dasp_graph 0.11.0

A digital audio signal processing graph.

A crate for dynamically creating and editing audio graphs.

dasp_graph is targeted towards users who require an efficient yet flexible and dynamically configurable audio graph. Use cases might include virtual mixers, digital audio workstations, game audio systems, virtual modular synthesizers and more.


A dasp graph is composed of nodes and edges.

Each node contains an instance of a type that implements the Node trait. This is normally an audio source (input), processor (effect) or sink (output). The Node trait is the core abstraction of dasp_graph and allows for trivial re-use of audio nodes between projects and libraries. By implementing Node for your audio instruments, effects, generators and processors, they can be easily composed together within a graph and shared with future projects or other dasp users. dasp_graph provides a suite of popular node implementations out of the box, each of which may be accessed by enabling their associated features.

The edges of a dasp graph are empty and simply describe the direction of audio flow through the graph. That is, the edge a -> b describes that the audio output of node a will be used as an input to node b.

Once we have added our nodes and edges describing the flow of audio through our graph, we can repeatedly process and retrieve audio from it using the Processor type.

Comparison to dasp_signal

While dasp_signal and its Signal trait are already well suited towards composing audio graphs, there are certain use cases where they can cause friction. Use cases that require dynamically adding or removing nodes, mapping between dynamically changing channel layouts, or writing the output of one node to multiple others are all difficult to achieve in an elegant manner using dasp_signal.

dasp_graph is designed in a manner that better handles these cases. The flat ownership model where the graph owns all nodes makes it trivial to add or remove nodes and edges at runtime. Nodes can specify the number of buffers that they support during construction, making it easy to handle different channel layouts. Adding multiple outputs to a node (including predecessors to enable cycles) is trivial due to dasp_graph's requirement for a fixed sample rate across the whole graph.

On the other hand, dasp_graph's requirement for a fixed sample rate can also be a limitation. A dasp_graph cannot be composed of nodes with differing input sample rates meaning it is unsuitable for writing a streaming sample rate converter. dasp_graph's fixed buffer size results in another limitation. It implies that when creating a cycle within the graph, a minimum delay of Buffer::LEN is incurred at the edge causing the cycle. This makes it tricky to compose per-sample feedback delays by using cycles in the graph.

Feature dasp_graph dasp_signal
Easily dynamically add/remove nodes/edges
Easily write output of node to multiple others
Dynamic channel layout
Efficiently implement per-sample feedback
Support variable input sample rate per node

In general, dasp_signal tends to be better suited towards the composition of fixed or static graphs where the number of channels are known ahead of time. It is perfect for small, fixed, static graph structures like a simple standalone synthesizer/sampler or small processors/effects like sample-rate converters or pitch shifters. dasp_graph on the other hand is better suited at a higher level where flexibility is a priority, e.g. a virtual mixing console or, the underlying graph for a digital audio workstation or a virtual modular synthesizer.

Generally, it is likely that dasp_signal will be more useful for writing Node implementations for audio sources and effects, while dasp_graph will be well suited to dynamically composing these nodes together in a flexible manner.

Graph types

Rather than providing a fixed type of graph to work with, dasp_graph utilises the petgraph traits to expose a generic interface allowing users to select the graph type that bests suits their application or implement their own.


The petgraph::graph::Graph type is a standard graph type exposed by petgraph. The type is simply an interface around two Vecs, one containing the nodes and one containing the edges. Adding nodes returns a unique identifier that can be used to index into the graph. As long as the graph is intialised with a sufficient capacity for both Vecs, adding nodes while avoiding dynamic allocation is simple.


One significant caveat with the Graph type is that removing a node invalidates any existing indices that refer to the following nodes stored within the graph's node Vec. The petgraph::stable_graph::StableGraph type avoids this issue by storing each node in and enum. When a node is "removed", the element simply switches to a variant that indicates its slot is available for use the next time add_node is called.

In summary, if you require the ability to dynamically remove nodes from your graph you should prefer the StableGraph type. Otherwise, the Graph type is likely well suited.

If neither of these graphs fit your use case, consider implementing the necessary petgraph traits for your own graph type. You can find the necessary traits by checking the trait bounds on the graph argument to the dasp_graph functions you intend to use.

Optional Features

Each of the provided node implementations are available by default, however these may be disabled by disabling default features. You can then enable only the implementations you require with the following features:

  • The node-boxed feature provides a Node implementation for Box<dyn Node>. This is particularly useful for working with a graph composed of many different node types.
  • The node-graph feature provides an implementation of Node for a type that encapsulates another dasp graph type. This allows for composing individual nodes from graphs of other nodes.
  • The node-signal feature provides an implementation of Node for dyn Signal. This is useful when designing nodes using dasp_signal.
  • The node-delay feature provides a simple multi-channel Delay node.
  • The node-pass feature provides a Pass node that simply passes audio from its inputs to its outputs.
  • The node-sum feature provides Sum and SumBuffers Node implementations. These are useful for mixing together multiple inputs, and for simple mappings between different channel layouts.


*TODO: Adding support for no_std is pending the addition of support for no_std in petgraph. See https://github.com/petgraph/petgraph/pull/238.