[][src]Trait libp2p::core::protocols_handler::ProtocolsHandler

pub trait ProtocolsHandler {
    type InEvent;
    type OutEvent;
    type Error: Error;
    type Substream: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite;
    type InboundProtocol: InboundUpgrade<Self::Substream>;
    type OutboundProtocol: OutboundUpgrade<Self::Substream>;
    type OutboundOpenInfo;
    fn listen_protocol(&self) -> Self::InboundProtocol;
fn inject_fully_negotiated_inbound(
        &mut self,
        protocol: <Self::InboundProtocol as InboundUpgrade<Self::Substream>>::Output
fn inject_fully_negotiated_outbound(
        &mut self,
        protocol: <Self::OutboundProtocol as OutboundUpgrade<Self::Substream>>::Output,
        info: Self::OutboundOpenInfo
fn inject_event(&mut self, event: Self::InEvent);
fn inject_dial_upgrade_error(
        &mut self,
        info: Self::OutboundOpenInfo,
        error: ProtocolsHandlerUpgrErr<<Self::OutboundProtocol as OutboundUpgrade<Self::Substream>>::Error>
fn connection_keep_alive(&self) -> KeepAlive;
fn poll(
        &mut self
    ) -> Result<Async<ProtocolsHandlerEvent<Self::OutboundProtocol, Self::OutboundOpenInfo, Self::OutEvent>>, Self::Error>; fn map_in_event<TNewIn, TMap>(
        map: TMap
    ) -> MapInEvent<Self, TNewIn, TMap>
        TMap: Fn(&TNewIn) -> Option<&Self::InEvent>
, { ... }
fn map_out_event<TMap, TNewOut>(self, map: TMap) -> MapOutEvent<Self, TMap>
        TMap: FnMut(Self::OutEvent) -> TNewOut
, { ... }
fn select<TProto2>(
        other: TProto2
    ) -> ProtocolsHandlerSelect<Self, TProto2> { ... }
fn into_node_handler_builder(self) -> NodeHandlerWrapperBuilder<Self> { ... }
fn into_node_handler(self) -> NodeHandlerWrapper<Self> { ... } }

Handler for a set of protocols for a specific connection with a remote.

This trait should be implemented on a struct that holds the state for a specific protocol behaviour with a specific remote.

Handling a protocol

Communication with a remote over a set of protocols opened in two different ways:

  • Dialing, which is a voluntary process. In order to do so, make poll() return an OutboundSubstreamRequest variant containing the connection upgrade to use to start using a protocol.
  • Listening, which is used to determine which protocols are supported when the remote wants to open a substream. The listen_protocol() method should return the upgrades supported when listening.

The upgrade when dialing and the upgrade when listening have to be of the same type, but you are free to return for example an OrUpgrade enum, or an enum of your own, containing the upgrade you want depending on the situation.

Shutting down

Implementors of this trait should keep in mind that the connection can be closed at any time. When a connection is closed (either by us or by the remote) shutdown() is called and the handler continues to be processed until it produces ProtocolsHandlerEvent::Shutdown. Only then the handler is destroyed.

This makes it possible for the handler to finish delivering events even after knowing that it is shutting down.

Implementors of this trait should keep in mind that when shutdown() is called, the connection might already be closed or unresponsive. They should therefore not rely on being able to deliver messages.

Associated Types

type InEvent

Custom event that can be received from the outside.

type OutEvent

Custom event that can be produced by the handler and that will be returned to the outside.

type Error: Error

Error that can happen when polling.

type Substream: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite

The type of the substream that contains the raw data.

type InboundProtocol: InboundUpgrade<Self::Substream>

The upgrade for the protocol or protocols handled by this handler.

type OutboundProtocol: OutboundUpgrade<Self::Substream>

The upgrade for the protocol or protocols handled by this handler.

type OutboundOpenInfo

Information about a substream. Can be sent to the handler through a NodeHandlerEndpoint, and will be passed back in inject_substream or inject_outbound_closed.

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Required methods

fn listen_protocol(&self) -> Self::InboundProtocol

Produces a ConnectionUpgrade for the protocol or protocols to accept when listening.

Note: You should always accept all the protocols you support, even if in a specific context you wouldn't accept one in particular (eg. only allow one substream at a time for a given protocol). The reason is that remotes are allowed to put the list of supported protocols in a cache in order to avoid spurious queries.

fn inject_fully_negotiated_inbound(
    &mut self,
    protocol: <Self::InboundProtocol as InboundUpgrade<Self::Substream>>::Output

Injects a fully-negotiated substream in the handler.

This method is called when a substream has been successfully opened and negotiated.

fn inject_fully_negotiated_outbound(
    &mut self,
    protocol: <Self::OutboundProtocol as OutboundUpgrade<Self::Substream>>::Output,
    info: Self::OutboundOpenInfo

fn inject_event(&mut self, event: Self::InEvent)

Injects an event coming from the outside in the handler.

fn inject_dial_upgrade_error(
    &mut self,
    info: Self::OutboundOpenInfo,
    error: ProtocolsHandlerUpgrErr<<Self::OutboundProtocol as OutboundUpgrade<Self::Substream>>::Error>

Indicates to the handler that upgrading a substream to the given protocol has failed.

fn connection_keep_alive(&self) -> KeepAlive

Returns until when the connection should be kept alive.

If returns Until, that indicates that this connection may be closed and this handler destroyed after the returned Instant has elapsed if they think that they will no longer need the connection in the future. Returning Forever is equivalent to "infinite". Returning Now is equivalent to Until(Instant::now()).

On the other hand, the return value is only an indication and doesn't mean that the user will not close the connection.

When multiple ProtocolsHandler are combined together, the largest KeepAlive should be used.

The result of this method should be checked every time poll() is invoked.

fn poll(
    &mut self
) -> Result<Async<ProtocolsHandlerEvent<Self::OutboundProtocol, Self::OutboundOpenInfo, Self::OutEvent>>, Self::Error>

Should behave like Stream::poll().

Returning an error will close the connection to the remote.

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Provided methods

fn map_in_event<TNewIn, TMap>(self, map: TMap) -> MapInEvent<Self, TNewIn, TMap> where
    TMap: Fn(&TNewIn) -> Option<&Self::InEvent>, 

Adds a closure that turns the input event into something else.

fn map_out_event<TMap, TNewOut>(self, map: TMap) -> MapOutEvent<Self, TMap> where
    TMap: FnMut(Self::OutEvent) -> TNewOut, 

Adds a closure that turns the output event into something else.

fn select<TProto2>(
    other: TProto2
) -> ProtocolsHandlerSelect<Self, TProto2>

Builds an implementation of ProtocolsHandler that handles both this protocol and the other one together.

fn into_node_handler_builder(self) -> NodeHandlerWrapperBuilder<Self>

Creates a builder that will allow creating a NodeHandler that handles this protocol exclusively.

fn into_node_handler(self) -> NodeHandlerWrapper<Self>


Use into_node_handler_builder instead

Builds an implementation of NodeHandler that handles this protocol exclusively.

Note: This is a shortcut for self.into_node_handler_builder().build().

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impl<TInner> ProtocolsHandler for ToggleProtoHandler<TInner> where
    TInner: ProtocolsHandler

type InEvent = <TInner as ProtocolsHandler>::InEvent

type OutEvent = <TInner as ProtocolsHandler>::OutEvent

type Error = <TInner as ProtocolsHandler>::Error

type Substream = <TInner as ProtocolsHandler>::Substream

type InboundProtocol = EitherUpgrade<<TInner as ProtocolsHandler>::InboundProtocol, DeniedUpgrade>

type OutboundProtocol = <TInner as ProtocolsHandler>::OutboundProtocol

type OutboundOpenInfo = <TInner as ProtocolsHandler>::OutboundOpenInfo

fn map_in_event<TNewIn, TMap>(self, map: TMap) -> MapInEvent<Self, TNewIn, TMap> where
    TMap: Fn(&TNewIn) -> Option<&Self::InEvent>, 

fn map_out_event<TMap, TNewOut>(self, map: TMap) -> MapOutEvent<Self, TMap> where
    TMap: FnMut(Self::OutEvent) -> TNewOut, 

fn select<TProto2>(
    other: TProto2
) -> ProtocolsHandlerSelect<Self, TProto2>

fn into_node_handler_builder(self) -> NodeHandlerWrapperBuilder<Self>[src]

fn into_node_handler(self) -> NodeHandlerWrapper<Self>[src]


Use into_node_handler_builder instead

impl<TProtoHandler, TMap, TNewIn> ProtocolsHandler for MapInEvent<TProtoHandler, TNewIn, TMap> where
    TMap: Fn(TNewIn) -> Option<<TProtoHandler as ProtocolsHandler>::InEvent>,
    TProtoHandler: ProtocolsHandler

type InEvent = TNewIn

type OutEvent = <TProtoHandler as ProtocolsHandler>::OutEvent

type Error = <TProtoHandler as ProtocolsHandler>::Error

type Substream = <TProtoHandler as ProtocolsHandler>::Substream

type InboundProtocol = <TProtoHandler as ProtocolsHandler>::InboundProtocol

type OutboundProtocol = <TProtoHandler as ProtocolsHandler>::OutboundProtocol

type OutboundOpenInfo = <TProtoHandler as ProtocolsHandler>::OutboundOpenInfo

fn map_in_event<TNewIn, TMap>(self, map: TMap) -> MapInEvent<Self, TNewIn, TMap> where
    TMap: Fn(&TNewIn) -> Option<&Self::InEvent>, 

fn map_out_event<TMap, TNewOut>(self, map: TMap) -> MapOutEvent<Self, TMap> where
    TMap: FnMut(Self::OutEvent) -> TNewOut, 

fn select<TProto2>(
    other: TProto2
) -> ProtocolsHandlerSelect<Self, TProto2>

fn into_node_handler_builder(self) -> NodeHandlerWrapperBuilder<Self>[src]

fn into_node_handler(self) -> NodeHandlerWrapper<Self>[src]


Use into_node_handler_builder instead

impl<TProtoHandler, TMap, TNewOut> ProtocolsHandler for MapOutEvent<TProtoHandler, TMap> where
    TMap: FnMut(<TProtoHandler as ProtocolsHandler>::OutEvent) -> TNewOut,
    TProtoHandler: ProtocolsHandler

type InEvent = <TProtoHandler as ProtocolsHandler>::InEvent

type OutEvent = TNewOut

type Error = <TProtoHandler as ProtocolsHandler>::Error

type Substream = <TProtoHandler as ProtocolsHandler>::Substream

type InboundProtocol = <TProtoHandler as ProtocolsHandler>::InboundProtocol

type OutboundProtocol = <TProtoHandler as ProtocolsHandler>::OutboundProtocol

type OutboundOpenInfo = <TProtoHandler as ProtocolsHandler>::OutboundOpenInfo

fn map_in_event<TNewIn, TMap>(self, map: TMap) -> MapInEvent<Self, TNewIn, TMap> where
    TMap: Fn(&TNewIn) -> Option<&Self::InEvent>, 

fn map_out_event<TMap, TNewOut>(self, map: TMap) -> MapOutEvent<Self, TMap> where
    TMap: FnMut(Self::OutEvent) -> TNewOut, 

fn select<TProto2>(
    other: TProto2
) -> ProtocolsHandlerSelect<Self, TProto2>

fn into_node_handler_builder(self) -> NodeHandlerWrapperBuilder<Self>[src]

fn into_node_handler(self) -> NodeHandlerWrapper<Self>[src]


Use into_node_handler_builder instead

impl<TSubstream> ProtocolsHandler for DummyProtocolsHandler<TSubstream> where
    TSubstream: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite

type InEvent = Void

type OutEvent = Void

type Error = Void

type Substream = TSubstream

type InboundProtocol = DeniedUpgrade

type OutboundProtocol = DeniedUpgrade

type OutboundOpenInfo = Void

fn map_in_event<TNewIn, TMap>(self, map: TMap) -> MapInEvent<Self, TNewIn, TMap> where
    TMap: Fn(&TNewIn) -> Option<&Self::InEvent>, 

fn map_out_event<TMap, TNewOut>(self, map: TMap) -> MapOutEvent<Self, TMap> where
    TMap: FnMut(Self::OutEvent) -> TNewOut, 

fn select<TProto2>(
    other: TProto2
) -> ProtocolsHandlerSelect<Self, TProto2>

fn into_node_handler_builder(self) -> NodeHandlerWrapperBuilder<Self>[src]

fn into_node_handler(self) -> NodeHandlerWrapper<Self>[src]


Use into_node_handler_builder instead

impl<TSubstream> ProtocolsHandler for IdentifyListenHandler<TSubstream> where
    TSubstream: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite

type InEvent = Void

type OutEvent = IdentifySender<Negotiated<TSubstream>>

type Error = Void

type Substream = TSubstream

type InboundProtocol = IdentifyProtocolConfig

type OutboundProtocol = DeniedUpgrade

type OutboundOpenInfo = ()

fn map_in_event<TNewIn, TMap>(self, map: TMap) -> MapInEvent<Self, TNewIn, TMap> where
    TMap: Fn(&TNewIn) -> Option<&Self::InEvent>, 

fn map_out_event<TMap, TNewOut>(self, map: TMap) -> MapOutEvent<Self, TMap> where
    TMap: FnMut(Self::OutEvent) -> TNewOut, 

fn select<TProto2>(
    other: TProto2
) -> ProtocolsHandlerSelect<Self, TProto2>

fn into_node_handler_builder(self) -> NodeHandlerWrapperBuilder<Self>[src]

fn into_node_handler(self) -> NodeHandlerWrapper<Self>[src]


Use into_node_handler_builder instead

impl<TSubstream> ProtocolsHandler for PeriodicIdHandler<TSubstream> where
    TSubstream: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite

type InEvent = Void

type OutEvent = PeriodicIdHandlerEvent

type Error = Error

type Substream = TSubstream

type InboundProtocol = DeniedUpgrade

type OutboundProtocol = IdentifyProtocolConfig

type OutboundOpenInfo = ()

fn map_in_event<TNewIn, TMap>(self, map: TMap) -> MapInEvent<Self, TNewIn, TMap> where
    TMap: Fn(&TNewIn) -> Option<&Self::InEvent>, 

fn map_out_event<TMap, TNewOut>(self, map: TMap) -> MapOutEvent<Self, TMap> where
    TMap: FnMut(Self::OutEvent) -> TNewOut, 

fn select<TProto2>(
    other: TProto2
) -> ProtocolsHandlerSelect<Self, TProto2>

fn into_node_handler_builder(self) -> NodeHandlerWrapperBuilder<Self>[src]

fn into_node_handler(self) -> NodeHandlerWrapper<Self>[src]


Use into_node_handler_builder instead

impl<TSubstream> ProtocolsHandler for PingHandler<TSubstream> where
    TSubstream: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite

type InEvent = Void

type OutEvent = PingOutput

type Error = ProtocolsHandlerUpgrErr<Error>

type Substream = TSubstream

type InboundProtocol = Ping

type OutboundProtocol = Ping

type OutboundOpenInfo = ()

fn map_in_event<TNewIn, TMap>(self, map: TMap) -> MapInEvent<Self, TNewIn, TMap> where
    TMap: Fn(&TNewIn) -> Option<&Self::InEvent>, 

fn map_out_event<TMap, TNewOut>(self, map: TMap) -> MapOutEvent<Self, TMap> where
    TMap: FnMut(Self::OutEvent) -> TNewOut, 

fn select<TProto2>(
    other: TProto2
) -> ProtocolsHandlerSelect<Self, TProto2>

fn into_node_handler_builder(self) -> NodeHandlerWrapperBuilder<Self>[src]

fn into_node_handler(self) -> NodeHandlerWrapper<Self>[src]


Use into_node_handler_builder instead

impl<TSubstream, TInProto, TOutProto, TOutEvent> ProtocolsHandler for OneShotHandler<TSubstream, TInProto, TOutProto, TOutEvent> where
    TInProto: InboundUpgrade<TSubstream> + Clone,
    TOutProto: OutboundUpgrade<TSubstream>,
    TSubstream: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite,
    <TInProto as InboundUpgrade<TSubstream>>::Output: Into<TOutEvent>,
    <TOutProto as OutboundUpgrade<TSubstream>>::Output: Into<TOutEvent>,
    <TOutProto as OutboundUpgrade<TSubstream>>::Error: Error,
    <TOutProto as OutboundUpgrade<TSubstream>>::Error: 'static, 

type InEvent = TOutProto

type OutEvent = TOutEvent

type Error = ProtocolsHandlerUpgrErr<<<OneShotHandler<TSubstream, TInProto, TOutProto, TOutEvent> as ProtocolsHandler>::OutboundProtocol as OutboundUpgrade<<OneShotHandler<TSubstream, TInProto, TOutProto, TOutEvent> as ProtocolsHandler>::Substream>>::Error>

type Substream = TSubstream

type InboundProtocol = TInProto

type OutboundProtocol = TOutProto

type OutboundOpenInfo = ()

fn map_in_event<TNewIn, TMap>(self, map: TMap) -> MapInEvent<Self, TNewIn, TMap> where
    TMap: Fn(&TNewIn) -> Option<&Self::InEvent>, 

fn map_out_event<TMap, TNewOut>(self, map: TMap) -> MapOutEvent<Self, TMap> where
    TMap: FnMut(Self::OutEvent) -> TNewOut, 

fn select<TProto2>(
    other: TProto2
) -> ProtocolsHandlerSelect<Self, TProto2>

fn into_node_handler_builder(self) -> NodeHandlerWrapperBuilder<Self>[src]

fn into_node_handler(self) -> NodeHandlerWrapper<Self>[src]


Use into_node_handler_builder instead

impl<TSubstream, TProto1, TProto2> ProtocolsHandler for ProtocolsHandlerSelect<TProto1, TProto2> where
    TProto1: ProtocolsHandler<Substream = TSubstream>,
    TProto2: ProtocolsHandler<Substream = TSubstream>,
    TSubstream: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite,
    <TProto1 as ProtocolsHandler>::InboundProtocol: InboundUpgrade<TSubstream>,
    <TProto2 as ProtocolsHandler>::InboundProtocol: InboundUpgrade<TSubstream>,
    <TProto1 as ProtocolsHandler>::OutboundProtocol: OutboundUpgrade<TSubstream>,
    <TProto2 as ProtocolsHandler>::OutboundProtocol: OutboundUpgrade<TSubstream>, 

type InEvent = EitherOutput<<TProto1 as ProtocolsHandler>::InEvent, <TProto2 as ProtocolsHandler>::InEvent>

type OutEvent = EitherOutput<<TProto1 as ProtocolsHandler>::OutEvent, <TProto2 as ProtocolsHandler>::OutEvent>

type Error = EitherError<<TProto1 as ProtocolsHandler>::Error, <TProto2 as ProtocolsHandler>::Error>

type Substream = TSubstream

type InboundProtocol = SelectUpgrade<<TProto1 as ProtocolsHandler>::InboundProtocol, <TProto2 as ProtocolsHandler>::InboundProtocol>

type OutboundProtocol = EitherUpgrade<<TProto1 as ProtocolsHandler>::OutboundProtocol, <TProto2 as ProtocolsHandler>::OutboundProtocol>

type OutboundOpenInfo = EitherOutput<<TProto1 as ProtocolsHandler>::OutboundOpenInfo, <TProto2 as ProtocolsHandler>::OutboundOpenInfo>

fn map_in_event<TNewIn, TMap>(self, map: TMap) -> MapInEvent<Self, TNewIn, TMap> where
    TMap: Fn(&TNewIn) -> Option<&Self::InEvent>, 

fn map_out_event<TMap, TNewOut>(self, map: TMap) -> MapOutEvent<Self, TMap> where
    TMap: FnMut(Self::OutEvent) -> TNewOut, 

fn select<TProto2>(
    other: TProto2
) -> ProtocolsHandlerSelect<Self, TProto2>

fn into_node_handler_builder(self) -> NodeHandlerWrapperBuilder<Self>[src]

fn into_node_handler(self) -> NodeHandlerWrapper<Self>[src]


Use into_node_handler_builder instead

impl<TSubstream, TUserData> ProtocolsHandler for KademliaHandler<TSubstream, TUserData> where
    TSubstream: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite,
    TUserData: Clone

type InEvent = KademliaHandlerIn<TUserData>

type OutEvent = KademliaHandlerEvent<TUserData>

type Error = Error

type Substream = TSubstream

type InboundProtocol = EitherUpgrade<KademliaProtocolConfig, DeniedUpgrade>

type OutboundProtocol = KademliaProtocolConfig

type OutboundOpenInfo = (KadRequestMsg, Option<TUserData>)

fn map_in_event<TNewIn, TMap>(self, map: TMap) -> MapInEvent<Self, TNewIn, TMap> where
    TMap: Fn(&TNewIn) -> Option<&Self::InEvent>, 

fn map_out_event<TMap, TNewOut>(self, map: TMap) -> MapOutEvent<Self, TMap> where
    TMap: FnMut(Self::OutEvent) -> TNewOut, 

fn select<TProto2>(
    other: TProto2
) -> ProtocolsHandlerSelect<Self, TProto2>

fn into_node_handler_builder(self) -> NodeHandlerWrapperBuilder<Self>[src]

fn into_node_handler(self) -> NodeHandlerWrapper<Self>[src]


Use into_node_handler_builder instead

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