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2D graphics module: sprites, text, shapes..


Available blending modes for drawing
GLSL types.


Blending modes for drawing.
Specialized shape representing a circle.
Utility type for manpulating RGBA colors
Specialized shape representing a convex polygon
An iterator over the points of a ConvexShape.
A custom textured shape with outline.
Type for loading and manipulating character fonts.
Holds various information about a font.
Structure describing a glyph.
Loading, manipulating and saving images.
Types of primitives of which vertex arrays can be rendered.
Utility type for manipulating 2D axis-aligned rectangles.
Specialized shape representing a rectangle
Define the states used for drawing to a RenderTarget.
Target for off-screen 2D rendering into a texture
Window that can serve as a target for 2D drawing.
Shader type (vertex, geometry and fragment).
Drawable representation of a texture
Graphical text
Available text styles.
Image living on the graphics card that can be used for drawing.
Define a 3x3 transform matrix.
Define a point with color and texture coordinates.
Define a set of one or more 2D primitives stored in graphics memory
Usage specifiers for a VertexBuffer
2D camera that defines what region is shown on screen


Types of shaders


The points of a custom shape.
Something that is drawable by a RenderTarget.
Trait for all render targets (window, texture, …)
Trait for textured shapes with outline.
Decomposed transform defined by a position, a rotation and a scale.


Compute the bounding rectangle of the vertex array.

Type Definitions

A Rect of f32.
A Rect of i32.