[][src]Struct gdnative::PhysicsServer

pub struct PhysicsServer { /* fields omitted */ }

core singleton class PhysicsServer inherits Object (unsafe).

Official documentation

See the documentation of this class in the Godot engine's official documentation.

Feature flag

This type is behind the gdnative crate's physics feature flag.

Class hierarchy

PhysicsServer inherits methods from:


impl PhysicsServer

pub fn godot_singleton() -> PhysicsServer

pub fn shape_create(&mut self, _type: i64) -> Rid

pub fn shape_set_data(&mut self, shape: Rid, data: Variant)

pub fn shape_get_type(&self, shape: Rid) -> PhysicsServerShapeType

pub fn shape_get_data(&self, shape: Rid) -> Variant

pub fn space_create(&mut self) -> Rid

pub fn space_set_active(&mut self, space: Rid, active: bool)

pub fn space_is_active(&self, space: Rid) -> bool

pub fn space_set_param(&mut self, space: Rid, param: i64, value: f64)

pub fn space_get_param(&self, space: Rid, param: i64) -> f64

pub fn space_get_direct_state(
    &mut self,
    space: Rid
) -> Option<PhysicsDirectSpaceState>

pub fn area_create(&mut self) -> Rid

pub fn area_set_space(&mut self, area: Rid, space: Rid)

pub fn area_get_space(&self, area: Rid) -> Rid

pub fn area_set_space_override_mode(&mut self, area: Rid, mode: i64)

pub fn area_get_space_override_mode(
    area: Rid
) -> PhysicsServerAreaSpaceOverrideMode

pub fn area_add_shape(&mut self, area: Rid, shape: Rid, transform: Transform)

pub fn area_set_shape(&mut self, area: Rid, shape_idx: i64, shape: Rid)

pub fn area_set_shape_transform(
    &mut self,
    area: Rid,
    shape_idx: i64,
    transform: Transform

pub fn area_get_shape_count(&self, area: Rid) -> i64

pub fn area_get_shape(&self, area: Rid, shape_idx: i64) -> Rid

pub fn area_get_shape_transform(&self, area: Rid, shape_idx: i64) -> Transform

pub fn area_remove_shape(&mut self, area: Rid, shape_idx: i64)

pub fn area_clear_shapes(&mut self, area: Rid)

pub fn area_set_collision_layer(&mut self, area: Rid, layer: i64)

pub fn area_set_collision_mask(&mut self, area: Rid, mask: i64)

pub fn area_set_param(&mut self, area: Rid, param: i64, value: Variant)

pub fn area_set_transform(&mut self, area: Rid, transform: Transform)

pub fn area_get_param(&self, area: Rid, param: i64) -> Variant

pub fn area_get_transform(&self, area: Rid) -> Transform

pub fn area_attach_object_instance_id(&mut self, area: Rid, id: i64)

pub fn area_get_object_instance_id(&self, area: Rid) -> i64

pub fn area_set_monitor_callback(
    &mut self,
    area: Rid,
    receiver: Option<Object>,
    method: GodotString

pub fn area_set_area_monitor_callback(
    &mut self,
    area: Rid,
    receiver: Option<Object>,
    method: GodotString

pub fn area_set_monitorable(&mut self, area: Rid, monitorable: bool)

pub fn area_set_ray_pickable(&mut self, area: Rid, enable: bool)

pub fn area_is_ray_pickable(&self, area: Rid) -> bool

pub fn body_create(&mut self, mode: i64, init_sleeping: bool) -> Rid

pub fn body_set_space(&mut self, body: Rid, space: Rid)

pub fn body_get_space(&self, body: Rid) -> Rid

pub fn body_set_mode(&mut self, body: Rid, mode: i64)

pub fn body_get_mode(&self, body: Rid) -> PhysicsServerBodyMode

pub fn body_set_collision_layer(&mut self, body: Rid, layer: i64)

pub fn body_get_collision_layer(&self, body: Rid) -> i64

pub fn body_set_collision_mask(&mut self, body: Rid, mask: i64)

pub fn body_get_collision_mask(&self, body: Rid) -> i64

pub fn body_add_shape(&mut self, body: Rid, shape: Rid, transform: Transform)

pub fn body_set_shape(&mut self, body: Rid, shape_idx: i64, shape: Rid)

pub fn body_set_shape_transform(
    &mut self,
    body: Rid,
    shape_idx: i64,
    transform: Transform

pub fn body_get_shape_count(&self, body: Rid) -> i64

pub fn body_get_shape(&self, body: Rid, shape_idx: i64) -> Rid

pub fn body_get_shape_transform(&self, body: Rid, shape_idx: i64) -> Transform

pub fn body_remove_shape(&mut self, body: Rid, shape_idx: i64)

pub fn body_clear_shapes(&mut self, body: Rid)

pub fn body_attach_object_instance_id(&mut self, body: Rid, id: i64)

pub fn body_get_object_instance_id(&self, body: Rid) -> i64

pub fn body_set_enable_continuous_collision_detection(
    &mut self,
    body: Rid,
    enable: bool

pub fn body_is_continuous_collision_detection_enabled(&self, body: Rid) -> bool

pub fn body_set_param(&mut self, body: Rid, param: i64, value: f64)

pub fn body_get_param(&self, body: Rid, param: i64) -> f64

pub fn body_set_kinematic_safe_margin(&mut self, body: Rid, margin: f64)

pub fn body_get_kinematic_safe_margin(&self, body: Rid) -> f64

pub fn body_set_state(&mut self, body: Rid, state: i64, value: Variant)

pub fn body_get_state(&self, body: Rid, state: i64) -> Variant

pub fn body_add_central_force(
    &mut self,
    body: Rid,
    force: TypedVector3D<f32, UnknownUnit>

pub fn body_add_force(
    &mut self,
    body: Rid,
    force: TypedVector3D<f32, UnknownUnit>,
    position: TypedVector3D<f32, UnknownUnit>

pub fn body_add_torque(
    &mut self,
    body: Rid,
    torque: TypedVector3D<f32, UnknownUnit>

pub fn body_apply_central_impulse(
    &mut self,
    body: Rid,
    impulse: TypedVector3D<f32, UnknownUnit>

pub fn body_apply_impulse(
    &mut self,
    body: Rid,
    position: TypedVector3D<f32, UnknownUnit>,
    impulse: TypedVector3D<f32, UnknownUnit>

pub fn body_apply_torque_impulse(
    &mut self,
    body: Rid,
    impulse: TypedVector3D<f32, UnknownUnit>

pub fn body_set_axis_velocity(
    &mut self,
    body: Rid,
    axis_velocity: TypedVector3D<f32, UnknownUnit>

pub fn body_set_axis_lock(&mut self, body: Rid, axis: i64, lock: bool)

pub fn body_is_axis_locked(&self, body: Rid, axis: i64) -> bool

pub fn body_add_collision_exception(&mut self, body: Rid, excepted_body: Rid)

pub fn body_remove_collision_exception(&mut self, body: Rid, excepted_body: Rid)

pub fn body_set_max_contacts_reported(&mut self, body: Rid, amount: i64)

pub fn body_get_max_contacts_reported(&self, body: Rid) -> i64

pub fn body_set_omit_force_integration(&mut self, body: Rid, enable: bool)

pub fn body_is_omitting_force_integration(&self, body: Rid) -> bool

pub fn body_set_force_integration_callback(
    &mut self,
    body: Rid,
    receiver: Option<Object>,
    method: GodotString,
    userdata: Variant

pub fn body_set_ray_pickable(&mut self, body: Rid, enable: bool)

pub fn body_is_ray_pickable(&self, body: Rid) -> bool

pub fn body_get_direct_state(
    &mut self,
    body: Rid
) -> Option<PhysicsDirectBodyState>

