Struct polars::chunked_array::ChunkedArray[][src]

pub struct ChunkedArray<T> { /* fields omitted */ }


Every Series contains a ChunkedArray<T>. Unlike Series, ChunkedArray's are typed. This allows us to apply closures to the data and collect the results to a ChunkedArray of te same type T. Below we use an apply to use the cosine function to the values of a ChunkedArray.

fn apply_cosine(ca: &Float32Chunked) -> Float32Chunked {
    ca.apply(|v| v.cos())

If we would like to cast the result we could use a Rust Iterator instead of an apply method. Note that Iterators are slightly slower as the null values aren't ignored implicitly.

fn apply_cosine_and_cast(ca: &Float32Chunked) -> Float64Chunked {
        .map(|opt_v| {|v| v.cos() as f64)

Another option is to first cast and then use an apply.

fn apply_cosine_and_cast(ca: &Float32Chunked) -> Float64Chunked {
        .apply(|v| v.cos())

Conversion between Series and ChunkedArray's

Conversion from a Series to a ChunkedArray is effortless.

fn to_chunked_array(series: &Series) -> Result<&Int32Chunked>{

fn to_series(ca: Int32Chunked) -> Series {


ChunkedArrays fully support Rust native Iterator and DoubleEndedIterator traits, thereby giving access to all the excelent methods available for Iterators.

fn iter_forward(ca: &Float32Chunked) {
        .for_each(|opt_v| println!("{:?}", opt_v))

fn iter_backward(ca: &Float32Chunked) {
        .for_each(|opt_v| println!("{:?}", opt_v))

Memory layout

ChunkedArray's use Apache Arrow as backend for the memory layout. Arrows memory is immutable which makes it possible to make mutliple zero copy (sub)-views from a single array.

To be able to append data, Polars uses chunks to append new memory locations, hence the ChunkedArray<T> data structure. Appends are cheap, because it will not lead to a full reallocation of the whole array (as could be the case with a Rust Vec).

However, multiple chunks in a ChunkArray will slow down the Iterators, arithmetic and other operations. When multiplying two ChunkArray's with different chunk sizes they cannot utilize SIMD for instance. However, when chunk size don't match, Iterators will be used to do the operation (instead of arrows upstream implementation, which may utilize SIMD) and the result will be a single chunked array.

The key takeaway is that by applying operations on a ChunkArray of multiple chunks, the results will converge to a ChunkArray of a single chunk! It is recommended to leave them as is. If you want to have predictable performance (no unexpected re-allocation of memory), it is adviced to call the rechunk after multiple append operations.


impl ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

pub fn all_true(&self) -> bool[src]

impl ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

pub fn all_false(&self) -> bool[src]

impl<T> ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType

pub fn to_ndarray(
) -> Result<ArrayBase<ViewRepr<&<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>, Dim<[usize; 1]>>, PolarsError>

If data is aligned in a single chunk and has no Null values a zero copy view is returned as an ndarray

impl ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

pub fn to_ndarray<N>(
) -> Result<ArrayBase<OwnedRepr<<N as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>, Dim<[usize; 2]>>, PolarsError> where
    N: PolarsNumericType

If all nested Series have the same length, a 2 dimensional ndarray::Array is returned.

impl<T> ChunkedArray<ObjectType<T>> where
    T: Any + Debug + Clone + Send + Sync + Default

pub fn new_from_vec(
    name: &str,
    v: Vec<T, Global>
) -> ChunkedArray<ObjectType<T>>

impl<T> ChunkedArray<ObjectType<T>> where
    T: Any + Debug + Clone + Send + Sync + Default

pub fn get_as_any(&self, index: usize) -> &(dyn Any + 'static)[src]

impl<T> ChunkedArray<T> where
    ChunkedArray<T>: ChunkTake

pub fn sample_n(
    n: usize,
    with_replacement: bool
) -> Result<ChunkedArray<T>, PolarsError>

Sample n datapoints from this ChunkedArray.

pub fn sample_frac(
    frac: f64,
    with_replacement: bool
) -> Result<ChunkedArray<T>, PolarsError>

Sample a fraction between 0.0-1.0 of this ChunkedArray.

impl<T> ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Float,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: NumCast

pub fn rand_normal(
    name: &str,
    length: usize,
    mean: f64,
    std_dev: f64
) -> Result<ChunkedArray<T>, PolarsError>

Create ChunkedArray with samples from a Normal distribution.

pub fn rand_standard_normal(name: &str, length: usize) -> ChunkedArray<T>[src]

Create ChunkedArray with samples from a Standard Normal distribution.

pub fn rand_uniform(
    name: &str,
    length: usize,
    low: f64,
    high: f64
) -> ChunkedArray<T>

Create ChunkedArray with samples from a Uniform distribution.

impl ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

pub fn rand_bernoulli(
    name: &str,
    length: usize,
    p: f64
) -> Result<ChunkedArray<BooleanType>, PolarsError>

Create ChunkedArray with samples from a Bernoulli distribution.

impl ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

pub fn str_lengths(&self) -> ChunkedArray<UInt32Type>[src]

Get the length of the string values.

pub fn contains(
    pat: &str
) -> Result<ChunkedArray<BooleanType>, PolarsError>

Check if strings contain a regex pattern

pub fn replace(
    pat: &str,
    val: &str
) -> Result<ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>, PolarsError>

Replace the leftmost (sub)string by a regex pattern

pub fn replace_all(
    pat: &str,
    val: &str
) -> Result<ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>, PolarsError>

Replace all (sub)strings by a regex pattern

pub fn to_lowercase(&self) -> ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

Modify the strings to their lowercase equivalent

pub fn to_uppercase(&self) -> ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

Modify the strings to their uppercase equivalent

pub fn concat(&self, other: &ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>) -> ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

Concat with the values from a second Utf8Chunked

impl ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

pub fn as_date32(
    fmt: Option<&str>
) -> Result<ChunkedArray<Date32Type>, PolarsError>

pub fn as_date64(
    fmt: Option<&str>
) -> Result<ChunkedArray<Date64Type>, PolarsError>

impl ChunkedArray<Date64Type>[src]

pub fn year(&self) -> ChunkedArray<Int32Type>[src]

Extract month from underlying NaiveDateTime representation. Returns the year number in the calendar date.

pub fn month(&self) -> ChunkedArray<UInt32Type>[src]

Extract month from underlying NaiveDateTime representation. Returns the month number starting from 1.

