Type Definition lpc55_pac::flash_cfpa0::DCFG_CC_SOCU_DFLT[][src]


With TZ-M, the part can be sold by level 1 customers (secure code developer) to level-2 customers who develops non-secure code only. - In this scenario, or easy of development, Level-I customer releases the part to always allow non-secure debug. - To allow level-2 customers to further seal the part DCFG_CC_SOCU_NS is used. - ROM will use this word to further restrict the debug access.

This register you can read, reset, write, write_with_zero, modify. See API.

For information about available fields see dcfg_cc_socu_dflt module

Trait Implementations

impl Readable for DCFG_CC_SOCU_DFLT[src]

read() method returns dcfg_cc_socu_dflt::R reader structure

impl ResetValue for DCFG_CC_SOCU_DFLT[src]

Register DCFG_CC_SOCU_DFLT reset()’s with value 0

type Type = u32

Register size

impl Writable for DCFG_CC_SOCU_DFLT[src]

write(|w| ..) method takes dcfg_cc_socu_dflt::W writer structure