abstract-os 0.2.0-beta.6

Abstract contract interfaces and storage layouts
//! # Subscription Add-On
//! `abstract_os::subscription` provides OS owners with a tool to easily create smart-contract subscriptions for their products.
//! ## Description
//! The subscription contract has three main uses.
//! 1. Provide a way to earn income with a subscription-style modal.  
//! 2. Distribute income and native assets to project contributors. (optional)  
//! 3. Distribute a native asset to your active users. (optional)  
//! ## Income
//! The income of the instance can change over time as subscribers join and leave.
//! If we want our infrastructure to change parameters based on the income of the unit, then we need a way of keeping track of that income.
//! Because blockchains don't have a notion of monthly settlement we settled on a per-month payment schema.
//! We use a [`TimeWeightedAverage`](crate::objects::time_weighted_average::TimeWeightedAverage) of the ongoing income to to determine a per-block income.
//! We average the income over a monthly basis.
//! ## Emissions
//! Protocol emissions are an important part of creating a tight community of users and contributors around your product. The emissions feature of this
//! module allows you to easily configure emission parameters based on your needs.
//! These emission parameters are set when creating the module and are described on the [`UncheckedEmissionType`] struct.
//! ## Contributions
//! The contribution feature of this contract can be used to provide direct incentives for users to join in building out your product.
//! Each contributor is registered with his own [`Compensation`] parameters.
//! * The total income of the system is shared between the DAO and the contributors. See [`ContributionConfig`].
//! * (optional) Token emissions to contributor (and users) are dynamically set based on the protocol's income. Meaning that the token emissions will rise if demand/income falls and vice-versa.

pub mod state {
    use std::ops::Sub;

    use schemars::JsonSchema;
    use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

    use crate::objects::time_weighted_average::TimeWeightedAverage;
    use cosmwasm_std::{Addr, Api, Decimal, StdError, StdResult, Uint128, Uint64};
    use cw_asset::{AssetInfo, AssetInfoUnchecked};
    use cw_storage_plus::{Item, Map};


    /// Setting for protocol token emissions
    #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
    pub enum UncheckedEmissionType {
        /// A fixed number of tokens are distributed to users on a per-block basis.
        /// emission = block_shared / total_subscribers
        BlockShared(Decimal, AssetInfoUnchecked),
        /// Each user receives a fixed number of tokens on a per-block basis.
        /// emission = block_per_user
        BlockPerUser(Decimal, AssetInfoUnchecked),
        /// Requires contribution functionality to be active
        /// Emissions will be based on protocol income and user/contributor split.
        /// See [`ContributionConfig`]

    impl UncheckedEmissionType {
        pub fn check(self, api: &dyn Api) -> StdResult<EmissionType> {
            match self {
                UncheckedEmissionType::None => Ok(EmissionType::None),
                UncheckedEmissionType::BlockShared(d, a) => {
                    Ok(EmissionType::BlockShared(d, a.check(api, None)?))
                UncheckedEmissionType::BlockPerUser(d, a) => {
                    Ok(EmissionType::BlockPerUser(d, a.check(api, None)?))
                UncheckedEmissionType::IncomeBased(a) => {
                    Ok(EmissionType::IncomeBased(a.check(api, None)?))

    /// Setting for protocol token emissions
    #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
    pub enum EmissionType {
        /// emission = block_shared / total_subs
        BlockShared(Decimal, AssetInfo),
        /// emission = block_per_user
        BlockPerUser(Decimal, AssetInfo),
        /// Requires contribution functionality to be active

    /// Config for subscriber functionality
    #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
    pub struct SubscriptionConfig {
        /// Used to verify OS and get the proxy
        pub version_control_address: Addr,
        /// Only addr that can register on OS
        pub factory_address: Addr,
        /// Asset that's accepted as payment
        pub payment_asset: AssetInfo,
        /// Cost of the subscription on a per-block basis.
        pub subscription_cost_per_block: Decimal,
        /// Subscription emissions per block
        pub subscription_per_block_emissions: EmissionType,

    /// Keeps track of the active subscribers.
    /// Is updated each time a sub joins/leaves
    /// Used to calculate income.
    pub struct SubscriptionState {
        /// amount of active subscribers
        pub active_subs: u32,

    /// Stored info for each subscriber.
    pub struct Subscriber {
        /// When the subscription ends
        pub expiration_block: u64,
        /// last time emissions were claimed
        pub last_emission_claim_block: u64,
        /// Address of the OS manager
        pub manager_addr: Addr,

    /// Average number of subscribers
    pub const INCOME_TWA: TimeWeightedAverage = TimeWeightedAverage::new("\u{0}{7}sub_twa");
    pub const SUBSCRIPTION_CONFIG: Item<SubscriptionConfig> = Item::new("\u{0}{10}sub_config");
    pub const SUBSCRIPTION_STATE: Item<SubscriptionState> = Item::new("\u{0}{9}sub_state");
    pub const SUBSCRIBERS: Map<u32, Subscriber> = Map::new("subscribed");
    pub const DORMANT_SUBSCRIBERS: Map<u32, Subscriber> = Map::new("un-subscribed");


