Struct darwin_rs::Simulation [] [src]

pub struct Simulation<T: Individual + Send + Sync> {
    pub type_of_simulation: SimulationType,
    pub num_of_individuals: u32,
    pub num_of_threads: usize,
    pub improvement_factor: f64,
    pub original_fittness: f64,
    pub fittest: IndividualWrapper<T>,
    pub population: Vec<IndividualWrapper<T>>,
    pub total_time_in_ms: f64,
    pub iteration_counter: u32,
    pub reset_limit: u32,
    pub reset_counter: u32,
    pub output_new_fittest: bool,
    pub pool: Pool,

The Simulation type. Contains all the information / configuration for the simulation to run.


type_of_simulation: SimulationType

How should the simulation stop ?

num_of_individuals: u32

The number of individuals for the whole simulation.

num_of_threads: usize

The number of threads to use to speed up calculation.

improvement_factor: f64

The current improvement factor, that means the ration between the first and the current fittness.

original_fittness: f64

The very first calculated fittness, when the simulation just started.

fittest: IndividualWrapper<T>

The current fittest individual. This will change during the simulation as soon as a new more fittest individual is found

population: Vec<IndividualWrapper<T>>

The population for the simulation. Contains all individuals for the simulation.

total_time_in_ms: f64

The total run time for the simulation. This will be calculated once the stimulation has finished.

iteration_counter: u32

The number of current iteration. This changes with every iteration and is used by the EndIteration enum.

reset_limit: u32

The amount of iteration to wait until individuals will be resetted.

reset_counter: u32

The reset counter, if reset_counter >= reset_limit, all the individuals are discarded and the simulation restarts anew with an increased reset_limit

output_new_fittest: bool

A flag that specifies if the sumulation should write a message every time a new most fittest individual is found.

pool: Pool

The thread pool used by the jobsteal crate


impl<T: Individual + Send + Sync + Clone> Simulation<T>

This implements the two functions run and print_fittness for the struct Simulation.

fn run(&mut self)

This actually runs the simulation. Depending on the type of simulation (EndIteration, EndFactor or EndFittness) the iteration loop will check for The stop condition accordingly.

fn print_fittness(&self)

This is a helper function that the user can call after the simulation stops in order to see all the fittness values for all the individuals.