zbus 2.0.0-beta.2

API for D-Bus communication
use async_io::block_on;
use std::{
    convert::{TryFrom, TryInto},
use zvariant::{ObjectPath, OwnedValue, Value};

use crate::{azync, Connection, Message, Result};

use crate::fdo;

/// A client-side interface proxy.
/// A `Proxy` is a helper to interact with an interface on a remote object.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use std::result::Result;
/// use std::error::Error;
/// use zbus::{Connection, Proxy};
/// fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
///     let connection = Connection::new_session()?;
///     let p = Proxy::new(
///         &connection,
///         "org.freedesktop.DBus",
///         "/org/freedesktop/DBus",
///         "org.freedesktop.DBus",
///     )?;
///     // owned return value
///     let _id: String = p.call("GetId", &())?;
///     // borrowed return value
///     let _id: &str = p.call_method("GetId", &())?.body()?;
///     Ok(())
/// }
/// ```
/// # Note
/// It is recommended to use the [`dbus_proxy`] macro, which provides a more convenient and
/// type-safe *façade* `Proxy` derived from a Rust trait.
/// ## Current limitations:
/// At the moment, `Proxy` doesn't:
/// * cache properties
/// * track the current name owner
/// * prevent auto-launching
/// [`dbus_proxy`]: attr.dbus_proxy.html
pub struct Proxy<'a> {
    conn: Connection,
    azync: azync::Proxy<'a>,

impl<'a> Proxy<'a> {
    /// Create a new `Proxy` for the given destination/path/interface.
    pub fn new(
        conn: &Connection,
        destination: &'a str,
        path: impl TryInto<ObjectPath<'a>, Error = zvariant::Error>,
        interface: &'a str,
    ) -> Result<Self> {
        let proxy = azync::Proxy::new(conn.inner(), destination, path, interface)?;

        Ok(Self {
            conn: conn.clone(),
            azync: proxy,

    /// Create a new `Proxy` for the given destination/path/interface, taking ownership of all
    /// passed arguments.
    pub fn new_owned(
        conn: Connection,
        destination: String,
        path: impl TryInto<ObjectPath<'static>, Error = zvariant::Error>,
        interface: String,
    ) -> Result<Self> {
        let proxy =
            azync::Proxy::new_owned(conn.clone().into_inner(), destination, path, interface)?;

        Ok(Self { conn, azync: proxy })

    /// Get a reference to the associated connection.
    pub fn connection(&self) -> &Connection {

    /// Get a reference to the destination service name.
    pub fn destination(&self) -> &str {

    /// Get a reference to the object path.
    pub fn path(&self) -> &ObjectPath<'_> {

    /// Get a reference to the interface.
    pub fn interface(&self) -> &str {

    /// Introspect the associated object, and return the XML description.
    /// See the [xml](xml/index.html) module for parsing the result.
    pub fn introspect(&self) -> fdo::Result<String> {

    /// Get the property `property_name`.
    /// Effectively, call the `Get` method of the `org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties` interface.
    pub fn get_property<T>(&self, property_name: &str) -> fdo::Result<T>
        T: TryFrom<OwnedValue>,

    /// Set the property `property_name`.
    /// Effectively, call the `Set` method of the `org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties` interface.
    pub fn set_property<'t, T: 't>(&self, property_name: &str, value: T) -> fdo::Result<()>
        T: Into<Value<'t>>,
        block_on(self.azync.set_property(property_name, value))

    /// Call a method and return the reply.
    /// Typically, you would want to use [`call`] method instead. Use this method if you need to
    /// deserialize the reply message manually (this way, you can avoid the memory
    /// allocation/copying, by deserializing the reply to an unowned type).
    /// [`call`]: struct.Proxy.html#method.call
    pub fn call_method<B>(&self, method_name: &str, body: &B) -> Result<Message>
        B: serde::ser::Serialize + zvariant::Type,
        block_on(self.azync.call_method(method_name, body))

    /// Call a method and return the reply body.
    /// Use [`call_method`] instead if you need to deserialize the reply manually/separately.
    /// [`call_method`]: struct.Proxy.html#method.call_method
    pub fn call<B, R>(&self, method_name: &str, body: &B) -> Result<R>
        B: serde::ser::Serialize + zvariant::Type,
        R: serde::de::DeserializeOwned + zvariant::Type,
        block_on(self.azync.call(method_name, body))

    /// Register a handler for signal named `signal_name`.
    /// Once a handler is successfully registered, call [`Self::next_signal`] to wait for the next
    /// signal to arrive and be handled by its registered handler.
    /// If the associated connnection is to a bus, a match rule is added for the signal on the bus
    /// so that the bus sends us the signals.
    /// ### Errors
    /// This method can fail if addition of the relevant match rule on the bus fails. You can
    /// safely `unwrap` the `Result` if you're certain that associated connnection is not a bus
    /// connection.
    pub fn connect_signal<H>(&self, signal_name: &'static str, mut handler: H) -> fdo::Result<()>
        H: FnMut(&Message) -> Result<()> + Send + 'static,
                .connect_signal(signal_name, move |msg| Box::pin(ready(handler(msg)))),

    /// Deregister the handler for the signal named `signal_name`.
    /// If the associated connnection is to a bus, the match rule is removed for the signal on the
    /// bus so that the bus stops sending us the signal. This method returns `Ok(true)` if a
    /// handler was registered for `signal_name` and was removed by this call; `Ok(false)`
    /// otherwise.
    /// ### Errors
    /// This method can fail if removal of the relevant match rule on the bus fails. You can
    /// safely `unwrap` the `Result` if you're certain that associated connnection is not a bus
    /// connection.
    pub fn disconnect_signal(&self, signal_name: &'static str) -> fdo::Result<bool> {

    /// Receive and handle the next incoming signal on the associated connection.
    /// This method will wait for signal messages on the associated connection and call any
    /// handlers registered through the [`Self::connect_signal`] method. Signal handlers can be
    /// registered and deregistered from another threads during the call to this method.
    /// If the signal message was handled by a handler, `Ok(None)` is returned. Otherwise, the
    /// received message is returned.
    pub fn next_signal(&self) -> Result<Option<Message>> {

    /// Handle the provided signal message.
    /// Call any handlers registered through the [`Self::connect_signal`] method for the provided
    /// signal message.
    /// If no errors are encountered, `Ok(true)` is returned if a handler was found and called for,
    /// the signal; `Ok(false)` otherwise.
    pub fn handle_signal(&self, msg: &Message) -> Result<bool> {

    /// Get a reference to the underlying async Proxy.
    pub fn inner(&self) -> &azync::Proxy<'_> {

    /// Get the underlying async Proxy, consuming `self`.
    pub fn into_inner(self) -> azync::Proxy<'a> {

    pub(crate) fn has_signal_handler(&self, signal_name: &str) -> bool {

impl<'asref, 'p: 'asref> std::convert::AsRef<Proxy<'asref>> for Proxy<'p> {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &Proxy<'asref> {

impl<'p, 'a: 'p> From<azync::Proxy<'a>> for Proxy<'p> {
    fn from(proxy: azync::Proxy<'a>) -> Self {
        Self {
            conn: proxy.connection().clone().into(),
            azync: proxy,

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};

    fn signal() {
        // Register a well-known name with the session bus and ensure we get the appropriate
        // signals called for that.
        let conn = Connection::new_session().unwrap();
        let owner_change_signaled = Arc::new(Mutex::new(false));
        let name_acquired_signaled = Arc::new(Mutex::new(false));

        let proxy = Proxy::new(

        let well_known = "org.freedesktop.zbus.ProxySignalTest";
        let unique_name = conn.unique_name().unwrap().to_string();
            let well_known = well_known.clone();
            let signaled = owner_change_signaled.clone();
                .connect_signal("NameOwnerChanged", move |m| {
                    let (name, _, new_owner) = m.body::<(&str, &str, &str)>()?;
                    if name != well_known {
                        // Meant for the other testcase then
                        return Ok(());
                    assert_eq!(new_owner, unique_name);
                    *signaled.lock().unwrap() = true;

            let signaled = name_acquired_signaled.clone();
            // `NameAcquired` is emitted twice, first when the unique name is assigned on
            // connection and secondly after we ask for a specific name.
                .connect_signal("NameAcquired", move |m| {
                    if m.body::<&str>()? == well_known {
                        *signaled.lock().unwrap() = true;


            .request_name(&well_known, fdo::RequestNameFlags::ReplaceExisting.into())

        loop {

            if *owner_change_signaled.lock().unwrap() && *name_acquired_signaled.lock().unwrap() {