The return value ranges from 1 to 12.

pub fn day(&self) -> ChunkedArray<UInt32Type>[src]

Extract day from underlying NaiveDateTime representation. Returns the day of month starting from 1.

The return value ranges from 1 to 31. (The last day of month differs by months.)

pub fn hour(&self) -> ChunkedArray<UInt32Type>[src]

Extract hour from underlying NaiveDateTime representation. Returns the hour number from 0 to 23.

pub fn minute(&self) -> ChunkedArray<UInt32Type>[src]

Extract minute from underlying NaiveDateTime representation. Returns the minute number from 0 to 59.

pub fn second(&self) -> ChunkedArray<UInt32Type>[src]

Extract second from underlying NaiveDateTime representation. Returns the second number from 0 to 59.

pub fn nanosecond(&self) -> ChunkedArray<UInt32Type>[src]

Extract second from underlying NaiveDateTime representation. Returns the number of nanoseconds since the whole non-leap second. The range from 1,000,000,000 to 1,999,999,999 represents the leap second.

pub fn ordinal(&self) -> ChunkedArray<UInt32Type>[src]

Returns the day of year starting from 1.

The return value ranges from 1 to 366. (The last day of year differs by years.)

pub fn str_fmt(&self, fmt: &str) -> ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

Format Date64 with a fmt rule. See chrono strftime/strptime.

impl ChunkedArray<Date32Type>[src]

pub fn year(&self) -> ChunkedArray<Int32Type>[src]

Extract month from underlying NaiveDateTime representation. Returns the year number in the calendar date.

pub fn month(&self) -> ChunkedArray<UInt32Type>[src]

Extract month from underlying NaiveDateTime representation. Returns the month number starting from 1.

The return value ranges from 1 to 12.

pub fn day(&self) -> ChunkedArray<UInt32Type>[src]

Extract day from underlying NaiveDateTime representation. Returns the day of month starting from 1.

The return value ranges from 1 to 31. (The last day of month differs by months.)

pub fn ordinal(&self) -> ChunkedArray<UInt32Type>[src]

Returns the day of year starting from 1.

The return value ranges from 1 to 366. (The last day of year differs by years.)

pub fn str_fmt(&self, fmt: &str) -> ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

Format Date32 with a fmt rule. See chrono strftime/strptime.

impl<T> ChunkedArray<T>[src]

pub fn array_data(&self) -> Vec<Arc<ArrayData>, Global>[src]

Get Arrow ArrayData

pub fn get_categorical_map(
) -> Option<&Arc<AHashMap<u32, String, RandomState>>>

Get a reference to the mapping of categorical types to the string values.

pub fn first_non_null(&self) -> Option<usize>[src]

Get the index of the first non null value in this ChunkedArray.

pub fn null_bits(&self) -> Vec<(usize, Option<Buffer>), Global>[src]

Get the null count and the buffer of bits representing null values

pub fn unpack_series_matching_type(
    series: &Series
) -> Result<&ChunkedArray<T>, PolarsError>

Series to ChunkedArray

pub fn len(&self) -> usize[src]

Combined length of all the chunks.

pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool[src]

Check if ChunkedArray is empty.

pub fn chunk_id(&self) -> &Vec<usize, Global>[src]

Unique id representing the number of chunks

pub fn chunks(&self) -> &Vec<Arc<dyn Array + 'static>, Global>[src]

A reference to the chunks

pub fn is_optimal_aligned(&self) -> bool[src]

Returns true if contains a single chunk and has no null values

pub fn null_count(&self) -> usize[src]

Count the null values.

pub fn limit(&self, num_elements: usize) -> Result<ChunkedArray<T>, PolarsError>[src]

Take a view of top n elements

pub fn append_array(
    &mut self,
    other: Arc<dyn Array + 'static>
) -> Result<(), PolarsError>

Append arrow array in place.

let mut array = Int32Chunked::new_from_slice("array", &[1, 2]);
let array_2 = Int32Chunked::new_from_slice("2nd", &[3]);

assert_eq!(Vec::from(&array), [Some(1), Some(2), Some(3)])

pub fn slice(
    offset: usize,
    length: usize
) -> Result<ChunkedArray<T>, PolarsError>

Slice the array. The chunks are reallocated the underlying data slices are zero copy.

pub fn is_null(&self) -> ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

Get a mask of the null values.

pub fn is_not_null(&self) -> ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

Get a mask of the null values.

pub fn dtype(&self) -> &DataType[src]

Get data type of ChunkedArray.

pub fn head(&self, length: Option<usize>) -> ChunkedArray<T>[src]

Get the head of the ChunkedArray

pub fn tail(&self, length: Option<usize>) -> ChunkedArray<T>[src]

Get the tail of the ChunkedArray

pub fn append(&mut self, other: &ChunkedArray<T>) where
    ChunkedArray<T>: Sized

Append in place.

pub fn name(&self) -> &str[src]

Name of the ChunkedArray.

pub fn ref_field(&self) -> &Field[src]

Get a reference to the field.

pub fn rename(&mut self, name: &str)[src]

Rename this ChunkedArray.

impl<T> ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsDataType

pub fn new_from_chunks(
    name: &str,
    chunks: Vec<Arc<dyn Array + 'static>, Global>
) -> ChunkedArray<T>

Create a new ChunkedArray from existing chunks.

impl<T> ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsPrimitiveType

pub fn new_from_aligned_vec(
    name: &str,
    v: AlignedVec<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>
) -> ChunkedArray<T>

Create a new ChunkedArray by taking ownership of the AlignedVec. This operation is zero copy.

