abstract-os 0.2.0-beta.6

Abstract contract interfaces and storage layouts
use crate::abstract_ica::StdAck;
use cosmwasm_std::{from_slice, Binary, Coin, CosmosMsg, StdResult, Timestamp};

use abstract_ica::IbcResponseMsg;

use crate::ibc_host::HostAction;

use self::state::AccountData;
pub mod state {

    use super::LatestQueryResponse;
    use crate::{
        objects::{ans_host::AnsHost, common_namespace::ADMIN_NAMESPACE},
    use cosmwasm_std::{Addr, Coin, Timestamp};
    use cw_controllers::Admin;
    use cw_storage_plus::{Item, Map};

    pub struct Config {
        pub version_control_address: Addr,
        pub chain: String,

    pub struct AccountData {
        /// last block balance was updated (0 is never)
        pub last_update_time: Timestamp,
        /// In normal cases, it should be set, but there is a delay between binding
        /// the channel and making a query and in that time it is empty.
        /// Since we do not have a way to validate the remote address format, this
        /// must not be of type `Addr`.
        pub remote_addr: Option<String>,
        pub remote_balance: Vec<Coin>,

    pub const ADMIN: Admin = Admin::new(ADMIN_NAMESPACE);
    /// host_chain -> channel-id
    pub const CHANNELS: Map<&str, String> = Map::new("channels");
    pub const CONFIG: Item<Config> = Item::new("config");
    /// (channel-id,os_id) -> remote_addr
    pub const ACCOUNTS: Map<(&str, u32), AccountData> = Map::new("accounts");
    /// Todo: see if we can remove this
    pub const LATEST_QUERIES: Map<(&str, u32), LatestQueryResponse> = Map::new("queries");
    pub const ANS_HOST: Item<AnsHost> = Item::new(ANS_HOST_KEY);

/// This needs no info. Owner of the contract is whoever signed the InstantiateMsg.
pub struct InstantiateMsg {
    pub ans_host_address: String,
    pub version_control_address: String,
    pub chain: String,

pub struct MigrateMsg {}

pub struct CallbackInfo {
    pub id: String,
    pub receiver: String,

impl CallbackInfo {
    pub fn to_callback_msg(self, ack_data: &Binary) -> StdResult<CosmosMsg> {
        let msg: StdAck = from_slice(ack_data)?;
        IbcResponseMsg { id: self.id, msg }.into_cosmos_msg(self.receiver)

pub enum ExecuteMsg {
    /// Update the Admin
    UpdateAdmin {
        admin: String,
    /// Changes the config
    UpdateConfig {
        ans_host: Option<String>,
        version_control: Option<String>,
    /// Only callable by OS proxy
    /// Will attempt to forward the specified funds to the corresponding
    /// address on the remote chain.
    SendFunds {
        host_chain: String,
        funds: Vec<Coin>,
    /// Register an OS on a remote chain over IBC
    /// This action creates a proxy for them on the remote chain.
    Register {
        host_chain: String,
    SendPacket {
        /// host chain to be executed on
        /// Example: "osmosis"
        host_chain: String,
        /// execute the custom host function
        action: HostAction,
        /// optional callback info
        callback_info: Option<CallbackInfo>,
        /// Number of retries if packet errors
        retries: u8,
    RemoveHost {
        host_chain: String,

pub enum QueryMsg {
    // Returns current admin
    Admin {},
    // Shows all open channels (incl. remote info)
    ListAccounts {},
    // Get channel info for one chain
    Account { chain: String, os_id: u32 },
    // Get remote account info for a chain + OS
    LatestQueryResult { chain: String, os_id: u32 },
    // get the channels
    ListChannels {},

pub struct ConfigResponse {
    pub admin: String,
    pub version_control_address: String,
    pub chain: String,

pub struct ListAccountsResponse {
    pub accounts: Vec<AccountInfo>,
pub struct ListChannelsResponse {
    pub channels: Vec<(String, String)>,

pub struct LatestQueryResponse {
    /// last block balance was updated (0 is never)
    pub last_update_time: Timestamp,
    pub response: StdAck,

pub struct RemoteProxyResponse {
    /// last block balance was updated (0 is never)
    pub channel_id: String,
    /// address of the remote proxy
    pub proxy_address: String,

pub struct AccountInfo {
    pub channel_id: String,
    pub os_id: u32,
    /// last block balance was updated (0 is never)
    pub last_update_time: Timestamp,
    /// in normal cases, it should be set, but there is a delay between binding
    /// the channel and making a query and in that time it is empty
    pub remote_addr: Option<String>,
    pub remote_balance: Vec<Coin>,

impl AccountInfo {
    pub fn convert(channel_id: String, os_id: u32, input: AccountData) -> Self {
        AccountInfo {
            last_update_time: input.last_update_time,
            remote_addr: input.remote_addr,
            remote_balance: input.remote_balance,

pub struct AccountResponse {
    /// last block balance was updated (0 is never)
    pub last_update_time: Timestamp,
    /// in normal cases, it should be set, but there is a delay between binding
    /// the channel and making a query and in that time it is empty
    pub remote_addr: Option<String>,
    pub remote_balance: Vec<Coin>,

impl From<AccountData> for AccountResponse {
    fn from(input: AccountData) -> Self {
        AccountResponse {
            last_update_time: input.last_update_time,
            remote_addr: input.remote_addr,
            remote_balance: input.remote_balance,