abstract-os 0.2.0-beta.6

Abstract contract interfaces and storage layouts
//! # Decentralized Exchange Extension
//! `abstract_os::dex` is a generic dex-interfacing contract that handles address retrievals and dex-interactions.

use cosmwasm_schema::QueryResponses;
use cosmwasm_std::{Decimal, Uint128};

use crate::objects::{AnsAsset, AssetEntry, ContractEntry};

pub type DexName = String;
pub type OfferAsset = AnsAsset;
pub type AskAsset = AnsAsset;

pub const IBC_DEX_ID: u32 = 11335;

/// Possible actions to perform on the DEX
pub enum DexAction {
    /// Provide arbitrary liquidity
    ProvideLiquidity {
        // support complex pool types
        /// Assets to add
        assets: Vec<OfferAsset>,
        max_spread: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Provide liquidity equally between assets to a pool
    ProvideLiquiditySymmetric {
        offer_asset: OfferAsset,
        // support complex pool types
        /// Assets that are paired with the offered asset
        paired_assets: Vec<AssetEntry>,
    /// Withdraw liquidity from a pool
    WithdrawLiquidity {
        lp_token: AssetEntry,
        amount: Uint128,
    /// Standard swap between one asset to another
    Swap {
        offer_asset: OfferAsset,
        ask_asset: AssetEntry,
        max_spread: Option<Decimal>,
        belief_price: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Allow alternative swap routers and methods
    CustomSwap {
        offer_assets: Vec<OfferAsset>,
        ask_assets: Vec<AskAsset>,
        max_spread: Option<Decimal>,
        /// Optionally supply a router to use
        router: Option<SwapRouter>,

pub enum SwapRouter {
    /// Matrix router
    /// Use a custom router (using String type for cross-chain compatibility)

/// Dex Execute msg
pub struct DexRequestMsg {
    pub dex: DexName,
    pub action: DexAction,

pub enum DexQueryMsg {
    SimulateSwap {
        offer_asset: OfferAsset,
        ask_asset: AssetEntry,
        dex: Option<DexName>,

// LP/protocol fees could be withheld from either input or output so commission asset must be included.
pub struct SimulateSwapResponse {
    pub pool: ContractEntry,
    /// Amount you would receive when performing the swap.
    pub return_amount: Uint128,
    /// Spread in ask_asset for this swap
    pub spread_amount: Uint128,
    /// Commission charged for the swap
    pub commission: (AssetEntry, Uint128),