zoea 0.0.2

zoea is the worst rust package you will ever outgrow. It is intended for pythonistas and part-time programmers to have some useful 'shortcuts' to get up and running quickly.


####The worst crates.io package you will ever outgrow.

What do you call a baby crab? That's right! you call it a Zoea. Zoea is a package for baby Rustaceans.

Maybe coding is only a part-time thing for you. Maybe you have learned Python and want to try Rust because you heard all the hype. But then after spending two hours trying to make a simple http request and read the response you think "!$!@$!@# it- Rust is too hard."

If you have felt this way, zoea is for you.

Think of zoea as a brittle, hackish "easy" button"

zoea does many different things, favoring ergonimics and simplicity over robustness and flexability. That is why this is the worst crates.io package you will ever outgrow - It helps you get something working more complex than Hello World so you can see a working example, inspect the code, and then mature into a more natively Rustacean approach.

The only common thread between the various modules in zoea is they are all things the author has struggled with or tried to implement. Here are some highlights: