darwin-rs 0.1.0

Evolutionary algorithms library written in Rust.

Build Status MIT licensed


This library allows you to write evolutionary algorithms (EA) using the Rust programming language.

Written by Willi Kappler, License: MIT - Version 0.1 (2016.06.11)

Documentation: darwin-rs

tsp start

tsp end

The example folder contains three examples:

  • TSP (traveling salesman problem): the classic type of problem for EA (see two pictures above)
  • Sudoku: a sudoku solver using EA
  • Queens: solving the queens problem with EA. Although not as fast as this one ;-)


Add the following to the Cargo.toml in your project:

darwin-rs = "0.1"

And this in the rust source code of your application:

extern crate darwin_rs;

use darwin_rs::{Individual, SimulationBuilder, BuilderResult};

Basically you have to implement the trait Individual for your data structure:

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct MyStruct {
    text: String

impl Individual for MyStruct {
    fn new() -> MyStruct {
        MyStruct{ text: "Some fancy data values...".to_string() }

    fn mutate(&mut self) {
        // Mutate the struct here.

    fn calculate_fittness(&self) -> f64 {
        // Calculate how good the data values are compared to the perfect solution

These three methods are needed:

new(): creates new instance of your struct.

mutate(&mut self): mutates the content of the struct.

calculate_fittness(&self) -> f64: this calculates the fittness value, that is how close is this individual struct instance to the perfect solution ? Lower values means better fit (or less error).

After that you have to create a new instance of the simulation and provide the settings:

let my_builder = SimulationBuilder::<MyStruct>::new()

    match my_builder {
        BuilderResult::TooLowEndIterration => { println!("more than 10 iteratons needed") },
        BuilderResult::TooLowIndividuals => { println!("more than 2 individuals needed") },
        BuilderResult::Ok(mut my_simulation) => {

            println!("total run time: {} ms", my_simulation.total_time_in_ms);
            println!("improvement factor: {}", my_simulation.improvement_factor);
            println!("number of iterations: {}", my_simulation.iteration_counter);


factor(): Sets the termination condition: if the improvement factor is better or equal to this value, the simulation stops.

threads(): Number of threads to use for the simulation.

individuals(): How many individuals (= distinct copies of your data structure) should the simulation have ?

increasing_exp_mutation_rate(): Sets the mutation rate for each individual: Use exponential mutation rate.

finalize(): Finish setup and do sanity check. Returns Ok(Simulation) if there are no errors in the configuration.

Then just do a match on the result of finalize() and call simulation.run() to start the simulation. After the finishing it, you can access some statistics (total_time_in_ms, improvement_factor, iteration_counter) and the population of course:

    for wrapper in my_simulation.population {...}

Each individual is wrapped inside a Wrapper struct that contains additional information needed for the simulation: fittness and the number of mutations. See also the example folder for full working programs.

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Any feedback is welcome!