zoea 0.1.0

Zoea is a crate by and for baby Rustaceans. It contains 'easy' buttons for common things like http get requests, key-value database persistence, and Natural Language Processing.


Zoea is a crate to help baby Rustaceans get up and running.

It contains 'easy' buttons for common things like http get requests, key-value database persistence, and Natural Language Processing.

What do you call a baby crab? That's right! you call it a Zoea. Zoea is a package for baby Rustaceans, by a baby Rustacean.

Maybe coding is only a part-time thing for you. Maybe you have learned Python and want to try Rust because you heard all the hype. But then after spending two hours trying to make a simple http request and read the response you think "!$!@$!@# it- Rust is too hard."

If you have felt this way, zoea is for you.


Think of zoea as a collection of hackish, somewhat brittle 'easy buttons'

zoea does many different things, favoring ergonimics and simplicity over robustness and flexability. It helps you build something, achieve "proof of concept", and then mature into a more natively Rustacean approach. The only common thread between the various modules in zoea is they are all things the author has struggled with or tried to implement.

New in v0.1.0

The get_url functionality has been changed under the hood to use ureq instead of curl. This is a more pure-rust approach vs heritage C code. The method has also had an error wrapper applied.

easy http requests

easy matrix operations

The ::mtx module of Zoea adds some syntactic sugar around nalgebra to make it easy to create matrices of variable sizes and types. Matrix multiplication and linear algebra made easy.

key-value database persistence

The Zoea kv_database (key-value) uses a sqlite backend for simple operations.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

New for v0.0.8+ : porter stems
