Module openraft::docs::faq

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§What are the differences between Openraft and standard Raft?

  • Optionally, In one term there could be more than one leaders to be established, in order to reduce election conflict. See: std mode and adv mode leader id: leader_id;
  • Openraft stores committed log id: See: RaftLogStorage::save_committed();
  • Openraft optimized ReadIndex: no blank log check: Linearizable Read.
  • A restarted Leader will stay in Leader state if possible;
  • Does not support single step membership change. Only joint is supported.

§Observation and Management

§How to get notified when the server state changes?

To monitor the state of a Raft node, it’s recommended to subscribe to updates in the RaftMetrics by calling Raft::metrics().

The following code snippet provides an example of how to wait for changes in RaftMetrics until a leader is elected:

let mut rx = self.raft.metrics();
loop {
    if let Some(l) = rx.borrow().current_leader {
        return Ok(Some(l));


The second example calls a function when the current node becomes the leader:

let mut rx = self.raft.metrics();
loop {
    if rx.borrow().state == ServerState::Leader {


§Data structure

§Why is log id a tuple of (term, node_id, log_index)?

In standard Raft log id is (term, log_index), in Openraft he log id (term, node_id, log_index) is used to minimize the chance of election conflicts. This way in every term there could be more than one leaders elected, and the last one is valid. See: leader-id for details.


§How to minimize error logging when a follower is offline

Excessive error logging, like ERROR openraft::replication: 248: RPCError err=NetworkError: ..., occurs when a follower node becomes unresponsive. To alleviate this, implement a mechanism within RaftNetwork that returns a Unreachable error instead of a NetworkError when immediate replication retries to the affected node are not advised.

§Cluster management

§How to initialize a cluster?

There are two ways to initialize a raft cluster, assuming there are three nodes, n1, n2, n3:

  1. Single-step method: Call Raft::initialize() on any one of the nodes with the configuration of all 3 nodes, e.g. n2.initialize(btreeset! {1,2,3}).

  2. Incremental method: First, call Raft::initialize() on n1 with configuration containing n1 itself, e.g., n1.initialize(btreeset! {1}). Subsequently use Raft::change_membership() on n1 to add n2 and n3 into the cluster.

Employing the second method provides the flexibility to start with a single-node cluster for testing purposes and subsequently expand it to a three-node cluster for deployment in a production environment.

§Are there any issues with running a single node service?

Not at all.

Running a cluster with just one node is a standard approach for testing or as an initial step in setting up a cluster.

A single node functions exactly the same as cluster mode. It will consistently maintain the Leader status and never transition to Candidate or Follower states.

§How do I store additional information about nodes in Openraft?

By default, Openraft provide a BasicNode as the node type in a cluster. To store more information about each node in Openraft, define a custom struct with the desired fields and use it in place of BasicNode. Here’s a brief guide:

  1. Define your custom node struct:
struct MyNode {
    ipv4: String,
    ipv6: String,
    port: u16,
    // Add additional fields as needed
  1. Register the custom node type with declare_raft_types! macro:
   pub MyRaftConfig: 
       // ... 
       NodeId = u64,        // Use the appropriate type for NodeId
       Node = MyNode,       // Replace BasicNode with your custom node type
       // ... other associated types

Use MyRaftConfig in your Raft setup to utilize the custom node structure.

§How to remove node-2 safely from a cluster {1, 2, 3}?

Call Raft::change_membership(btreeset!{1, 3}) to exclude node-2 from the cluster. Then wipe out node-2 data. NEVER modify/erase the data of any node that is still in a raft cluster, unless you know what you are doing.

§What actions are required when a node restarts?

None. No calls, e.g., to either add_learner() or change_membership() are necessary.

Openraft maintains the membership configuration in Membership for for all nodes in the cluster, including voters and non-voters (learners). When a follower or learner restarts, the leader will automatically re-establish replication.

§What will happen when data gets lost?

Raft operates on the presumption that the storage medium (i.e., the disk) is secure and reliable.

If this presumption is violated, e.g., the raft logs are lost or the snapshot is damaged, no predictable outcome can be assured. In other words, the resulting behavior is undefined.

§Can I wipe out the data of ONE node and wait for the leader to replicate all data to it again?

Avoid doing this. Doing so will panic the leader. But it is permitted if loosen-follower-log-revert feature flag is enabled.

In a raft cluster, although logs are replicated to multiple nodes, wiping out a node and restarting it is still possible to cause data loss. Assumes the leader is N1, followers are N2, N3, N4, N5:

  • A log(a) that is replicated by N1 to N2, N3 is considered committed.
  • At this point, if N3 is replaced with an empty node, and at once the leader N1 is crashed. Then N5 may elected as a new leader with granted vote by N3, N4;
  • Then the new leader N5 will not have log a.
Ni: Node i
Lj: Leader   at term j
Fj: Follower at term j

N1 | L1  a  crashed
N2 | F1  a
N3 | F1  a  erased          F2
N4 |                        F2
N5 |                 elect  L2
----------------------------+---------------> time
                            Data loss: N5 does not have log `a`

But for even number nodes cluster, Erasing exactly one node won’t cause data loss. Thus, in a special scenario like this, or for testing purpose, you can use --feature loosen-follower-log-revert to permit erasing a node.

§Is Openraft resilient to incorrectly configured clusters?

No, Openraft, like standard raft, cannot identify errors in cluster configuration.

A common error is the assigning a wrong network addresses to a node. In such a scenario, if this node becomes the leader, it will attempt to replicate logs to itself. This will cause Openraft to panic because replication messages can only be received by a follower.

thread 'main' panicked at openraft/src/engine/
assertion failed: self.internal_server_state.is_following()
// openraft/src/engine/
pub(crate) fn following_handler(&mut self) -> FollowingHandler<C> {
    // ...