Type Definition lpc81x_pac::lpc810::swm0::pinenable0::ACMP_I2_W

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pub type ACMP_I2_W<'a, const O: u8> = BitWriter<'a, u32, PINENABLE0_SPEC, ACMP_I2_A, O>;
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Field ACMP_I2 writer - Enables fixed-pin function. Writing a 1 deselects the function and any movable function can be assigned to this pin. By default the fixed-pin function is deselected and GPIO is assigned to this pin. Functions CLKIN and ACMP_I2 are connected to the same pin PIO0_1. To use ACMP_I2, disable the CLKIN function in bit 7 of this register and enable ACMP_I2.


Enable ACMP_I2. This function is enabled on pin PIO0_1.

Disable ACMP_I2. GPIO function PIO0_1 (default) or any other movable function can be assigned to pin PIO0_1.