pub fn joint_create_pin(
    &mut self,
    body_A: Rid,
    local_A: TypedVector3D<f32, UnknownUnit>,
    body_B: Rid,
    local_B: TypedVector3D<f32, UnknownUnit>
) -> Rid

pub fn pin_joint_set_param(&mut self, joint: Rid, param: i64, value: f64)

pub fn pin_joint_get_param(&self, joint: Rid, param: i64) -> f64

pub fn pin_joint_set_local_a(
    &mut self,
    joint: Rid,
    local_A: TypedVector3D<f32, UnknownUnit>

pub fn pin_joint_get_local_a(
    joint: Rid
) -> TypedVector3D<f32, UnknownUnit>

pub fn pin_joint_set_local_b(
    &mut self,
    joint: Rid,
    local_B: TypedVector3D<f32, UnknownUnit>

pub fn pin_joint_get_local_b(
    joint: Rid
) -> TypedVector3D<f32, UnknownUnit>

pub fn joint_create_hinge(
    &mut self,
    body_A: Rid,
    hinge_A: Transform,
    body_B: Rid,
    hinge_B: Transform
) -> Rid

pub fn hinge_joint_set_param(&mut self, joint: Rid, param: i64, value: f64)

pub fn hinge_joint_get_param(&self, joint: Rid, param: i64) -> f64

pub fn hinge_joint_set_flag(&mut self, joint: Rid, flag: i64, enabled: bool)

pub fn hinge_joint_get_flag(&self, joint: Rid, flag: i64) -> bool

pub fn joint_create_slider(
    &mut self,
    body_A: Rid,
    local_ref_A: Transform,
    body_B: Rid,
    local_ref_B: Transform
) -> Rid

pub fn slider_joint_set_param(&mut self, joint: Rid, param: i64, value: f64)

pub fn slider_joint_get_param(&self, joint: Rid, param: i64) -> f64

pub fn joint_create_cone_twist(
    &mut self,
    body_A: Rid,
    local_ref_A: Transform,
    body_B: Rid,
    local_ref_B: Transform
) -> Rid

pub fn cone_twist_joint_set_param(&mut self, joint: Rid, param: i64, value: f64)

pub fn cone_twist_joint_get_param(&self, joint: Rid, param: i64) -> f64

pub fn joint_get_type(&self, joint: Rid) -> PhysicsServerJointType

pub fn joint_set_solver_priority(&mut self, joint: Rid, priority: i64)

pub fn joint_get_solver_priority(&self, joint: Rid) -> i64

pub fn joint_create_generic_6dof(
    &mut self,
    body_A: Rid,
    local_ref_A: Transform,
    body_B: Rid,
    local_ref_B: Transform
) -> Rid

pub fn generic_6dof_joint_set_param(
    &mut self,
    joint: Rid,
    axis: i64,
    param: i64,
    value: f64

pub fn generic_6dof_joint_get_param(
    &mut self,
    joint: Rid,
    axis: i64,
    param: i64
) -> f64

pub fn generic_6dof_joint_set_flag(
    &mut self,
    joint: Rid,
    axis: i64,
    flag: i64,
    enable: bool

pub fn generic_6dof_joint_get_flag(
    &mut self,
    joint: Rid,
    axis: i64,
    flag: i64
) -> bool

pub fn free_rid(&mut self, rid: Rid)

pub fn set_active(&mut self, active: bool)

pub fn get_process_info(&mut self, process_info: i64) -> i64

pub fn _notification(&mut self, what: i64)

Inherited from Object.

pub fn _set(&mut self, property: GodotString, value: Variant) -> bool

Inherited from Object.

pub fn _get(&mut self, property: GodotString) -> Variant

Inherited from Object.

pub fn _get_property_list(&mut self) -> VariantArray

Inherited from Object.

pub fn _init(&mut self)

Inherited from Object.

pub fn get_class(&self) -> GodotString

Inherited from Object.

