[][src]Type Definition lpc55_pac::dbgmailbox::csw::W

type W = W<u32, CSW>;

Writer for register CSW


impl W[src]

pub fn resynch_req(&mut self) -> RESYNCH_REQ_W<'_>[src]

Bit 0 - Debugger will set this bit to 1 to request a resynchronrisation

pub fn req_pending(&mut self) -> REQ_PENDING_W<'_>[src]

Bit 1 - Request is pending from debugger (i.e unread value in REQUEST)

pub fn dbg_or_err(&mut self) -> DBG_OR_ERR_W<'_>[src]

Bit 2 - Debugger overrun error (previous REQUEST overwritten before being picked up by ROM)

pub fn ahb_or_err(&mut self) -> AHB_OR_ERR_W<'_>[src]

Bit 3 - AHB overrun Error (Return value overwritten by ROM)

pub fn soft_reset(&mut self) -> SOFT_RESET_W<'_>[src]

Bit 4 - Soft Reset for DM (write-only from AHB, not readable and selfclearing). A write to this bit will cause a soft reset for DM.

pub fn chip_reset_req(&mut self) -> CHIP_RESET_REQ_W<'_>[src]

Bit 5 - Write only bit. Once written will cause the chip to reset (note that the DM is not reset by this reset as it is only resettable by a SOFT reset or a POR/BOD event)