[][src]Struct gdnative_animation::AnimationTreePlayer

pub struct AnimationTreePlayer { /* fields omitted */ }

core class AnimationTreePlayer inherits Node (unsafe).

Official documentation

See the documentation of this class in the Godot engine's official documentation.

Memory management

Non reference counted objects such as the ones of this type are usually owned by the engine.

AnimationTreePlayer is an unsafe pointer, and all of its methods are unsafe.

In the cases where Rust code owns an object of this type, for example if the object was just created on the Rust side and not passed to the engine yet, ownership should be either given to the engine or the object must be manually destroyed using AnimationTreePlayer::free.

Feature flag

This type is behind the gdnative crate's animation feature flag.

Class hierarchy

AnimationTreePlayer inherits methods from:


impl AnimationTreePlayer

pub fn new() -> Self


Because this type is not reference counted, the lifetime of the returned object is not automatically managed. Immediately after creation, the object is owned by the caller, and can be passed to the engine (in which case the engine will be responsible for destroying the object) or destroyed manually using AnimationTreePlayer::free.

pub unsafe fn free(self)

Manually deallocate the object.

pub unsafe fn add_node(&mut self, _type: i64, id: GodotString)

pub unsafe fn node_exists(&self, node: GodotString) -> bool

pub unsafe fn node_rename(
    &mut self,
    node: GodotString,
    new_name: GodotString
) -> GodotResult

pub unsafe fn node_get_type(
    id: GodotString
) -> AnimationTreePlayerNodeType

pub unsafe fn node_get_input_count(&self, id: GodotString) -> i64

pub unsafe fn node_get_input_source(
    id: GodotString,
    idx: i64
) -> GodotString

pub unsafe fn animation_node_set_animation(
    &mut self,
    id: GodotString,
    animation: Option<Animation>

pub unsafe fn animation_node_get_animation(
    id: GodotString
) -> Option<Animation>

pub unsafe fn animation_node_set_master_animation(
    &mut self,
    id: GodotString,
    source: GodotString

pub unsafe fn animation_node_get_master_animation(
    id: GodotString
) -> GodotString

pub unsafe fn animation_node_get_position(&self, id: GodotString) -> f64

pub unsafe fn animation_node_set_filter_path(
    &mut self,
    id: GodotString,
    path: NodePath,
    enable: bool

pub unsafe fn oneshot_node_set_fadein_time(
    &mut self,
    id: GodotString,
    time_sec: f64

pub unsafe fn oneshot_node_get_fadein_time(&self, id: GodotString) -> f64

pub unsafe fn oneshot_node_set_fadeout_time(
    &mut self,
    id: GodotString,
    time_sec: f64

pub unsafe fn oneshot_node_get_fadeout_time(&self, id: GodotString) -> f64

pub unsafe fn oneshot_node_set_autorestart(
    &mut self,
    id: GodotString,
    enable: bool

pub unsafe fn oneshot_node_set_autorestart_delay(
    &mut self,
    id: GodotString,
    delay_sec: f64

pub unsafe fn oneshot_node_set_autorestart_random_delay(
    &mut self,
    id: GodotString,
    rand_sec: f64

pub unsafe fn oneshot_node_has_autorestart(&self, id: GodotString) -> bool

pub unsafe fn oneshot_node_get_autorestart_delay(&self, id: GodotString) -> f64

pub unsafe fn oneshot_node_get_autorestart_random_delay(
    id: GodotString
) -> f64

pub unsafe fn oneshot_node_start(&mut self, id: GodotString)

pub unsafe fn oneshot_node_stop(&mut self, id: GodotString)

pub unsafe fn oneshot_node_is_active(&self, id: GodotString) -> bool

pub unsafe fn oneshot_node_set_filter_path(
    &mut self,
    id: GodotString,
    path: NodePath,
    enable: bool

pub unsafe fn mix_node_set_amount(&mut self, id: GodotString, ratio: f64)

pub unsafe fn mix_node_get_amount(&self, id: GodotString) -> f64

pub unsafe fn blend2_node_set_amount(&mut self, id: GodotString, blend: f64)

