Module datafusion_physical_plan::windows

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Physical expressions for window functions




  • Create a physical expression for window function
  • Constructs the best-fitting windowing operator (a WindowAggExec or a BoundedWindowExec) for the given input according to the specifications of window_exprs and physical_partition_keys. Here, best-fitting means not requiring additional sorting and/or partitioning for the given input.
  • This function calculates the indices such that when partition by expressions reordered with the indices resulting expressions define a preset for existing ordering. For instance, if input is ordered by a, b, c and PARTITION BY b, a is used, this vector will be [1, 0]. It means that when we iterate b, a columns with the order [1, 0] resulting vector (a, b) is a preset of the existing ordering (a, b, c).
  • Compares physical ordering (output ordering of the input operator) with partitionby_exprs and orderby_keys to decide whether existing ordering is sufficient to run the current window operator.
  • Build field from window function and add it into schema