Crate datafusion_physical_plan

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Traits for physical query plan, supporting parallel execution for partitioned relations.

Entrypoint of this crate is trait ExecutionPlan.



  • Aggregates functionalities
  • Defines the ANALYZE operator
  • CoalesceBatchesExec combines small batches into larger batches.
  • Defines the merge plan for executing partitions in parallel and then merging the results into a single partition
  • Defines common code used in execution plans
  • Implementation of physical plan display. See crate::displayable for examples of how to format
  • EmptyRelation with produce_one_row=false execution plan
  • Defines the EXPLAIN operator
  • Defines physical expressions that can evaluated at runtime during query execution
  • Deprecated module. Add new feature in
  • Functionality used both on logical and physical plans
  • Execution plan for writing data to DataSinks
  • DataFusion Join implementations
  • Defines the LIMIT plan
  • Execution plan for reading in-memory batches of data
  • Metrics for recording information about execution
  • EmptyRelation produce_one_row=true execution plan
  • Defines the projection execution plan. A projection determines which columns or expressions are returned from a query. The SQL statement SELECT a, b, a+b FROM t1 is an example of a projection on table t1 where the expressions a, b, and a+b are the projection expressions. SELECT without FROM will only evaluate expressions.
  • Defines the recursive query plan
  • This file implements the RepartitionExec operator, which maps N input partitions to M output partitions based on a partitioning scheme, optionally maintaining the order of the input rows in the output.
  • Sort functionalities
  • Defines the spilling functions
  • Stream wrappers for physical operators
  • Generic plans for deferred execution: StreamingTableExec and PartitionStream
  • This module provides common traits for visiting or rewriting tree nodes easily.
  • The Union operator combines multiple inputs with the same schema
  • Define a plan for unnesting values in columns that contain a list type.
  • Values execution plan
  • Physical expressions for window functions
  • Defines the work table query plan


  • The handle_state macro is designed to process the result of a state-changing operation. It operates on a StatefulStreamResult by matching its variants and executing corresponding actions. This macro is used to streamline code that deals with state transitions, reducing boilerplate and improving readability.
  • Macro wraps Err($ERR) to add backtrace feature


  • Statistics for a column within a relation
  • Statistics for a relation Fields are optional and can be inexact because the sources sometimes provide approximate estimates for performance reasons and the transformations output are not always predictable.
  • Global TopK




Type Aliases§