pub unsafe fn blend2_node_get_amount(&self, id: GodotString) -> f64

pub unsafe fn blend2_node_set_filter_path(
    &mut self,
    id: GodotString,
    path: NodePath,
    enable: bool

pub unsafe fn blend3_node_set_amount(&mut self, id: GodotString, blend: f64)

pub unsafe fn blend3_node_get_amount(&self, id: GodotString) -> f64

pub unsafe fn blend4_node_set_amount(&mut self, id: GodotString, blend: Vector2)

pub unsafe fn blend4_node_get_amount(&self, id: GodotString) -> Vector2

pub unsafe fn timescale_node_set_scale(&mut self, id: GodotString, scale: f64)

pub unsafe fn timescale_node_get_scale(&self, id: GodotString) -> f64

pub unsafe fn timeseek_node_seek(&mut self, id: GodotString, seconds: f64)

pub unsafe fn transition_node_set_input_count(
    &mut self,
    id: GodotString,
    count: i64

pub unsafe fn transition_node_get_input_count(&self, id: GodotString) -> i64

pub unsafe fn transition_node_delete_input(
    &mut self,
    id: GodotString,
    input_idx: i64

pub unsafe fn transition_node_set_input_auto_advance(
    &mut self,
    id: GodotString,
    input_idx: i64,
    enable: bool

pub unsafe fn transition_node_has_input_auto_advance(
    id: GodotString,
    input_idx: i64
) -> bool

pub unsafe fn transition_node_set_xfade_time(
    &mut self,
    id: GodotString,
    time_sec: f64

pub unsafe fn transition_node_get_xfade_time(&self, id: GodotString) -> f64

pub unsafe fn transition_node_set_current(
    &mut self,
    id: GodotString,
    input_idx: i64

pub unsafe fn transition_node_get_current(&self, id: GodotString) -> i64

pub unsafe fn node_set_position(
    &mut self,
    id: GodotString,
    screen_position: Vector2

pub unsafe fn node_get_position(&self, id: GodotString) -> Vector2

pub unsafe fn remove_node(&mut self, id: GodotString)

pub unsafe fn connect_nodes(
    &mut self,
    id: GodotString,
    dst_id: GodotString,
    dst_input_idx: i64
) -> GodotResult

pub unsafe fn are_nodes_connected(
    id: GodotString,
    dst_id: GodotString,
    dst_input_idx: i64
) -> bool

pub unsafe fn disconnect_nodes(&mut self, id: GodotString, dst_input_idx: i64)

pub unsafe fn set_active(&mut self, enabled: bool)

pub unsafe fn is_active(&self) -> bool

pub unsafe fn set_base_path(&mut self, path: NodePath)

pub unsafe fn get_base_path(&self) -> NodePath

pub unsafe fn set_master_player(&mut self, nodepath: NodePath)

pub unsafe fn get_master_player(&self) -> NodePath

pub unsafe fn get_node_list(&mut self) -> StringArray

pub unsafe fn set_animation_process_mode(&mut self, mode: i64)

pub unsafe fn get_animation_process_mode(
) -> AnimationTreePlayerAnimationProcessMode

pub unsafe fn advance(&mut self, delta: f64)

pub unsafe fn reset(&mut self)

pub unsafe fn recompute_caches(&mut self)

pub unsafe fn _process(&mut self, delta: f64)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn _physics_process(&mut self, delta: f64)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn _enter_tree(&mut self)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn _exit_tree(&mut self)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn _ready(&mut self)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn _input(&mut self, event: Option<InputEvent>)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn _unhandled_input(&mut self, event: Option<InputEvent>)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn _unhandled_key_input(&mut self, event: Option<InputEventKey>)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn add_child_below_node(
    &mut self,
    node: Option<Object>,
    child_node: Option<Object>,
    legible_unique_name: bool

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn set_name(&mut self, name: GodotString)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn get_name(&self) -> GodotString

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn add_child(
    &mut self,
    node: Option<Object>,
    legible_unique_name: bool

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn remove_child(&mut self, node: Option<Object>)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn get_child_count(&self) -> i64

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn get_children(&self) -> VariantArray

