Trait stateright::actor::System[][src]

pub trait System: Sized {
    type Actor: Actor;
    type History: Clone + Debug + Default + Hash;
    fn actors(&self) -> Vec<Self::Actor>;
fn properties(&self) -> Vec<Property<SystemModel<Self>>>; fn init_network(&self) -> Vec<Envelope<<Self::Actor as Actor>::Msg>> { ... }
fn lossy_network(&self) -> LossyNetwork { ... }
fn duplicating_network(&self) -> DuplicatingNetwork { ... }
fn record_msg_in(
        history: &Self::History,
        src: Id,
        dst: Id,
        msg: &<Self::Actor as Actor>::Msg
    ) -> Option<Self::History> { ... }
fn record_msg_out(
        history: &Self::History,
        src: Id,
        dst: Id,
        msg: &<Self::Actor as Actor>::Msg
    ) -> Option<Self::History> { ... }
fn within_boundary(&self, _state: &SystemState<Self>) -> bool { ... }
fn into_model(self) -> SystemModel<Self> { ... } }

Represents a system of actors that communicate over a network. Usage: let checker = my_system.into_model().checker().

Associated Types

type Actor: Actor[src]

The type of actor for this system.

type History: Clone + Debug + Default + Hash[src]

The type of history to maintain as auxiliary state, if any. See Auxiliary Variables in TLA for a thorough introduction to that concept. Use () if history is not needed to define the relevant properties of this system.

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Required methods

fn actors(&self) -> Vec<Self::Actor>[src]

Defines the actors.

fn properties(&self) -> Vec<Property<SystemModel<Self>>>[src]

Generates the expected properties for this model.

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Provided methods

fn init_network(&self) -> Vec<Envelope<<Self::Actor as Actor>::Msg>>[src]

Defines the initial network.

fn lossy_network(&self) -> LossyNetwork[src]

Defines whether the network loses messages or not.

fn duplicating_network(&self) -> DuplicatingNetwork[src]

Defines whether the network duplicates messages or not.

fn record_msg_in(
    history: &Self::History,
    src: Id,
    dst: Id,
    msg: &<Self::Actor as Actor>::Msg
) -> Option<Self::History>

Defines whether/how an incoming message contributes to relevant history. Returning Some(new_history) updates the relevant history, while None does not.

fn record_msg_out(
    history: &Self::History,
    src: Id,
    dst: Id,
    msg: &<Self::Actor as Actor>::Msg
) -> Option<Self::History>

Defines whether/how an outgoing messages contributes to relevant history. Returning Some(new_history) updates the relevant history, while None does not.

fn within_boundary(&self, _state: &SystemState<Self>) -> bool[src]

Indicates whether a state is within the state space that should be model checked.

fn into_model(self) -> SystemModel<Self>[src]

Converts this system into a model that can be checked.

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impl<ServerActor, InternalMsg> System for RegisterTestSystem<ServerActor, InternalMsg> where
    ServerActor: Actor<Msg = RegisterMsg<TestRequestId, TestValue, InternalMsg>> + Clone,
    InternalMsg: Clone + Debug + Eq + Hash

type Actor = RegisterActor<ServerActor>

type History = LinearizabilityTester<Id, Register<TestValue>>

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