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§Bindings to the Vision
See Apple’s docs and the general docs on framework crates for more information.
- VNAnimal
Body Pose Observation VNObservation
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBarcode
Observation VNObservation
- VNBarcodeObservation Describes an area containing a barcode detected by the VNRequestNameDetectBarcodes request.
- VNCalculate
Image Aesthetics Scores Request VNCalculateImageAestheticsScoresRequest
- Analyzes an image for aesthetically pleasing attributes and returns a VNImageAestheticsScoresObservation. This observation calculates an overall aeshetically pleasing score for the image and checks for utility images.
- VNCircle
- VNCircle is two-dimensional circle represented by the center point ‘center’ and its radius ‘radius’. Once created, VNCircle objects are immutable.
- VNClassification
Observation VNObservation
- VNClassificationObservation returns the classifcation in form of a string.
- VNClassify
Image Request VNClassifyImageRequest
- A request for classifying an image.
- VNContour
- The VNContour class describes a contour provided by a VNContoursObservation.
- VNContours
Observation VNObservation
- Apple’s documentation
- VNCoreML
Feature Value Observation VNObservation
- VNCoreMLFeatureValueObservation returns the prediction of a model as an MLFeatureValue.
- VNCoreML
Model VNCoreMLRequest
- The VNCoreMLModel uses an CoreML based model and prepares it for use with VNCoreMLRequests.
- VNCoreML
Request VNCoreMLRequest
- The VNCoreMLRequest uses a VNCoreMLModel, that is based on a CoreML MLModel object, to run predictions with that model. Depending on the model the returned observation is either a VNClassificationObservation for classifier models, VNPixelBufferObservations for image-to-image models, VNRecognizedObjectObservation for object recognition models or VNCoreMLFeatureValueObservation for everything else. All -[VNObservation confidence] values are forwarded from relevant models as is, and do not conform to a common [0, 1] range rule
- VNDetect
Animal Body Pose Request VNDetectAnimalBodyPoseRequest
- Detects specific landmark points on animal bodies.
- VNDetect
Barcodes Request VNDetectBarcodesRequest
- A request that detects barcodes in an image.
- VNDetect
Contours Request VNDetectContoursRequest
- A request that will detect the contours for the edges in an image.
- VNDetect
Document Segmentation Request VNDetectDocumentSegmentationRequest
- Performs document detection and segmentation in an image.
- VNDetect
Face Capture Quality Request VNDetectFaceCaptureQualityRequest
- A request that will produce or update a VNFaceObservation’s property faceCaptureQuality with a float value. faceCaptureQuality is a float (wrapped by a NSNumber) that represents the capture quality of a given face in a photo. The float will be a value between 0 and 1, with 1 being the highest face capture quality and 0 being the lowest. If the request fails or the face observation has never been processed, the property faceCaptureQuality will be nil.
- VNDetect
Face Landmarks Request VNDetectFaceLandmarksRequest
- A request that will produce face landmark information.
- VNDetect
Face Rectangles Request VNDetectFaceRectanglesRequest
- A request that will detect faces in an image.
- VNDetect
Horizon Request VNDetectHorizonRequest
- Determine what the horizon tilt of an image is.
- VNDetect
Human Body Pose3D Request VNDetectHumanBodyPose3DRequest
- A request that detects specific landmark points on human bodies in 3D space relative to the camera.
When possible,
depth information is used to produce more accurate results, but the request does not require it to run. - VNDetect
Human Body Pose Request VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Detects specific landmark points on human bodies.
- VNDetect
Human Hand Pose Request VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest
- Detects specific landmark points on human hands.
- VNDetect
Human Rectangles Request VNDetectHumanRectanglesRequest
- A request that will detect human Torsos in an image.
- VNDetect
Rectangles Request VNDetectRectanglesRequest
- A request that will detect rectangles in an image.
- VNDetect
Text Rectangles Request VNDetectTextRectanglesRequest
- A request that will detect regions of text in an image.