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn get_child(&self, idx: i64) -> Option<Node>

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn has_node(&self, path: NodePath) -> bool

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn get_node(&self, path: NodePath) -> Option<Node>

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn get_parent(&self) -> Option<Node>

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn find_node(
    mask: GodotString,
    recursive: bool,
    owned: bool
) -> Option<Node>

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn has_node_and_resource(&self, path: NodePath) -> bool

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn get_node_and_resource(&mut self, path: NodePath) -> VariantArray

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn is_inside_tree(&self) -> bool

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn is_a_parent_of(&self, node: Option<Object>) -> bool

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn is_greater_than(&self, node: Option<Object>) -> bool

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn get_path(&self) -> NodePath

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn get_path_to(&self, node: Option<Object>) -> NodePath

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn add_to_group(&mut self, group: GodotString, persistent: bool)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn remove_from_group(&mut self, group: GodotString)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn is_in_group(&self, group: GodotString) -> bool

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn move_child(
    &mut self,
    child_node: Option<Object>,
    to_position: i64

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn get_groups(&self) -> VariantArray

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn raise(&mut self)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn set_owner(&mut self, owner: Option<Object>)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn get_owner(&self) -> Option<Node>

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn remove_and_skip(&mut self)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn get_index(&self) -> i64

Inherited from Node.

Inherited from Node.

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn set_filename(&mut self, filename: GodotString)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn get_filename(&self) -> GodotString

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn propagate_notification(&mut self, what: i64)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn propagate_call(
    &mut self,
    method: GodotString,
    args: VariantArray,
    parent_first: bool

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn set_physics_process(&mut self, enable: bool)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn get_physics_process_delta_time(&self) -> f64

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn is_physics_processing(&self) -> bool

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn get_process_delta_time(&self) -> f64

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn set_process(&mut self, enable: bool)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn set_process_priority(&mut self, priority: i64)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn is_processing(&self) -> bool

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn set_process_input(&mut self, enable: bool)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn is_processing_input(&self) -> bool

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn set_process_unhandled_input(&mut self, enable: bool)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn is_processing_unhandled_input(&self) -> bool

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn set_process_unhandled_key_input(&mut self, enable: bool)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn is_processing_unhandled_key_input(&self) -> bool

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn set_pause_mode(&mut self, mode: i64)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn get_pause_mode(&self) -> NodePauseMode

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn can_process(&self) -> bool

Inherited from Node.

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn get_position_in_parent(&self) -> i64

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn set_display_folded(&mut self, fold: bool)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn is_displayed_folded(&self) -> bool

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn set_process_internal(&mut self, enable: bool)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn is_processing_internal(&self) -> bool

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn set_physics_process_internal(&mut self, enable: bool)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn is_physics_processing_internal(&self) -> bool

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn get_tree(&self) -> Option<SceneTree>

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn duplicate(&self, flags: i64) -> Option<Node>

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn replace_by(&mut self, node: Option<Object>, keep_data: bool)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn set_scene_instance_load_placeholder(
    &mut self,
    load_placeholder: bool

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn get_scene_instance_load_placeholder(&self) -> bool

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn get_viewport(&self) -> Option<Viewport>

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn queue_free(&mut self)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn request_ready(&mut self)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn set_network_master(&mut self, id: i64, recursive: bool)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn get_network_master(&self) -> i64

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn is_network_master(&self) -> bool

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn get_multiplayer(&self) -> Option<MultiplayerAPI>

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn get_custom_multiplayer(&self) -> Option<MultiplayerAPI>

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn set_custom_multiplayer(&mut self, api: Option<MultiplayerAPI>)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn rpc_config(&mut self, method: GodotString, mode: i64)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn rset_config(&mut self, property: GodotString, mode: i64)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn _set_import_path(&mut self, import_path: NodePath)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn _get_import_path(&self) -> NodePath

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn rpc(
    &mut self,
    method: GodotString,
    varargs: &[Variant]
) -> Variant

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn rpc_unreliable(
    &mut self,
    method: GodotString,
    varargs: &[Variant]
) -> Variant