pub fn new_with_null_bitmap(
    name: &str,
    values: &[<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native],
    buffer: Option<Buffer>,
    null_count: usize
) -> ChunkedArray<T>

Nullify values in slice with an existing null bitmap

pub fn new_from_owned_with_null_bitmap(
    name: &str,
    values: AlignedVec<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    buffer: Option<Buffer>,
    null_count: usize
) -> ChunkedArray<T>

Nullify values in slice with an existing null bitmap

impl<T> ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType

pub fn cont_slice(
) -> Result<&[<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native], PolarsError>

Contiguous slice

pub fn data_views(&self) -> Vec<&[<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native], Global>[src]

Get slices of the underlying arrow data. NOTE: null values should be taken into account by the user of these slices as they are handled separately

pub fn map<B, F>(
    f: F
) -> Result<Map<Copied<Iter<'_, <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>, F>, PolarsError> where
    F: Fn(<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native) -> B, 

If cont_slice is successful a closure is mapped over the elements.


use polars_core::prelude::*;
fn multiply(ca: &UInt32Chunked) -> Result<Series> {
    let mapped =|v| v * 2)?;

pub fn map_null_checks<B, F>(
    &'a self,
    f: F
) -> Map<Box<dyn PolarsIterator<Item = Option<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>> + 'a, Global>, F> where
    F: Fn(Option<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>) -> B, 

If cont_slice fails we can fallback on an iterator with null checks and map a closure over the elements.


use polars_core::prelude::*;
use itertools::Itertools;
fn multiply(ca: &UInt32Chunked) -> Series {
    let mapped_result =|v| v * 2);

    if let Ok(mapped) = mapped_result {
    } else {
        .map_null_checks(|opt_v||v |v * 2)).collect()

pub fn fold<F, B>(&self, init: B, f: F) -> Result<B, PolarsError> where
    F: Fn(B, <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native) -> B, 

If cont_slice is successful a closure can be applied as aggregation


use polars_core::prelude::*;
fn compute_sum(ca: &UInt32Chunked) -> Result<u32> {
    ca.fold(0, |acc, value| acc + value)

pub fn fold_null_checks<F, B>(&self, init: B, f: F) -> B where
    F: Fn(B, Option<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>) -> B, 

If cont_slice fails we can fallback on an iterator with null checks and a closure for aggregation


use polars_core::prelude::*;
fn compute_sum(ca: &UInt32Chunked) -> u32 {
    match ca.fold(0, |acc, value| acc + value) {
        // faster sum without null checks was successful
        Ok(sum) => sum,
        // Null values or multiple chunks in ChunkedArray, we need to do more bounds checking
        Err(_) => ca.fold_null_checks(0, |acc, opt_value| {
            match opt_value {
                Some(v) => acc + v,
                None => acc

Trait Implementations

impl<'_, T> Add<&'_ ChunkedArray<T>> for &'_ ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Sub<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Mul<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Add<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Div<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Zero,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Add<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Sub<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Mul<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Div<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native

type Output = ChunkedArray<T>

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

impl<'_> Add<&'_ ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>> for &'_ ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

type Output = ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

impl<'_, '_> Add<&'_ str> for &'_ ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

type Output = ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

impl<T> Add<ChunkedArray<T>> for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Sub<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Mul<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Add<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Div<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Zero,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Add<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Sub<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Mul<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Div<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native

type Output = ChunkedArray<T>

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

impl Add<ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

type Output = ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

impl<'_, T, N> Add<N> for &'_ ChunkedArray<T> where
    N: Num + ToPrimitive,
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: NumCast,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Add<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Add<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native

type Output = ChunkedArray<T>

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

impl AsDuration<DurationMillisecondType> for ChunkedArray<Date64Type>[src]

impl AsDuration<DurationMillisecondType> for ChunkedArray<Date32Type>[src]

impl AsNaiveDate for ChunkedArray<Date32Type>[src]

impl AsNaiveDateTime for ChunkedArray<Date64Type>[src]

impl AsNaiveDateTime for ChunkedArray<Date32Type>[src]

impl AsNaiveTime for ChunkedArray<Time64NanosecondType>[src]

impl<T> AsRef<ChunkedArray<T>> for ChunkedArray<T>[src]

impl<'a, T> AsRef<ChunkedArray<T>> for dyn SeriesTrait + 'a where
    T: 'static + PolarsDataType

impl<'_> AsTakeIndex for &'_ ChunkedArray<UInt32Type>[src]

impl<'_> BitAnd<&'_ ChunkedArray<BooleanType>> for &'_ ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

type Output = ChunkedArray<BooleanType>

The resulting type after applying the & operator.

impl BitAnd<ChunkedArray<BooleanType>> for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

type Output = ChunkedArray<BooleanType>

The resulting type after applying the & operator.

impl<'_> BitOr<&'_ ChunkedArray<BooleanType>> for &'_ ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

type Output = ChunkedArray<BooleanType>

The resulting type after applying the | operator.

impl BitOr<ChunkedArray<BooleanType>> for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

type Output = ChunkedArray<BooleanType>

The resulting type after applying the | operator.

impl<T> ChunkAgg<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native> for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: PartialOrd<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Num,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: NumCast,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Zero

impl ChunkAgg<u32> for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

Booleans are casted to 1 or 0.

pub fn sum(&self) -> Option<u32>[src]

Returns None if the array is empty or only contains null values.

impl<'a> ChunkApply<'a, &'a str, String> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl<'a, T> ChunkApply<'a, <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native, <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native> for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType

pub fn apply<F>(&'a self, f: F) -> ChunkedArray<T> where
    F: Fn(<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native) -> <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native + Copy

Chooses the fastest path for closure application. Null values remain null.


use polars_core::prelude::*;
fn double(ca: &UInt32Chunked) -> UInt32Chunked {
    ca.apply(|v| v * 2)

impl<'a> ChunkApply<'a, Series, Series> for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

pub fn apply<F>(&'a self, f: F) -> ChunkedArray<ListType> where
    F: Fn(Series) -> Series + Copy

Apply a closure F elementwise.

pub fn apply_with_idx<F>(&'a self, f: F) -> ChunkedArray<ListType> where
    F: Fn((usize, Series)) -> Series + Copy

Apply a closure elementwise. The closure gets the index of the element as first argument.

pub fn apply_with_idx_on_opt<F>(&'a self, f: F) -> ChunkedArray<ListType> where
    F: Fn((usize, Option<Series>)) -> Option<Series> + Copy

Apply a closure elementwise. The closure gets the index of the element as first argument.

impl<'a> ChunkApply<'a, bool, bool> for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl ChunkApplyKernel<GenericStringArray<i64>> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl<T> ChunkApplyKernel<PrimitiveArray<T>> for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsPrimitiveType

impl ChunkCast for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl ChunkCast for ChunkedArray<CategoricalType>[src]

impl ChunkCast for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl ChunkCast for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl<T> ChunkCast for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: NumCast,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: ToPrimitive

impl<'_> ChunkCompare<&'_ ChunkedArray<BooleanType>> for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl<'_> ChunkCompare<&'_ ChunkedArray<ListType>> for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl<'_, T> ChunkCompare<&'_ ChunkedArray<T>> for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: NumCast,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: NumComp,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: ToPrimitive

impl<'_> ChunkCompare<&'_ ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl<'_> ChunkCompare<&'_ str> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl<T, Rhs> ChunkCompare<Rhs> for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    Rhs: NumComp + ToPrimitive,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: NumCast

impl ChunkCumAgg<BooleanType> for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl ChunkCumAgg<CategoricalType> for ChunkedArray<CategoricalType>[src]

impl ChunkCumAgg<ListType> for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl<T> ChunkCumAgg<ObjectType<T>> for ChunkedArray<ObjectType<T>>[src]

impl<T> ChunkCumAgg<T> for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Bounded,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: PartialOrd<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: AddAssign<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    ChunkedArray<T>: FromIterator<Option<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>, 

impl ChunkCumAgg<Utf8Type> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl ChunkExpandAtIndex<BooleanType> for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl ChunkExpandAtIndex<CategoricalType> for ChunkedArray<CategoricalType>[src]

impl ChunkExpandAtIndex<ListType> for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl<T> ChunkExpandAtIndex<ObjectType<T>> for ChunkedArray<ObjectType<T>>[src]

impl<T> ChunkExpandAtIndex<T> for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsPrimitiveType,
    ChunkedArray<T>: ChunkFull<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    ChunkedArray<T>: TakeRandom,
    <ChunkedArray<T> as TakeRandom>::Item == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native

impl ChunkExpandAtIndex<Utf8Type> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl ChunkExplode for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl ChunkExplode for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl<T> ChunkFillNone for ChunkedArray<ObjectType<T>>[src]

impl ChunkFillNone for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl ChunkFillNone for ChunkedArray<CategoricalType>[src]

impl ChunkFillNone for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl ChunkFillNone for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl<T> ChunkFillNone for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Add<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: PartialOrd<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Div<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Num,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: NumCast,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Add<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Div<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native

impl<'_> ChunkFillNoneValue<&'_ Series> for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl<'_> ChunkFillNoneValue<&'_ str> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl<T> ChunkFillNoneValue<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native> for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Add<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: PartialOrd<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Div<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Num,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: NumCast,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Add<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Div<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native

impl<T> ChunkFillNoneValue<ObjectType<T>> for ChunkedArray<ObjectType<T>>[src]

impl ChunkFillNoneValue<bool> for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl ChunkFilter<BooleanType> for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl ChunkFilter<CategoricalType> for ChunkedArray<CategoricalType>[src]

impl ChunkFilter<ListType> for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl<T> ChunkFilter<ObjectType<T>> for ChunkedArray<ObjectType<T>> where
    T: 'static + Debug + Clone + Send + Sync + Default

impl<T> ChunkFilter<T> for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    ChunkedArray<T>: ChunkOps

impl ChunkFilter<Utf8Type> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl<'_> ChunkFull<&'_ (dyn SeriesTrait + '_)> for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl<'a> ChunkFull<&'a str> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl<T> ChunkFull<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native> for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsPrimitiveType

impl ChunkFull<bool> for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl<T> ChunkFullNull for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsPrimitiveType

impl ChunkFullNull for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl ChunkFullNull for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl ChunkFullNull for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl<T> ChunkIntegerDecode for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: IntegerDecode

impl<T> ChunkOps for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType

impl<T> ChunkOps for ChunkedArray<ObjectType<T>> where
    T: Any + Debug + Clone + Send + Sync + Default

impl ChunkOps for ChunkedArray<CategoricalType>[src]

impl ChunkOps for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl ChunkOps for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl ChunkOps for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl ChunkReverse<BooleanType> for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl ChunkReverse<CategoricalType> for ChunkedArray<CategoricalType>[src]

impl ChunkReverse<ListType> for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl<T> ChunkReverse<ObjectType<T>> for ChunkedArray<ObjectType<T>>[src]

impl<T> ChunkReverse<T> for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    ChunkedArray<T>: ChunkOps

impl ChunkReverse<Utf8Type> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl<'a> ChunkSet<'a, &'a str, String> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl<'a, T> ChunkSet<'a, <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native, <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native> for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType

impl<'a> ChunkSet<'a, bool, bool> for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl ChunkShift<BooleanType> for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl ChunkShift<CategoricalType> for ChunkedArray<CategoricalType>[src]

impl ChunkShift<ListType> for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl<T> ChunkShift<ObjectType<T>> for ChunkedArray<ObjectType<T>>[src]

impl<T> ChunkShift<T> for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Copy

impl ChunkShift<Utf8Type> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl ChunkShiftFill<BooleanType, Option<bool>> for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl<'_> ChunkShiftFill<ListType, Option<&'_ Series>> for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl<T> ChunkShiftFill<ObjectType<T>, Option<ObjectType<T>>> for ChunkedArray<ObjectType<T>>[src]

impl<T> ChunkShiftFill<T, Option<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>> for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Copy

impl<'_> ChunkShiftFill<Utf8Type, Option<&'_ str>> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl ChunkSort<BooleanType> for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl ChunkSort<CategoricalType> for ChunkedArray<CategoricalType>[src]

impl ChunkSort<ListType> for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl<T> ChunkSort<ObjectType<T>> for ChunkedArray<ObjectType<T>>[src]

impl<T> ChunkSort<T> for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: PartialOrd<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>, 

impl ChunkSort<Utf8Type> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl<T> ChunkTake for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType

impl ChunkTake for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl ChunkTake for ChunkedArray<CategoricalType>[src]

impl ChunkTake for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl ChunkTake for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl<T> ChunkTake for ChunkedArray<ObjectType<T>>[src]

impl ChunkTakeEvery<BooleanType> for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl ChunkTakeEvery<CategoricalType> for ChunkedArray<CategoricalType>[src]

impl ChunkTakeEvery<ListType> for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl<T> ChunkTakeEvery<ObjectType<T>> for ChunkedArray<ObjectType<T>>[src]

impl<T> ChunkTakeEvery<T> for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType

impl ChunkTakeEvery<Utf8Type> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl ChunkUnique<BooleanType> for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl ChunkUnique<CategoricalType> for ChunkedArray<CategoricalType>[src]

impl ChunkUnique<Float32Type> for ChunkedArray<Float32Type>[src]

impl ChunkUnique<Float64Type> for ChunkedArray<Float64Type>[src]

impl ChunkUnique<ListType> for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl<T> ChunkUnique<ObjectType<T>> for ChunkedArray<ObjectType<T>>[src]

impl<T> ChunkUnique<T> for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsIntegerType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Hash,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Eq,
    ChunkedArray<T>: ChunkOps,
    ChunkedArray<T>: IntoSeries

impl ChunkUnique<Utf8Type> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl ChunkVar<Series> for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl<T> ChunkVar<Series> for ChunkedArray<ObjectType<T>>[src]

impl ChunkVar<String> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl ChunkVar<bool> for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl ChunkVar<f32> for ChunkedArray<Float32Type>[src]

impl<T> ChunkVar<f64> for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsIntegerType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: PartialOrd<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Num,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: NumCast

impl ChunkVar<f64> for ChunkedArray<Float64Type>[src]

impl ChunkVar<u32> for ChunkedArray<CategoricalType>[src]

impl ChunkWindow for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl<T> ChunkWindow for ChunkedArray<ObjectType<T>>[src]

impl ChunkWindow for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl<T> ChunkWindow for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Zero,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Bounded,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: NumCast,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Div<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Mul<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: PartialOrd<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Copy,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Div<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Mul<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native

impl ChunkWindow for ChunkedArray<CategoricalType>[src]

impl ChunkWindow for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl<T> ChunkWindowCustom<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native> for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Zero,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Bounded,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: NumCast,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Div<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Mul<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: PartialOrd<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Copy,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Div<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Mul<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native

impl ChunkZip<BooleanType> for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl ChunkZip<CategoricalType> for ChunkedArray<CategoricalType>[src]

impl ChunkZip<ListType> for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl<T> ChunkZip<ObjectType<T>> for ChunkedArray<ObjectType<T>>[src]

impl<T> ChunkZip<T> for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType

impl ChunkZip<Utf8Type> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl<T> Clone for ChunkedArray<T>[src]

impl CompToSeries for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl<T> CompToSeries for ChunkedArray<ObjectType<T>>[src]

impl<T> CompToSeries for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsSingleType,
    ChunkedArray<T>: IntoSeries

impl<T> Debug for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsPrimitiveType

impl Debug for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl<T> Debug for ChunkedArray<ObjectType<T>> where
    T: 'static + Debug + Clone + Send + Sync + Default

impl Debug for ChunkedArray<CategoricalType>[src]

impl Debug for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl Debug for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl<T> Default for ChunkedArray<T>[src]

impl Deref for ChunkedArray<CategoricalType>[src]

type Target = ChunkedArray<UInt32Type>

The resulting type after dereferencing.

impl DerefMut for ChunkedArray<CategoricalType>[src]

impl<'_, T> Div<&'_ ChunkedArray<T>> for &'_ ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Sub<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Mul<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Add<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Div<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Zero,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: One,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Add<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Sub<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Mul<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Div<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native

type Output = ChunkedArray<T>

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

impl<T> Div<ChunkedArray<T>> for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Sub<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Mul<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Add<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Div<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Zero,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: One,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Add<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Sub<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Mul<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Div<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native

type Output = ChunkedArray<T>

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

impl<'_, T, N> Div<N> for &'_ ChunkedArray<T> where
    N: Num + ToPrimitive,
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: NumCast,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Div<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Div<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native

type Output = ChunkedArray<T>

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

impl Downcast<BooleanArray> for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl Downcast<GenericListArray<i64>> for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl Downcast<GenericStringArray<i64>> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl<T> Downcast<ObjectArray<T>> for ChunkedArray<ObjectType<T>> where
    T: 'static + Debug + Clone + Send + Sync + Default

impl<T> Downcast<PrimitiveArray<T>> for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsPrimitiveType

impl<T> From<ChunkedArray<T>> for Series where
    T: PolarsDataType,
    ChunkedArray<T>: IntoSeries

impl From<ChunkedArray<UInt32Type>> for ChunkedArray<CategoricalType>[src]

impl<'a> FromIterator<&'a &'a str> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl<'a> FromIterator<&'a Option<&'a str>> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl<'a> FromIterator<&'a Option<Series>> for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl<'a> FromIterator<&'a Series> for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl<'a> FromIterator<&'a str> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl<T> FromIterator<(AlignedVec<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>, Option<Buffer>)> for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType

impl<'a> FromIterator<Cow<'a, str>> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl<'a> FromIterator<Option<&'a Series>> for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl<'a> FromIterator<Option<&'a str>> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl<T> FromIterator<Option<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>> for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsPrimitiveType

FromIterator trait

impl FromIterator<Option<Arc<dyn SeriesTrait + 'static>>> for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl<'a> FromIterator<Option<Cow<'a, str>>> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl FromIterator<Option<Series>> for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl FromIterator<Option<String>> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl FromIterator<Option<bool>> for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl FromIterator<Series> for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl FromIterator<String> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl FromIterator<bool> for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl FromNaiveDate<Date32Type, NaiveDate> for ChunkedArray<Date32Type>[src]

impl FromNaiveDateTime<Date64Type, NaiveDateTime> for ChunkedArray<Date64Type>[src]

impl FromNaiveTime<Time64NanosecondType, NaiveTime> for ChunkedArray<Time64NanosecondType>[src]

impl<'a> FromParallelIterator<&'a str> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl<'a> FromParallelIterator<Option<&'a str>> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl<T> FromParallelIterator<Option<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>> for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsPrimitiveType

impl FromParallelIterator<Option<String>> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl FromParallelIterator<String> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl FromParallelIterator<bool> for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl IntoGroupTuples for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl IntoGroupTuples for ChunkedArray<CategoricalType>[src]

impl<T> IntoGroupTuples for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsIntegerType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Eq,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Hash,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Send

impl IntoGroupTuples for ChunkedArray<Float64Type>[src]

impl IntoGroupTuples for ChunkedArray<Float32Type>[src]

impl IntoGroupTuples for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl<T> IntoGroupTuples for ChunkedArray<ObjectType<T>>[src]

impl IntoGroupTuples for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a ChunkedArray<CategoricalType>[src]

type Item = Option<u32>

The type of the elements being iterated over.

type IntoIter = Box<dyn PolarsIterator<Item = <&'a ChunkedArray<CategoricalType> as IntoIterator>::Item> + 'a, Global>

Which kind of iterator are we turning this into?

impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

type Item = Option<Series>

The type of the elements being iterated over.

type IntoIter = Box<dyn PolarsIterator<Item = <&'a ChunkedArray<ListType> as IntoIterator>::Item> + 'a, Global>

Which kind of iterator are we turning this into?

pub fn into_iter(self) -> <&'a ChunkedArray<ListType> as IntoIterator>::IntoIter[src]

Decides which iterator fits best the current chunked array. The decision are based on the number of chunks and the existence of null values.

impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

type Item = Option<bool>

The type of the elements being iterated over.

type IntoIter = Box<dyn PolarsIterator<Item = <&'a ChunkedArray<BooleanType> as IntoIterator>::Item> + 'a, Global>

Which kind of iterator are we turning this into?

pub fn into_iter(
) -> <&'a ChunkedArray<BooleanType> as IntoIterator>::IntoIter

Decides which iterator fits best the current chunked array. The decision are based on the number of chunks and the existence of null values.

impl<'a, T> IntoIterator for &'a ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType

type Item = Option<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>

The type of the elements being iterated over.

type IntoIter = Box<dyn PolarsIterator<Item = <&'a ChunkedArray<T> as IntoIterator>::Item> + 'a, Global>

Which kind of iterator are we turning this into?

impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

type Item = Option<&'a str>

The type of the elements being iterated over.

type IntoIter = Box<dyn PolarsIterator<Item = <&'a ChunkedArray<Utf8Type> as IntoIterator>::Item> + 'a, Global>

Which kind of iterator are we turning this into?

pub fn into_iter(self) -> <&'a ChunkedArray<Utf8Type> as IntoIterator>::IntoIter[src]

Decides which iterator fits best the current chunked array. The decision are based on the number of chunks and the existence of null values.

impl<'a> IntoNoNullIterator for &'a ChunkedArray<CategoricalType>[src]

impl<'a> IntoNoNullIterator for &'a ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

type Item = bool

type IntoIter = Box<dyn PolarsIterator<Item = <&'a ChunkedArray<BooleanType> as IntoNoNullIterator>::Item> + 'a, Global>

pub fn into_no_null_iter(
) -> <&'a ChunkedArray<BooleanType> as IntoNoNullIterator>::IntoIter

Decides which iterator fits best the current no null chunked array. The decision are based on the number of chunks.

impl<'a> IntoNoNullIterator for &'a ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

type Item = &'a str

type IntoIter = Box<dyn PolarsIterator<Item = <&'a ChunkedArray<Utf8Type> as IntoNoNullIterator>::Item> + 'a, Global>

pub fn into_no_null_iter(
) -> <&'a ChunkedArray<Utf8Type> as IntoNoNullIterator>::IntoIter

Decides which iterator fits best the current no null chunked array. The decision are based on the number of chunks.

impl<'a> IntoNoNullIterator for &'a ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

type Item = Series

type IntoIter = Box<dyn PolarsIterator<Item = <&'a ChunkedArray<ListType> as IntoNoNullIterator>::Item> + 'a, Global>

pub fn into_no_null_iter(
) -> <&'a ChunkedArray<ListType> as IntoNoNullIterator>::IntoIter

Decides which iterator fits best the current no null chunked array. The decision are based on the number of chunks.

impl<'a, T> IntoNoNullIterator for &'a ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType

type Item = <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native

type IntoIter = Box<dyn PolarsIterator<Item = <&'a ChunkedArray<T> as IntoNoNullIterator>::Item> + 'a, Global>

impl<'a> IntoParallelIterator for &'a ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

Convert $ca_iter into a ParallelIterator using the most efficient ParallelIterator implementation for the given $ca_type.

  • If $ca_type has only a chunk and has no null values, it uses $single_chunk_return_option.
  • If $ca_type has only a chunk and does have null values, it uses $single_chunk_null_check_return_option.
  • If $ca_type has many chunks and has no null values, it uses $many_chunk_return_option.
  • If $ca_type has many chunks and does have null values, it uses $many_chunk_null_check_return_option.

type Iter = ListParIterDispatcher<'a>

The parallel iterator type that will be created.

type Item = Option<Series>

The type of item that the parallel iterator will produce.

impl<'a> IntoParallelIterator for &'a ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

Convert $ca_iter into a ParallelIterator using the most efficient ParallelIterator implementation for the given $ca_type.

  • If $ca_type has only a chunk and has no null values, it uses $single_chunk_return_option.
  • If $ca_type has only a chunk and does have null values, it uses $single_chunk_null_check_return_option.
  • If $ca_type has many chunks and has no null values, it uses $many_chunk_return_option.
  • If $ca_type has many chunks and does have null values, it uses $many_chunk_null_check_return_option.

type Iter = Utf8ParIterDispatcher<'a>

The parallel iterator type that will be created.

type Item = Option<&'a str>

The type of item that the parallel iterator will produce.

impl<'a, T> IntoParallelIterator for &'a ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType + Send + Sync

Convert ChunkedArray into a ParallelIterator using the most efficient ParallelIterator implementation for the given ChunkedArray<T> of polars numeric types.

  • If ChunkedArray<T> has only a chunk and has no null values, it uses NumParIterSingleChunkReturnOption.
  • If ChunkedArray<T> has only a chunk and does have null values, it uses NumParIterSingleChunkNullCheckReturnOption.
  • If ChunkedArray<T> has many chunks and has no null values, it uses NumParIterManyChunkReturnOption.
  • If ChunkedArray<T> has many chunks and does have null values, it uses NumParIterManyChunkNullCheckReturnOption.

type Iter = NumParIterDispatcher<'a, T>

The parallel iterator type that will be created.

type Item = Option<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>

The type of item that the parallel iterator will produce.

impl<'a> IntoParallelIterator for &'a ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

Convert $ca_iter into a ParallelIterator using the most efficient ParallelIterator implementation for the given $ca_type.

  • If $ca_type has only a chunk and has no null values, it uses $single_chunk_return_option.
  • If $ca_type has only a chunk and does have null values, it uses $single_chunk_null_check_return_option.
  • If $ca_type has many chunks and has no null values, it uses $many_chunk_return_option.
  • If $ca_type has many chunks and does have null values, it uses $many_chunk_null_check_return_option.

type Iter = BooleanParIterDispatcher<'a>

The parallel iterator type that will be created.

type Item = Option<bool>

The type of item that the parallel iterator will produce.

impl IntoSeries for ChunkedArray<Int16Type>[src]

impl IntoSeries for ChunkedArray<UInt8Type>[src]

impl IntoSeries for ChunkedArray<Date64Type>[src]

impl IntoSeries for ChunkedArray<Int64Type>[src]

impl IntoSeries for ChunkedArray<CategoricalType>[src]

impl IntoSeries for ChunkedArray<Time64NanosecondType>[src]

impl IntoSeries for ChunkedArray<DurationMillisecondType>[src]

impl<T> IntoSeries for ChunkedArray<ObjectType<T>> where
    T: 'static + Debug + Clone + Send + Sync + Default

impl IntoSeries for ChunkedArray<Float32Type>[src]

impl IntoSeries for ChunkedArray<Float64Type>[src]

impl IntoSeries for ChunkedArray<Int32Type>[src]

impl IntoSeries for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl IntoSeries for ChunkedArray<Int8Type>[src]

impl IntoSeries for ChunkedArray<Date32Type>[src]

impl IntoSeries for ChunkedArray<UInt32Type>[src]

impl IntoSeries for ChunkedArray<UInt16Type>[src]

impl IntoSeries for ChunkedArray<DurationNanosecondType>[src]

impl IntoSeries for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl IntoSeries for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl IntoSeries for ChunkedArray<UInt64Type>[src]

impl<'a, T> IntoTakeRandom<'a> for &'a ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType

type Item = <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native

type TakeRandom = Box<dyn TakeRandom<Item = <&'a ChunkedArray<T> as IntoTakeRandom<'a>>::Item> + 'a, Global>

impl<'a> IntoTakeRandom<'a> for &'a ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

type Item = bool

type TakeRandom = Box<dyn TakeRandom<Item = <&'a ChunkedArray<BooleanType> as IntoTakeRandom<'a>>::Item> + 'a, Global>

impl<'a> IntoTakeRandom<'a> for &'a ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

type Item = Series

type TakeRandom = Box<dyn TakeRandom<Item = <&'a ChunkedArray<ListType> as IntoTakeRandom<'a>>::Item> + 'a, Global>

impl<'a> IntoTakeRandom<'a> for &'a ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

type Item = &'a str

type TakeRandom = Box<dyn TakeRandom<Item = <&'a ChunkedArray<Utf8Type> as IntoTakeRandom<'a>>::Item> + 'a, Global>

impl<T> IsNan for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsFloatType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Float

impl<'_, T> Mul<&'_ ChunkedArray<T>> for &'_ ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Sub<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Mul<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Add<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Div<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Zero,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Add<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Sub<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Mul<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Div<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native

type Output = ChunkedArray<T>

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

impl<T> Mul<ChunkedArray<T>> for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Sub<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Mul<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Add<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Div<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Zero,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Add<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Sub<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Mul<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Div<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native

type Output = ChunkedArray<T>

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

impl<'_, T, N> Mul<N> for &'_ ChunkedArray<T> where
    N: Num + ToPrimitive,
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: NumCast,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Mul<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Mul<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native

type Output = ChunkedArray<T>

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

impl NewChunkedArray<BooleanType, bool> for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

pub fn new_from_iter(
    name: &str,
    it: impl Iterator<Item = bool>
) -> ChunkedArray<BooleanType>

Create a new ChunkedArray from an iterator.

impl<T> NewChunkedArray<ObjectType<T>, T> for ChunkedArray<ObjectType<T>> where
    T: Any + Debug + Clone + Send + Sync + Default

pub fn new_from_iter(
    name: &str,
    it: impl Iterator<Item = T>
) -> ChunkedArray<ObjectType<T>>

Create a new ChunkedArray from an iterator.

