # `public_repo` scope enabled
  # - Then go to '' and enter the newly generated token.
  # - Enter the "encrypted value" below
    secure: e2pyiI8N9p6VD2W2ZdetwUTm7FsBBQ7E7dsHpR3b5GzH+qE2JgjS9XYRjo72SwwF
  provider: GitHub
  # deploy when a new tag is pushed and only on the stable channel
    # channel to use to produce the release artifacts
    # NOTE make sure you only release *once* per target
    # DONE you may want to pick a different channel
    CHANNEL: stable
    appveyor_repo_tag: true

    - master
    # IMPORTANT Regex to match tags. Required, or appveyor may not trigger deploys when a new tag
    # is pushed. This regex matches semantic versions like v1.2.3-rc4+2016.02.22
    - /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*$/