- VNDetect
Trajectories Request VNDetectTrajectoriesRequest
- A request that detects trajectories of shapes (even small ones) that follow a parabolic path in a sequence of images.
- VNDetected
Object Observation VNObservation
- VNDetectedObjectObservation is VNObservation in an image that has a location and/or dimension. Further attributes depend on the specific detected object.
- VNDetected
Point VNDetectedPoint
- VNDetectedPoint is a VNPoint with a confidence value.
- VNElement
Type VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNError
Code VNError
- Apple’s documentation
- VNFace
Landmark Region VNFaceLandmarks
- VNFaceLandmarkRegion is an immutable object acting as a collection of landmark points for defining a specific region of the face (including potentially all of the landmark points for a face). The VNFaceLandmarkRegion is an abstract base class.
- VNFace
Landmark Region2D VNFaceLandmarks
- VNFaceLandmarkRegion2D gives access to the 2D landmark points for the region. The points are stored as vector_float2 and must not be modified.
- VNFace
Landmarks VNFaceLandmarks
- VNFaceLandmarks2D is the result of a face landmarks request. It is an abstract base class.
- VNFace
Landmarks2D VNFaceLandmarks
- VNFaceLandmarks2D is the result of a face landmarks 2D request, containing detected facial landmark points organized into VNFaceLandmarkRegion2D regions. The points are accessible as a full list, or as sub-gruops representing pre-defined facial regions.
- VNFace
Observation VNObservation
- VNFaceObservation is the result of a face detection request or derivatives like a face landmark request.
- VNFeature
Print Observation VNObservation
- Apple’s documentation
- VNGenerate
Attention Based Saliency Image Request VNGenerateAttentionBasedSaliencyImageRequest
- Generates an image that identifies which part(s) of a given image is most interesting (i.e. something that a human is likely to look at - hence attention based). The resulting observation, VNSaliencyImageObservation, encodes this data as a heat map which can be used to highlight regions of interest.
- VNGenerate
Foreground Instance Mask Request VNGenerateForegroundInstanceMaskRequest
- A request that generates an instance mask of salient objects that can be separated from the background.
- VNGenerate
Image Feature Print Request VNGenerateImageFeaturePrintRequest
- A request for generating a feature print of an image.
- VNGenerate
Objectness Based Saliency Image Request VNGenerateObjectnessBasedSaliencyImageRequest
- Generates an image that identifies which part(s) of a given image are most likely to be objects (i.e. something that a human is likely to see as an object). The resulting observation, VNSaliencyImageObservation, encodes this data as a heat map which can be used highlight regions of interest.
- VNGenerate
Optical Flow Request VNGenerateOpticalFlowRequest
- VNGenerateOpticalFlowRequest will determine directional change vectors for each pixel in the targeted image to transform it into the image processed by the request handler, reporting this result with a single VNPixelBufferObservation.
- VNGenerate
Optical Flow Request Computation Accuracy VNGenerateOpticalFlowRequest
- The level of optical flow computational accuracy.
- VNGenerate
Person Instance Mask Request VNGeneratePersonInstanceMaskRequest
- A request that generates an instance mask of individual people found in the image.
- VNGenerate
Person Segmentation Request VNGeneratePersonSegmentationRequest
- Performs person segmentation on an image generating a mask.
- VNGenerate
Person Segmentation Request Quality Level VNGeneratePersonSegmentationRequest
- Person segmentation level options to favor speed over recognition accuracy. VNGeneratePersonSegmentationRequestQualityLevelAccurate is the default option.
- VNGeometry
Utils VNGeometryUtils
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHomographic
Image Registration Request VNImageRegistrationRequest
- An image registration request that will calculate a homographic transformation for morphing a “floating” image onto an unchanging “reference” image.
- VNHorizon
Observation VNObservation
- VNHorizonObservation is the result of a VNDetectHorizonRequest
- VNHuman
Body Pose3D Observation VNObservation
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body Pose3D Observation Height Estimation VNObservation
- Height estimation technique used in observation based on available metadata VNHumanBodyPose3DObservationHeightEstimationReference is the default if no LiDAR depth is present
- VNHuman
Body Pose Observation VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body Recognized Point3D VNGeometry
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Hand Pose Observation VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Observation VNObservation
- VNHumanObservation is the result of a Human rectangles detection request
- VNImage
Aesthetics Scores Observation VNObservation
- VNImageAestheticsScoresObservation provides an overall score of aesthetic attributes for an image.
- VNImage
Alignment Observation VNObservation
- VNImageAlignmentObservation is generated from an image registration. This is an abstract base class. The type of registration request used defines which subclass describes the result.
- VNImage
Based Request VNRequest
- A request that will process the contents of a reference image.
- VNImage
Crop AndScale Option VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNImage
Homographic Alignment Observation VNObservation
- An observation describing the results of performing a homographic image alignment.
- VNImage
Registration Request VNImageRegistrationRequest
- A request that will calculate a transformation for morphing a “floating” image onto an unchanging “reference” image.
- VNImage
Request Handler VNRequestHandler
- Performs requests on a single image.
- VNImage
Translation Alignment Observation VNObservation
- An observation describing the results of performing a translational image alignment.
- VNInstance
Mask Observation VNObservation
- An observation resulting from an instance mask generation request. It contains an instance mask that labels instances in the mask that labels per pixel an instance.
- VNObservation
- VNObservation describes the results of performing a VNRequest. The result has a confidence score. The different types of requests will create different subclasses of VNObservation to return their results in properties of those subclasses.
- VNPixel
Buffer Observation VNObservation
- VNPixelBufferObservation returns the prediction of a model as a CVPixelBufferRef.
- VNPoint
- VNPoint represents a single, immutable, two-dimensional point in an image.
- VNPoint3D
- VNPoint3D represents a single, immutable, three-dimensional point in an image.
- VNRecognize
Animals Request VNRecognizeAnimalsRequest
- A request that will recognize various animals in an image. The list of animals supported by the recognition algorithm can be queried by -supportedIdentifiersAndReturnError:
- VNRecognize
Text Request VNRecognizeTextRequest
- A request that will detect regions of text and recognize the containing text in an image.
- VNRecognized
Object Observation VNObservation
- VNRecognizedObjectObservation is a VNDetectedObjectObservation with an array of classifications that classify the recognized object. The confidence of the classifications sum up to 1.0. It is common practice to multiply the classification confidence with the confidence of this observation.
- VNRecognized
Point VNDetectedPoint
- An extension of VNDetectedPoint that associates an identifier to the point.
- VNRecognized
Point3D VNGeometry
- An extension of VNPoint3D that associates an identifier to the point.
- VNRecognized
Points3D Observation VNObservation
- Observation
- VNRecognized
Points Observation VNObservation
- VNRecognizedPointsObservation is a request result detailing points in an image.
- VNRecognized
Text VNObservation
- VNRecognizedText A block of recognized text. There can be multiple VNRecognizedText objects returned in a VNRecognizedTextObservation - one for each candidate.
- VNRecognized
Text Observation VNObservation
- VNRecognizedTextObservation Describes a text area detected and recognized by the VNRecognizeTextRequest request.
- VNRectangle
Observation VNObservation
- VNRectangleObservation is the result of a rectangle detector
- VNRequest
- VNRequest objects describe the operation to be performed as well as act as the recipient of the operation’s resultant observations.
- VNRequest
Face Landmarks Constellation VNDetectFaceLandmarksRequest
- Constellation type defines how many landmark points are used to map a face. Revisions 1, 2, and 3 support 65 points, where Rev3 also supports 76 points.
- VNRequest
Text Recognition Level VNRecognizeTextRequest
- Text recognition level options to favor speed over recognition accuracy. The VNRequestTextRecognitionLevelAccurate is the default option used by VNRecognizeTextRequest.