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn rpc_id(
    &mut self,
    peer_id: i64,
    method: GodotString,
    varargs: &[Variant]
) -> Variant

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn rpc_unreliable_id(
    &mut self,
    peer_id: i64,
    method: GodotString,
    varargs: &[Variant]
) -> Variant

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn rset(&mut self, property: GodotString, value: Variant)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn rset_id(
    &mut self,
    peer_id: i64,
    property: GodotString,
    value: Variant

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn rset_unreliable(&mut self, property: GodotString, value: Variant)

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn rset_unreliable_id(
    &mut self,
    peer_id: i64,
    property: GodotString,
    value: Variant

Inherited from Node.

pub unsafe fn _notification(&mut self, what: i64)

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn _set(&mut self, property: GodotString, value: Variant) -> bool

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn _get(&mut self, property: GodotString) -> Variant

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn _get_property_list(&mut self) -> VariantArray

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn _init(&mut self)

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn get_class(&self) -> GodotString

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn is_class(&self, _type: GodotString) -> bool

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn set(&mut self, property: GodotString, value: Variant)

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn get(&self, property: GodotString) -> Variant

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn set_indexed(&mut self, property: NodePath, value: Variant)

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn get_indexed(&self, property: NodePath) -> Variant

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn get_property_list(&self) -> VariantArray

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn get_method_list(&self) -> VariantArray

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn notification(&mut self, what: i64, reversed: bool)

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn get_instance_id(&self) -> i64

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn set_script(&mut self, script: Option<Reference>)

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn get_script(&self) -> Option<Reference>

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn set_meta(&mut self, name: GodotString, value: Variant)

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn get_meta(&self, name: GodotString) -> Variant

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn has_meta(&self, name: GodotString) -> bool

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn get_meta_list(&self) -> StringArray

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn add_user_signal(
    &mut self,
    signal: GodotString,
    arguments: VariantArray

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn has_user_signal(&self, signal: GodotString) -> bool

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn emit_signal(
    &mut self,
    signal: GodotString,
    varargs: &[Variant]
) -> Variant

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn call(
    &mut self,
    method: GodotString,
    varargs: &[Variant]
) -> Variant

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn call_deferred(
    &mut self,
    method: GodotString,
    varargs: &[Variant]
) -> Variant

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn callv(
    &mut self,
    method: GodotString,
    arg_array: VariantArray
) -> Variant

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn has_method(&self, method: GodotString) -> bool

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn get_signal_list(&self) -> VariantArray

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn get_signal_connection_list(
    signal: GodotString
) -> VariantArray

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn get_incoming_connections(&self) -> VariantArray

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn connect(
    &mut self,
    signal: GodotString,
    target: Option<Object>,
    method: GodotString,
    binds: VariantArray,
    flags: i64
) -> GodotResult

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn disconnect(
    &mut self,
    signal: GodotString,
    target: Option<Object>,
    method: GodotString

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn is_connected(
    signal: GodotString,
    target: Option<Object>,
    method: GodotString
) -> bool

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn set_block_signals(&mut self, enable: bool)

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn is_blocking_signals(&self) -> bool

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn property_list_changed_notify(&mut self)

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn set_message_translation(&mut self, enable: bool)

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn can_translate_messages(&self) -> bool

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn tr(&self, message: GodotString) -> GodotString

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn is_queued_for_deletion(&self) -> bool

Inherited from Object.

pub unsafe fn to_node(&self) -> Node


pub unsafe fn to_object(&self) -> Object


pub unsafe fn cast<T: GodotObject>(&self) -> Option<T>

Generic dynamic cast.

Trait Implementations

impl Copy for AnimationTreePlayer

impl Clone for AnimationTreePlayer

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for AnimationTreePlayer

impl ToVariant for AnimationTreePlayer

impl Free for AnimationTreePlayer

impl GodotObject for AnimationTreePlayer

impl QueueFree for AnimationTreePlayer

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> From for T

impl<T, U> Into for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

impl<T, U> TryFrom for T where
    T: From<U>, 

type Error = !

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (try_from)

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T> Borrow for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T, U> TryInto for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (try_from)

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized