artifact-app 0.6.4

Artifact is a design doc tool made for developers. It allows anyone to easily write and link their design docs both to each other and to source code, making it easy to track how complete their project is. Documents are revision controllable, can be rendered as a static web page and have a full suite of command line tools for searching, formatting and displaying them.
language: rust
# - cargo run -- check

cache: cargo

    # This will be part of the release tarball
    - PROJECT_NAME=rst
    # DONE comment out this variable if you don't want to build .deb packages on all the targets.
    #- MAKE_DEB=yes
    # DONE update these two variables. They are part of the .deb package metadata
    - DEB_MAINTAINER="Garrett Berg <>"
    - DEB_DESCRIPTION="requirements tracking tool made for developers"

# AFAICT There are a few ways to set up the build jobs. This one is not the DRYest but I feel is the
# easiest to reason about.
# DONE Feel free to remove the channels/targets you don't need
# NOTE Make *sure* you don't remove a reference (&foo) if you are going to dereference it (*foo)
    # Stable channel
    #- os: linux
    #  rust: stable
    #  env: TARGET=aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
    #  # need Trusty because the glibc in Precise is too old and doesn't support 64-bit arm
    #  dist: trusty
    #  sudo: required
    #  # Extra packages only for this job
    #  addons:
    #    apt:
    #      packages: &aarch64_unknown_linux_gnu
    #        # Transparent emulation
    #        - qemu-user-static
    #        - binfmt-support
    #- os: linux
    #  rust: stable
    #  env: TARGET=armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf
    #  # sudo is needed for binfmt_misc, which is needed for transparent user qemu emulation
    #  sudo: required
    #  addons:
    #    apt:
    #      packages: &armv7_unknown_linux_gnueabihf
    #        # Cross compiler and cross compiled C libraries
    #        - gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf
    #        - libc6-armhf-cross
    #        - libc6-dev-armhf-cross
    #        # Transparent emulation
    #        - qemu-user-static
    #        - binfmt-support
    - os: osx
      rust: stable
      env: TARGET=i686-apple-darwin
    - os: linux
      rust: stable
      env: TARGET=i686-unknown-linux-gnu
          packages: &i686_unknown_linux_gnu
            # Cross compiler and cross compiled C libraries
            - gcc-multilib
    - os: linux
      rust: stable
      env: TARGET=i686-unknown-linux-musl
      dist: trusty
      sudo: required
          packages: &musl_packages
          - musl
          - musl-dev
          - musl-tools
    - os: osx
      rust: stable
      env: TARGET=x86_64-apple-darwin
    - os: linux
      rust: stable
      env: TARGET=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
    - os: linux
      rust: stable
      env: TARGET=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
      dist: trusty
      sudo: required
          packages: *musl_packages
    # DONE You might need to allow failures for some target on some channel for some reason. Below
    # there's one (commented out) example of how to do that. Just change the OS, channel and TARGET
    # as needed.
    # - os: linux
    #   rust: stable
    #   env: TARGET=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

  - export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.cargo/bin"

  - bash ci/

  - bash ci/

  - bash ci/

  provider: releases
  # DONE Regenerate this api_key for your project, this one won't work for you. Here's how:
  # - Go to '' and generate a Token with only the
  # `public_repo` scope enabled
  # - Call `travis encrypt $github_token` where $github_token is the token you got in the previous
  # step and `travis` is the official Travis CI gem (see
  # - Enter the "encrypted value" below
    secure: 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
  file_glob: true
  # don't delete the artifacts from previous phases
  skip_cleanup: true
  # deploy when a new tag is pushed
    # channel to use to produce the release artifacts
    # NOTE make sure you only release *once* per target
    # DONE you may want to pick a different channel
    condition: $TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION = stable
    tags: true

    # Pushes and PR to the master branch
    - master
    # IMPORTANT Ruby regex to match tags. Required, or travis won't trigger deploys when a new tag
    # is pushed. This regex matches semantic versions like v1.2.3-rc4+2016.02.22
    - /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*$/

    on_success: never