[][src]Trait dasp_graph::node::Node

pub trait Node {
    fn process(&mut self, inputs: &[Input], output: &mut [Buffer]);

The Node type used within a dasp graph must implement this trait.

The implementation describes how audio is processed from its inputs to outputs.

  • Audio sources or inputs may simply ignore the inputs field and write their source data directly to the output buffers.
  • Audio processors, effects or sinks may read from their inputs, apply some custom processing and write the result to their output buffers.

Multiple Node implementations are provided and can be enabled or disabled via their associated features.


The following demonstrates how to implement a simple node that sums each of its inputs onto the output.

use dasp_graph::{Buffer, Input, Node};

// Our new `Node` type.
pub struct Sum;

// Implement the `Node` trait for our new type.
impl Node for Sum {
    fn process(&mut self, inputs: &[Input], output: &mut [Buffer]) {
        // Fill the output with silence.
        for out_buffer in output.iter_mut() {
        // Sum the inputs onto the output.
        for (channel, out_buffer) in output.iter_mut().enumerate() {
            for input in inputs {
                let in_buffers = input.buffers();
                if let Some(in_buffer) = in_buffers.get(channel) {
                    dasp_slice::add_in_place(out_buffer, in_buffer);

Required methods

fn process(&mut self, inputs: &[Input], output: &mut [Buffer])

Process some audio given a list of the node's inputs and write the result to the output buffers.

inputs represents a list of all nodes with direct edges toward this node. Each Input within the list can providee a reference to the output buffers of their corresponding node.

The inputs may be ignored if the implementation is for a source node. Alternatively, if the Node only supports a specific number of inputs, it is up to the user to decide how they wish to enforce this or provide feedback at the time of graph and edge creation.

This process method is called by the Processor as it traverses the graph during audio rendering.

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl<F> Node for dyn Signal<Frame = F> where
    F: Frame<Sample = f32>, 

impl<'a, T> Node for &'a mut T where
    T: Node

impl<T> Node for Box<T> where
    T: Node

impl Node for dyn Fn(&[Input], &mut [Buffer])[src]

impl Node for dyn FnMut(&[Input], &mut [Buffer])[src]

impl Node for fn(_: &[Input], _: &mut [Buffer])[src]

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impl Node for Pass[src]

impl Node for Sum[src]

impl Node for SumBuffers[src]

impl Node for BoxedNode[src]

impl Node for BoxedNodeSend[src]

impl<G, T> Node for GraphNode<G, T> where
    G: Data<NodeWeight = NodeData<T>> + DataMapMut + Visitable,
    &'a G: GraphBase<NodeId = G::NodeId> + IntoNeighborsDirected,
    T: Node

impl<S> Node for Delay<S> where
    S: SliceMut<Element = f32>, 

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