pub fn is_class(&self, _type: GodotString) -> bool

Inherited from Object.

pub fn set(&mut self, property: GodotString, value: Variant)

Inherited from Object.

pub fn get(&self, property: GodotString) -> Variant

Inherited from Object.

pub fn set_indexed(&mut self, property: NodePath, value: Variant)

Inherited from Object.

pub fn get_indexed(&self, property: NodePath) -> Variant

Inherited from Object.

pub fn get_property_list(&self) -> VariantArray

Inherited from Object.

pub fn get_method_list(&self) -> VariantArray

Inherited from Object.

pub fn notification(&mut self, what: i64, reversed: bool)

Inherited from Object.

pub fn get_instance_id(&self) -> i64

Inherited from Object.

pub fn set_script(&mut self, script: Option<Reference>)

Inherited from Object.

pub fn get_script(&self) -> Option<Reference>

Inherited from Object.

pub fn set_meta(&mut self, name: GodotString, value: Variant)

Inherited from Object.

pub fn get_meta(&self, name: GodotString) -> Variant

Inherited from Object.

pub fn has_meta(&self, name: GodotString) -> bool

Inherited from Object.

pub fn get_meta_list(&self) -> StringArray

Inherited from Object.

pub fn add_user_signal(&mut self, signal: GodotString, arguments: VariantArray)

Inherited from Object.

pub fn has_user_signal(&self, signal: GodotString) -> bool

Inherited from Object.

pub fn emit_signal(
    &mut self,
    signal: GodotString,
    varargs: &[Variant]
) -> Variant

Inherited from Object.

pub fn call(&mut self, method: GodotString, varargs: &[Variant]) -> Variant

Inherited from Object.

pub fn call_deferred(
    &mut self,
    method: GodotString,
    varargs: &[Variant]
) -> Variant

Inherited from Object.

pub fn callv(&mut self, method: GodotString, arg_array: VariantArray) -> Variant

Inherited from Object.

pub fn has_method(&self, method: GodotString) -> bool

Inherited from Object.

pub fn get_signal_list(&self) -> VariantArray

Inherited from Object.

pub fn get_signal_connection_list(&self, signal: GodotString) -> VariantArray

Inherited from Object.

pub fn get_incoming_connections(&self) -> VariantArray

Inherited from Object.

pub fn connect(
    &mut self,
    signal: GodotString,
    target: Option<Object>,
    method: GodotString,
    binds: VariantArray,
    flags: i64
) -> Result<(), GodotError>

Inherited from Object.

pub fn disconnect(
    &mut self,
    signal: GodotString,
    target: Option<Object>,
    method: GodotString

Inherited from Object.

pub fn is_connected(
    signal: GodotString,
    target: Option<Object>,
    method: GodotString
) -> bool

Inherited from Object.

pub fn set_block_signals(&mut self, enable: bool)

Inherited from Object.

pub fn is_blocking_signals(&self) -> bool

Inherited from Object.

pub fn property_list_changed_notify(&mut self)

Inherited from Object.

pub fn set_message_translation(&mut self, enable: bool)

Inherited from Object.

pub fn can_translate_messages(&self) -> bool

Inherited from Object.

pub fn tr(&self, message: GodotString) -> GodotString

Inherited from Object.

pub fn is_queued_for_deletion(&self) -> bool

Inherited from Object.

pub fn to_object(&self) -> Object


pub fn cast<T>(&self) -> Option<T> where
    T: GodotObject

Generic dynamic cast.

Trait Implementations

impl Copy for PhysicsServer

impl GodotObject for PhysicsServer

impl Debug for PhysicsServer

impl Clone for PhysicsServer

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl ToVariant for PhysicsServer

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> From for T

impl<T, U> Into for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

impl<T, U> TryFrom for T where
    T: From<U>, 

type Error = !

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (try_from)

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T> Borrow for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T, U> TryInto for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (try_from)

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized