Module openraft::docs::data::leader_id

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§Leader-id in Advanced mode and Standard mode

Openraft provides two LeaderId types to switch between these two modes with feature single-term-leader :

The feature single-term-leader affects the PartialOrd implementation of LeaderId, where LeaderId is defined as a tuple (term, node_id).

§Definition of LeaderId

Within Openraft, and also implicitly in the standard Raft, LeaderId is utilized to uniquely identify a leader. The LeaderId could either be a confirmed leader, one that has been granted by a Quorum, or a potential Leader, such as a Candidate.

  • In standard Raft, the definition of LeaderId as (term, node_id) implies a partial order, although it is not explicitly articulated in the original paper.

    When comparing two LeaderId A and B, the partial order for LeaderId in standard Raft is as follows:

    A.term > B.term ↔ A > B.

  • Conversely, in Openraft, with the single-term-leader feature disabled by default, LeaderId follows a total order based on lexicographical comparison:

    A.term > B.term || (A.term == B.term && A.node_id > B.node_id) ↔ A > B.

Activating the single-term-leader feature makes LeaderId conform to the partial order seen in standard Raft.

§Usage of LeaderId

When handling VoteRequest, both Openraft and standard Raft (though not explicitly detailed) rely on the ordering of LeaderId to decide whether to grant a vote: a node will grant a vote with a LeaderId that is greater than any it has previously granted.

Consequently, by default in Openraft (with single-term-leader disabled), it is possible to elect multiple Leaders within the same term, with the last elected Leader being recognized as valid. In contrast, under standard Raft protocol, only a single Leader is elected per term.

§Default: advanced mode

cargo build without single-term-leader, is the advanced mode, the default mode: LeaderId is defined as the following, and it is a totally ordered value(two or more leaders can be granted in the same term):

// Advanced mode(default):
#[cfg(not(feature = "single-term-leader"))]
#[derive(PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct LeaderId<NID: NodeId>
  pub term: u64,
  pub node_id: NID,

Which means, in a single term, there could be more than one leaders elected(although only the last is valid and can commit logs).

  • Pros: election conflict is minimized,

  • Cons: LogId becomes larger: every log has to store an additional NodeId in LogId: LogId: {{term, NodeId}, index}. If an application uses a big NodeId type, e.g., UUID, the penalty may not be negligible.

§Standard mode

cargo build --features "single-term-leader" builds openraft in standard raft mode. In the standard mode, LeaderId is defined as the following, and it is a partially ordered value(no two leaders can be granted in the same term):

// Standard raft mode:
#[cfg(feature = "single-term-leader")]
pub struct LeaderId<NID: NodeId>
  pub term: u64,
  pub voted_for: Option<NID>,

impl<NID: NodeId> PartialOrd for LeaderId<NID> {

  fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
    match PartialOrd::partial_cmp(&self.term, &other.term) {
      Some(Ordering::Equal) => {
        match (&self.voted_for, &other.voted_for) {
          (None, None) => Some(Ordering::Equal),
          (Some(_), None) => Some(Ordering::Greater),
          (None, Some(_)) => Some(Ordering::Less),
          (Some(a), Some(b)) => { if a == b { Some(Ordering::Equal) } else { None } }
      cmp => cmp,

In this mode, only one leader can be elected in each term.

The partial order relation of LeaderId:

LeaderId(3, None)    >  LeaderId(2, None):    true
LeaderId(3, None)    >  LeaderId(2, Some(y)): true
LeaderId(3, None)    == LeaderId(3, None):    true
LeaderId(3, Some(x)) >  LeaderId(2, Some(y)): true
LeaderId(3, Some(x)) >  LeaderId(3, None):    true
LeaderId(3, Some(x)) == LeaderId(3, Some(x)): true
LeaderId(3, Some(x)) >  LeaderId(3, Some(y)): false

The partial order between Vote is defined as: Given two Vote a and b: a > b iff:

a.leader_id > b.leader_id || (
  !(a.leader_id < b.leader_id) && a.committed > b.committed

In other words, if a.leader_id and b.leader_id is not comparable(!(a.leader_id>=b.leader_id) && !(a.leader_id<=b.leader_id)), use field committed to determine the order between a and b.

Because a leader must be granted by a quorum before committing any log, two incomparable leader_id can not both be granted. So let a committed Vote override a incomparable non-committed is safe.

  • Pros: LogId just store a term.

  • Cons: election conflicting rate may increase.