- VNRequest
Tracking Level VNTrackingRequest
- Tracking level options to favor speed or location accuracy. The VNRequestTrackingLevelFast is the default option used by trackers.
- VNSaliency
Image Observation VNObservation
- VNSaliencyImageObservation provides a grayscale “heat” map of important areas of an image.
- VNSequence
Request Handler VNRequestHandler
- Performs requests on a sequence of images.
- VNStateful
Request VNRequest
- A request that builds evidence over time by being reused on multiple images.
- VNTargeted
Image Request VNRequest
- A request that requires an initial image as a starting point for its work.
- VNText
Observation VNObservation
- VNTextObservation Describes a text area detected by the VNRequestNameDetectTextRectangles request.
- VNTrack
Homographic Image Registration Request VNRequest
- An image registration request that will produce a homographic transformation that can morph one image to another.
- VNTrack
Object Request VNRequest
- VNTrackObjectRequest tracks an object in a sequence of images.
- VNTrack
Optical Flow Request VNRequest
will determine directional change vectors for each pixel from a previous to current image, reporting this result with a singleVNPixelBufferObservation
.- VNTrack
Optical Flow Request Computation Accuracy VNTrackOpticalFlowRequest
- The level of optical flow computational accuracy.
- VNTrack
Rectangle Request VNRequest
- VNTrackRectangleRequest tracks a rectangle in a sequence of images.
- VNTrack
Translational Image Registration Request VNRequest
- An image registration request that will produce a translational transformation which will morph one image to another.
- VNTracking
Request VNRequest
- A base class for all tracking requests.
- VNTrajectory
Observation VNObservation
- The VNTrajectoryObservation describes a detected trajectory with the points on the trajectory and the equation describing the trajectory. The observation also reprorts the duration describing when the trajectory was first detected (which will be in the past).
- VNTranslational
Image Registration Request VNImageRegistrationRequest
- An image registration request that will calculate a translational transformation for morphing a “floating” image onto an unchanging “reference” image.
- VNVector
- VNVector is a two-dimensional vector represented its X and Y axis projections. Once created, VNVector objects are immutable.
- VNVideo
Processor VNVideoProcessor
- A controller object that is used to perform one or more requests on a video stream.
- VNVideo
Processor Cadence VNVideoProcessor
- An object that defines the cadence at which the video stream is processed.
- VNVideo
Processor Frame Rate Cadence VNVideoProcessor
- An object that defines a frame-based cadence for processing the video stream.
- VNVideo
Processor Request Processing Options VNVideoProcessor
- Options applied to a request’s processing of the video.
- VNVideo
Processor Time Interval Cadence VNVideoProcessor
- An object that defines a time-based cadence for processing the video stream.
- VNBarcode
Composite Type VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNChirality
- Apple’s documentation
- VNPoints
Classification VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Left Back Elbow VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Left Back Knee VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Left Back Paw VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Left EarBottom VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Left EarMiddle VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Left EarTop VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Left Eye VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Left Front Elbow VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Left Front Knee VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Left Front Paw VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Neck VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Nose VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Right Back Elbow VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Right Back Knee VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Right Back Paw VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Right EarBottom VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Right EarMiddle VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Right EarTop VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Right Eye VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Right Front Elbow VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Right Front Knee VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Right Front Paw VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Tail Bottom VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Tail Middle VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Tail Top VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joints Group Name All VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joints Group Name Forelegs VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joints Group Name Head VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joints Group Name Hindlegs VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joints Group Name Tail VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joints Group Name Trunk VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Identifier ⚠Cat VNRecognizeAnimalsRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Identifier ⚠Dog VNRecognizeAnimalsRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBarcode
Symbology ⚠Aztec VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBarcode
Symbology ⚠Codabar VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBarcode
Symbology ⚠Code39 VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBarcode
Symbology ⚠Code93 VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBarcode
Symbology ⚠Code39 Checksum VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBarcode
Symbology ⚠Code39 FullASCII VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBarcode
Symbology ⚠Code39 FullASCII Checksum VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBarcode
Symbology ⚠Code93i VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBarcode
Symbology ⚠Code128 VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBarcode
Symbology ⚠Data Matrix VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBarcode
SymbologyEA ⚠N8 VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBarcode
SymbologyEA ⚠N13 VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBarcode
SymbologyG ⚠S1Data Bar VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBarcode
SymbologyG ⚠S1Data BarExpanded VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBarcode
SymbologyG ⚠S1Data BarLimited VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBarcode
Symbology ⚠I2of5 VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBarcode
Symbology ⚠I2of5 Checksum VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBarcode
SymbologyIT ⚠F14 VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBarcode
SymbologyMSI ⚠Plessey VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBarcode
Symbology ⚠MicroPD F417 VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBarcode
Symbology ⚠MicroQR VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBarcode
SymbologyPD ⚠F417 VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBarcode
SymbologyQR ⚠VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBarcode
SymbologyUPCE ⚠VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBody
Landmark ⚠KeyLeft Ankle VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBody
Landmark ⚠KeyLeft Ear VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBody
Landmark ⚠KeyLeft Elbow VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBody
Landmark ⚠KeyLeft Eye VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBody
Landmark ⚠KeyLeft Hip VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBody
Landmark ⚠KeyLeft Knee VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBody
Landmark ⚠KeyLeft Shoulder VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBody
Landmark ⚠KeyLeft Wrist VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBody
Landmark ⚠KeyNeck VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBody
Landmark ⚠KeyNose VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBody
Landmark ⚠KeyRight Ankle VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBody
Landmark ⚠KeyRight Ear VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBody
Landmark ⚠KeyRight Elbow VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBody
Landmark ⚠KeyRight Eye VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBody
Landmark ⚠KeyRight Hip VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBody
Landmark ⚠KeyRight Knee VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBody
Landmark ⚠KeyRight Shoulder VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBody
Landmark ⚠KeyRight Wrist VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBody
Landmark ⚠KeyRoot VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBody
Landmark ⚠Region KeyFace VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBody
Landmark ⚠Region KeyLeft Arm VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBody
Landmark ⚠Region KeyLeft Leg VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBody
Landmark ⚠Region KeyRight Arm VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBody
Landmark ⚠Region KeyRight Leg VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBody
Landmark ⚠Region KeyTorso VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNCalculate
Image Aesthetics Scores Request Revision1 VNCalculateImageAestheticsScoresRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNClassify
Image Request Revision1 VNClassifyImageRequest
- Classification with a taxonomy of 1,303 possible identifiers.
- VNClassify
Image Request Revision2 VNClassifyImageRequest
- The same taxonomy as
but with improved accuracy, reduced latency and memory utilization. - VNCompute
Stage ⚠Main VNTypes
- The stage of a request where the main functionality is being performed.
- VNCompute
Stage ⚠Post Processing VNTypes
- A compute stage for additional analysis and/or conversion of the data produced by the
. - VNCoreML
Request Revision1 VNCoreMLRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNDetect
Animal Body Pose Request Revision1 VNDetectAnimalBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNDetect
Barcodes Request Revision1 VNDetectBarcodesRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNDetect
Barcodes Request Revision2 VNDetectBarcodesRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNDetect
Barcodes Request Revision3 VNDetectBarcodesRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNDetect
Barcodes Request Revision4 VNDetectBarcodesRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNDetect
Contour Request Revision1 VNDetectContoursRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNDetect
Document Segmentation Request Revision1 VNDetectDocumentSegmentationRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNDetect
Face Capture Quality Request Revision1 VNDetectFaceCaptureQualityRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNDetect
Face Capture Quality Request Revision2 VNDetectFaceCaptureQualityRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNDetect
Face Capture Quality Request Revision3 VNDetectFaceCaptureQualityRequest
- The revision shows better correlation with human judgement on a larger and more diverse dataset. It is also more stable with respect to minor image variations.
- VNDetect
Face Landmarks Request Revision1 VNDetectFaceLandmarksRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNDetect
Face Landmarks Request Revision2 VNDetectFaceLandmarksRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNDetect
Face Landmarks Request Revision3 VNDetectFaceLandmarksRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNDetect
Face Rectangles Request Revision1 VNDetectFaceRectanglesRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNDetect
Face Rectangles Request Revision2 VNDetectFaceRectanglesRequest
- This request revision can calculate face roll and yaw properties. See [VNFaceObservation -roll] and [VNFaceObservation -yaw] respectively.
- VNDetect
Face Rectangles Request Revision3 VNDetectFaceRectanglesRequest
- This request revision can calculate face pitch, in addition to roll and yaw, see [VNFaceObservation -pitch] property. In addition, all three properties - roll, yaw, and pitch are now reported in contiguous manner.
- VNDetect
Horizon Request Revision1 VNDetectHorizonRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNDetect
Human Body Pose3D Request Revision1 VNDetectHumanBodyPose3DRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNDetect
Human Body Pose Request Revision1 VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNDetect
Human Hand Pose Request Revision1 VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNDetect
Human Rectangles Request Revision1 VNDetectHumanRectanglesRequest
- This request revsion can detect human upper body only
- VNDetect
Human Rectangles Request Revision2 VNDetectHumanRectanglesRequest
- This request revsion can detect human full body in addition to upper body only in the previous revision. The choice is controlled by [VNDetectHumanRectanglesRequest -upperBodyOnly] property, which is by default set to YES
- VNDetect
Rectangles Request Revision1 VNDetectRectanglesRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNDetect
Text Rectangles Request Revision1 VNDetectTextRectanglesRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNDetect
Trajectories Request Revision1 VNDetectTrajectoriesRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNError
Domain ⚠VNError
- Apple’s documentation
- VNGenerate
Attention Based Saliency Image Request Revision1 VNGenerateAttentionBasedSaliencyImageRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNGenerate
Attention Based Saliency Image Request Revision2 VNGenerateAttentionBasedSaliencyImageRequest
- Improved accuracy, reduced latency and memory utilization.
- VNGenerate
Foreground Instance Mask Request Revision1 VNGenerateForegroundInstanceMaskRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNGenerate
Image Feature Print Request Revision1 VNGenerateImageFeaturePrintRequest
- The feature print produced by the
classifier. - VNGenerate
Image Feature Print Request Revision2 VNGenerateImageFeaturePrintRequest
- The feature print produced by the
classifier. - VNGenerate
Objectness Based Saliency Image Request Revision1 VNGenerateObjectnessBasedSaliencyImageRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNGenerate
Objectness Based Saliency Image Request Revision2 VNGenerateObjectnessBasedSaliencyImageRequest
- Improved accuracy, reduced latency and memory utilization.
- VNGenerate
Optical Flow Request Revision1 VNGenerateOpticalFlowRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNGenerate
Optical Flow Request Revision2 VNGenerateOpticalFlowRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNGenerate
Person Instance Mask Request Revision1 VNGeneratePersonInstanceMaskRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNGenerate
Person Segmentation Request Revision1 VNGeneratePersonSegmentationRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHomographic
Image Registration Request Revision1 VNImageRegistrationRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose3D Observation Joint Name Center Head VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose3D Observation Joint Name Center Shoulder VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose3D Observation Joint Name Left Ankle VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose3D Observation Joint Name Left Elbow VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose3D Observation Joint Name Left Hip VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose3D Observation Joint Name Left Knee VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose3D Observation Joint Name Left Shoulder VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose3D Observation Joint Name Left Wrist VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose3D Observation Joint Name Right Ankle VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose3D Observation Joint Name Right Elbow VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose3D Observation Joint Name Right Hip VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose3D Observation Joint Name Right Knee VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose3D Observation Joint Name Right Shoulder VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose3D Observation Joint Name Right Wrist VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose3D Observation Joint Name Root VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose3D Observation Joint Name Spine VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose3D Observation Joint Name TopHead VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose3D Observation Joints Group Name All VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose3D Observation Joints Group Name Head VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose3D Observation Joints Group Name Left Arm VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose3D Observation Joints Group Name Left Leg VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose3D Observation Joints Group Name Right Arm VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose3D Observation Joints Group Name Right Leg VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose3D Observation Joints Group Name Torso VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Left Ankle VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Left Ear VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Left Elbow VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Left Eye VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Left Hip VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Left Knee VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Left Shoulder VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Left Wrist VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Neck VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Nose VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Right Ankle VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Right Ear VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Right Elbow VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Right Eye VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Right Hip VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Right Knee VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Right Shoulder VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Right Wrist VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Root VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joints Group Name All VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joints Group Name Face VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joints Group Name Left Arm VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joints Group Name Left Leg VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joints Group Name Right Arm VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joints Group Name Right Leg VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body ⚠Pose Observation Joints Group Name Torso VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Hand ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name IndexDIP VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Hand ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name IndexMCP VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Hand ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name IndexPIP VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Hand ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Index Tip VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Hand ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name LittleDIP VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Hand ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name LittleMCP VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Hand ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name LittlePIP VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Hand ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Little Tip VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Hand ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name MiddleDIP VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Hand ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name MiddleMCP VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Hand ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name MiddlePIP VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Hand ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Middle Tip VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Hand ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name RingDIP VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Hand ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name RingMCP VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Hand ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name RingPIP VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Hand ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Ring Tip VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Hand ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name ThumbCMC VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Hand ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name ThumbIP VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Hand ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name ThumbMP VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Hand ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Thumb Tip VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Hand ⚠Pose Observation Joint Name Wrist VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Hand ⚠Pose Observation Joints Group Name All VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Hand ⚠Pose Observation Joints Group Name Index Finger VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Hand ⚠Pose Observation Joints Group Name Little Finger VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Hand ⚠Pose Observation Joints Group Name Middle Finger VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Hand ⚠Pose Observation Joints Group Name Ring Finger VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Hand ⚠Pose Observation Joints Group Name Thumb VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNImage
OptionCI ⚠Context VNRequestHandler
- VNImageOptionCIContext Specifies the CIContext to be used in Core Image operations of request handler. If this is not specified, Vision will create its own CIContext. This option is helpful when the passed in CIImage is the result of a CIFilter chain that has been executed on a CIContext or uses outputs of a CIImage on a given CIContext as they don’t have to transfer to other contexts.
- VNImage
Option ⚠Camera Intrinsics VNRequestHandler
- VNImageOptionCameraIntrinsics Specifies the camera intrinsics as an NSData or CFData representing a matrix_float3x3. See kCMSampleBufferAttachmentKey_CameraIntrinsicMatrix for details
- VNImage
Option ⚠Properties VNRequestHandler
- VNImageOptionProperties is the dictionary from CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex. This contains metadata that can be used by some algorithms like horizon detection.
- VNNormalized
Identity ⚠Rect VNUtils
- The normalized identity rect of { {0, 0}, {1, 1} }.
- VNRecognize
Animals Request Revision1 VNRecognizeAnimalsRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNRecognize
Animals Request Revision2 VNRecognizeAnimalsRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNRecognize
Text Request Revision1 VNRecognizeTextRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNRecognize
Text Request Revision2 VNRecognizeTextRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNRecognize
Text Request Revision3 VNRecognizeTextRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNRecognized
Point3D ⚠Group KeyAll VNObservation
- Apple’s documentation
- VNRecognized
Point ⚠Group KeyAll VNObservation
- Apple’s documentation
- VNRequest
Revision Unspecified VNRequest
- A value that indicates that the request revision is either unknown or not applicable.