    #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
    pub struct ContributionConfig {
        /// Percentage of income that is redirected to the protocol
        pub protocol_income_share: Decimal,
        /// Percentage of emissions allocated to users
        pub emission_user_share: Decimal,
        /// Max emissions (when income = 0) = max_emissions_multiple * floor_emissions
        pub max_emissions_multiple: Decimal,
        /// Emissions amplification factor in inverse emissions <-> target equation
        pub emissions_amp_factor: Uint128,
        /// Emissions offset factor in inverse emissions <-> target equation
        pub emissions_offset: Uint128,
        /// token
        pub token_info: AssetInfo,

    impl ContributionConfig {
        pub fn verify(self) -> StdResult<Self> {
            if !(decimal_is_percentage(&self.protocol_income_share)
                || decimal_is_percentage(&self.emission_user_share))
                    "Some config fields should not be >1.",
            } else {

    fn decimal_is_percentage(decimal: &Decimal) -> bool {
        decimal <= &Decimal::one()

    pub struct ContributionState {
        /// Target income to pay base salaries
        pub income_target: Decimal,
        /// expense the org is able to make based on the income, target and split
        pub expense: Decimal,
        /// total weights for token emission allocations
        pub total_weight: Uint128,
        /// total emissions for this month
        pub emissions: Decimal,

    // List contributors
    pub const CONTRIBUTORS: Map<&Addr, Compensation> = Map::new("contributors");
    pub const CONTRIBUTION_CONFIG: Item<ContributionConfig> = Item::new("\u{0}{10}con_config");
    pub const CACHED_CONTRIBUTION_STATE: Item<ContributionState> =
    pub const CONTRIBUTION_STATE: Item<ContributionState> = Item::new("\u{0}{9}con_state");

    /// Compensation details for contributors
    #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, JsonSchema, Default)]
    pub struct Compensation {
        pub base_per_block: Decimal,
        pub weight: u32,
        pub last_claim_block: Uint64,
        pub expiration_block: Uint64,

    impl Compensation {
        pub fn overwrite(
            mut self,
            base_per_block: Option<Decimal>,
            weight: Option<u32>,
            expiration_block: Option<u64>,
        ) -> Self {
            if let Some(base_per_block) = base_per_block {
                self.base_per_block = base_per_block;

            if let Some(weight) = weight {
                self.weight = weight;

            if let Some(expiration_block) = expiration_block {
                self.expiration_block = expiration_block.into();

    impl Sub for Compensation {
        type Output = (Decimal, i32);

        fn sub(self, other: Self) -> (Decimal, i32) {
                self.base_per_block - other.base_per_block,
                self.weight as i32 - other.weight as i32,

use cosmwasm_std::{Decimal, Uint128, Uint64};

use cw_asset::{Asset, AssetInfoUnchecked};

use state::{
    Compensation, ContributionConfig, ContributionState, Subscriber, SubscriptionConfig,

use self::state::UncheckedEmissionType;

pub struct MigrateMsg {}

pub struct InstantiateMsg {
    pub subscription: SubscriptionInstantiateMsg,
    pub contribution: Option<ContributionInstantiateMsg>,
pub struct SubscriptionInstantiateMsg {
    /// Payment asset for
    pub payment_asset: AssetInfoUnchecked,
    pub subscription_cost_per_block: Decimal,
    pub version_control_addr: String,
    pub factory_addr: String,
    pub subscription_per_block_emissions: UncheckedEmissionType,

pub struct ContributionInstantiateMsg {
    pub protocol_income_share: Decimal,
    pub emission_user_share: Decimal,
    pub max_emissions_multiple: Decimal,
    pub token_info: AssetInfoUnchecked,
    pub emissions_amp_factor: Uint128,
    pub emissions_offset: Uint128,
    pub income_averaging_period: Uint64,

pub enum ExecuteMsg {
    Pay {
        os_id: u32,
    Unsubscribe {
        os_ids: Vec<u32>,
    ClaimCompensation {
        // os_id the OS
        os_id: u32,
    ClaimEmissions {
        os_id: u32,
    UpdateContributor {
        contributor_os_id: u32,
        base_per_block: Option<Decimal>,
        weight: Option<Uint64>,
        expiration_block: Option<Uint64>,
    RemoveContributor {
        os_id: u32,
    UpdateSubscriptionConfig {
        payment_asset: Option<AssetInfoUnchecked>,
        version_control_address: Option<String>,
        factory_address: Option<String>,
        subscription_cost: Option<Decimal>,
    UpdateContributionConfig {
        protocol_income_share: Option<Decimal>,
        emission_user_share: Option<Decimal>,
        max_emissions_multiple: Option<Decimal>,
        project_token_info: Option<AssetInfoUnchecked>,
        emissions_amp_factor: Option<Uint128>,
        emissions_offset: Option<Uint128>,

// Add dapp-specific queries here
pub enum QueryMsg {
    State {},
    Config {},
    Fee {},
    SubscriberState { os_id: u32 },
    ContributorState { os_id: u32 },

pub enum DepositHookMsg {
    Pay { os_id: u32 },

pub struct ConfigResponse {
    pub contribution: ContributionConfig,
    pub subscription: SubscriptionConfig,

pub struct StateResponse {
    pub contribution: ContributionState,
    pub subscription: SubscriptionState,

pub struct SubscriptionFeeResponse {
    pub fee: Asset,

pub struct SubscriberStateResponse {
    pub currently_subscribed: bool,
    pub subscriber_details: Subscriber,

pub struct ContributorStateResponse {
    pub compensation: Compensation,