impl<T> NewChunkedArray<T, <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native> for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsPrimitiveType

pub fn new_from_iter(
    name: &str,
    it: impl Iterator<Item = <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>
) -> ChunkedArray<T>

Create a new ChunkedArray from an iterator.

impl<S> NewChunkedArray<Utf8Type, S> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type> where
    S: AsRef<str>, 

pub fn new_from_iter(
    name: &str,
    it: impl Iterator<Item = S>
) -> ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>

Create a new ChunkedArray from an iterator.

impl<'_> Not for &'_ ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

type Output = ChunkedArray<BooleanType>

The resulting type after applying the ! operator.

impl Not for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

type Output = ChunkedArray<BooleanType>

The resulting type after applying the ! operator.

impl NumOpsDispatch for ChunkedArray<CategoricalType>[src]

impl NumOpsDispatch for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl NumOpsDispatch for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl NumOpsDispatch for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl<T> NumOpsDispatch for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Mul<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Add<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Div<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Rem<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Sub<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Zero,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: One,
    ChunkedArray<T>: IntoSeries,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Add<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Sub<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Mul<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Div<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Rem<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native

impl Pow for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl Pow for ChunkedArray<CategoricalType>[src]

impl<T> Pow for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: ToPrimitive

impl Pow for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl Pow for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl<'_, T> Rem<&'_ ChunkedArray<T>> for &'_ ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Rem<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Rem<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native

type Output = ChunkedArray<T>

The resulting type after applying the % operator.

impl<T> Rem<ChunkedArray<T>> for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Rem<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Rem<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native

type Output = ChunkedArray<T>

The resulting type after applying the % operator.

impl<'_, T, N> Rem<N> for &'_ ChunkedArray<T> where
    N: Num + ToPrimitive,
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: NumCast,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Rem<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Rem<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native

type Output = ChunkedArray<T>

The resulting type after applying the % operator.

impl<'_, T> Sub<&'_ ChunkedArray<T>> for &'_ ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Sub<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Mul<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Add<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Div<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Zero,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Add<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Sub<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Mul<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Div<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native

type Output = ChunkedArray<T>

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

impl<T> Sub<ChunkedArray<T>> for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Sub<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Mul<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Add<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Div<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Zero,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Add<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Sub<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Mul<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Div<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native

type Output = ChunkedArray<T>

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

impl<'_, T, N> Sub<N> for &'_ ChunkedArray<T> where
    N: Num + ToPrimitive,
    T: PolarsNumericType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: NumCast,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Sub<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    <<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native as Sub<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>>::Output == <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native

type Output = ChunkedArray<T>

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

impl<'a> TakeRandom for &'a ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

type Item = &'a str

impl TakeRandom for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

type Item = Series

impl<T> TakeRandom for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsPrimitiveType

type Item = <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native

impl<'a, T> TakeRandom for &'a ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsPrimitiveType

type Item = <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native

impl TakeRandom for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

type Item = bool

impl TakeRandom for ChunkedArray<CategoricalType>[src]

type Item = u32

impl<'a> TakeRandomUtf8 for &'a ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

type Item = &'a str

impl ToDummies<BooleanType> for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl ToDummies<CategoricalType> for ChunkedArray<CategoricalType>[src]

impl ToDummies<Float32Type> for ChunkedArray<Float32Type>[src]

impl ToDummies<Float64Type> for ChunkedArray<Float64Type>[src]

impl ToDummies<ListType> for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl<T> ToDummies<ObjectType<T>> for ChunkedArray<ObjectType<T>>[src]

impl<T> ToDummies<T> for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsIntegerType + Sync,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Hash,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Eq,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Display,
    ChunkedArray<T>: ChunkOps,
    ChunkedArray<T>: ChunkCompare<<T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native>,
    ChunkedArray<T>: ChunkUnique<T>, 

impl ToDummies<Utf8Type> for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl ValueSize for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl ValueSize for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl VecHash for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl VecHash for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl VecHash for ChunkedArray<Float64Type>[src]

impl<T> VecHash for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsIntegerType,
    <T as ArrowPrimitiveType>::Native: Hash

impl VecHash for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl VecHash for ChunkedArray<Float32Type>[src]

impl ZipOuterJoinColumn for ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>[src]

impl ZipOuterJoinColumn for ChunkedArray<Float32Type>[src]

impl ZipOuterJoinColumn for ChunkedArray<CategoricalType>[src]

impl ZipOuterJoinColumn for ChunkedArray<Float64Type>[src]

impl ZipOuterJoinColumn for ChunkedArray<ListType>[src]

impl<T> ZipOuterJoinColumn for ChunkedArray<ObjectType<T>>[src]

impl ZipOuterJoinColumn for ChunkedArray<BooleanType>[src]

impl<T> ZipOuterJoinColumn for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsIntegerType,
    ChunkedArray<T>: IntoSeries

Auto Trait Implementations

impl<T> !RefUnwindSafe for ChunkedArray<T>[src]

impl<T> Send for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: Send

impl<T> Sync for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: Sync

impl<T> Unpin for ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: Unpin

impl<T> !UnwindSafe for ChunkedArray<T>[src]

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T, U> Cast<U> for T where
    U: FromCast<T>, 

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T> FromCast<T> for T

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<'data, I> IntoParallelRefIterator<'data> for I where
    I: 'data + ?Sized,
    &'data I: IntoParallelIterator

type Iter = <&'data I as IntoParallelIterator>::Iter

The type of the parallel iterator that will be returned.

type Item = <&'data I as IntoParallelIterator>::Item

The type of item that the parallel iterator will produce. This will typically be an &'data T reference type. Read more

impl<T, Rhs, Output> NumOps<Rhs, Output> for T where
    T: Sub<Rhs, Output = Output> + Mul<Rhs, Output = Output> + Div<Rhs, Output = Output> + Add<Rhs, Output = Output> + Rem<Rhs, Output = Output>, 

impl<T> Pointable for T

type Init = T

The type for initializers.

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<V, T> VZip<V> for T where
    V: MultiLane<T>,