- VNTrack
Homographic Image Registration Request Revision1 VNTrackHomographicImageRegistrationRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNTrack
Object Request Revision1 VNTrackObjectRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNTrack
Object Request Revision2 VNTrackObjectRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNTrack
Optical Flow Request Revision1 VNTrackOpticalFlowRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNTrack
Rectangle Request Revision1 VNTrackRectangleRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNTrack
Translational Image Registration Request Revision1 VNTrackTranslationalImageRegistrationRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNTranslational
Image Registration Request Revision1 VNImageRegistrationRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNVideo
Processing ⚠Option Frame Cadence VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNVideo
Processing ⚠Option Time Interval VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNVision
Version ⚠Number - Apple’s documentation
- VNFace
Observation Accepting VNFaceObservationAccepting
- A protocol that allows a user to provide an input collection of VNFaceObservations as part of a request. The protocol can be adopted by request objects that request additional information about detected faces, such as facial landmarks.
- VNRequest
Progress Providing VNRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNRequest
Revision Providing VNRequestRevisionProviding
- Apple’s documentation
- VNElement
Type ⚠Size VNUtils
- Obtain the size, in bytes, of a given element type.
- VNImage
Point ⚠ForNormalized Point VNUtils
- Returns a point in (possibly non-integral) image coordinates that is projected from a point in a normalized coordinate space.
- VNImage
Point ⚠ForNormalized Point Using Region OfInterest VNUtils
- Returns a point in (possibly non-integral) image coordinates that is projected from a point in a normalized coordinate space taking the region of interest (roi) into account.
- VNImage
Rect ⚠ForNormalized Rect VNUtils
- Returns a rectangle in (possibly non-integral) image coordinates that is projected from a rectangle in a normalized coordinate space.
- VNImage
Rect ⚠ForNormalized Rect Using Region OfInterest VNUtils
- Returns a rectangle in (possibly non-integral) image coordinates that is projected from a rectangle in a normalized coordinate space taking the region of interest (roi) into account.
- VNNormalized
Point ⚠ForImage Point VNUtils
- Returns a point in normalized coordinate space that is projected from a point in a image coordinates
- VNNormalized
Point ⚠ForImage Point Using Region OfInterest VNUtils
- Returns a point in normalized coordinate space within a spedified regioin of interest (roi) that is projected from a point in a image coordinates
- VNNormalized
Rect ⚠ForImage Rect VNUtils
- Returns an image rectangle in normalized coordinates.
- VNNormalized
Rect ⚠ForImage Rect Using Region OfInterest VNUtils
- Returns an image rectangle in normalized coordinates in relation to the region of interest.
- VNNormalized
Rect ⚠IsIdentity Rect VNUtils
- Determines whether or not the normalized rect describes the identity rect of { {0, 0}, {1, 1} }.
Type Aliases§
- VNAnimal
Body Pose Observation Joint Name VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Body Pose Observation Joints Group Name VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAnimal
Identifier VNRecognizeAnimalsRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNAspect
Ratio VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNBarcode
Symbology VNTypes
- Barcode symbologies that are supported by the Vision framework.
- VNCompute
Stage VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNConfidence
- Apple’s documentation
- VNDegrees
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body Pose3D Observation Joint Name VNTypes
- Human Body 3D Pose Joints that are suppported by Vision framework
- VNHuman
Body Pose3D Observation Joints Group Name VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body Pose Observation Joint Name VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Body Pose Observation Joints Group Name VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Hand Pose Observation Joint Name VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNHuman
Hand Pose Observation Joints Group Name VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- VNImage
Option VNRequestHandler
- Options keys passed into the VNImageRequestHandler creations or requests that take an auxiliary image. These are options that either describe specific properties of an image like the VNImageOptionCameraIntrinsics or how an image needs to be handled like the VNImageOptionCIContext.
- VNRecognized
Point Group Key VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNRecognized
Point Key VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- VNRequest
Completion Handler VNRequest
- A block that is executed at the completion of a request.
- VNRequest
Progress Handler VNRequest
- A block that is executed at intervals during the processing of a request.
- VNVideo
Processing Option VNTypes
- Apple’s documentation