zbus 2.0.0-beta.2

API for D-Bus communication
//! D-Bus standard interfaces.
//! The D-Bus specification defines the message bus messages and some standard interfaces that may
//! be useful across various D-Bus applications. This module provides their proxy.

use enumflags2::BitFlags;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_repr::{Deserialize_repr, Serialize_repr};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use zvariant::{derive::Type, ObjectPath, OwnedObjectPath, OwnedValue, Value};

use crate::{dbus_proxy, DBusError};

/// Proxy for the `org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable` interface.
#[dbus_proxy(interface = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable", default_path = "/")]
trait Introspectable {
    /// Returns an XML description of the object, including its interfaces (with signals and
    /// methods), objects below it in the object path tree, and its properties.
    fn introspect(&self) -> Result<String>;

/// Proxy for the `org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties` interface.
#[dbus_proxy(interface = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties")]
trait Properties {
    /// Get a property value.
    fn get(&self, interface_name: &str, property_name: &str) -> Result<OwnedValue>;

    /// Set a property value.
    fn set(&self, interface_name: &str, property_name: &str, value: &Value<'_>) -> Result<()>;

    /// Get all properties.
    fn get_all(&self, interface_name: &str) -> Result<HashMap<String, OwnedValue>>;

    fn properties_changed(
        interface_name: &str,
        changed_properties: HashMap<&str, Value<'_>>,
        invalidated_properties: Vec<&str>,
    ) -> Result<()>;

type ManagedObjects = HashMap<OwnedObjectPath, HashMap<String, HashMap<String, OwnedValue>>>;

/// Proxy for the `org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager` interface.
/// **NB:** Changes to properties on existing interfaces are not reported using this interface.
/// Please use [`PropertiesProxy::connect_properties_changed`] to monitor changes to properties on
/// objects.
#[dbus_proxy(interface = "org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager")]
trait ObjectManager {
    /// The return value of this method is a dict whose keys are object paths. All returned object
    /// paths are children of the object path implementing this interface, i.e. their object paths
    /// start with the ObjectManager's object path plus '/'.
    /// Each value is a dict whose keys are interfaces names. Each value in this inner dict is the
    /// same dict that would be returned by the org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.GetAll() method for
    /// that combination of object path and interface. If an interface has no properties, the empty
    /// dict is returned.
    fn get_managed_objects(&self) -> Result<ManagedObjects>;

    /// This signal is emitted when either a new object is added or when an existing object gains
    /// one or more interfaces. The `interfaces_and_properties` argument contains a map with the
    /// interfaces and properties (if any) that have been added to the given object path.
    fn interfaces_added(
        object_path: ObjectPath<'_>,
        interfaces_and_properties: HashMap<&str, HashMap<&str, Value<'_>>>,
    ) -> Result<()>;

    /// This signal is emitted whenever an object is removed or it loses one or more interfaces.
    /// The `interfaces` parameters contains a list of the interfaces that were removed.
    fn interfaces_removed(&self, object_path: ObjectPath<'_>, interfaces: Vec<&str>) -> Result<()>;

/// Proxy for the `org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer` interface.
#[dbus_proxy(interface = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer")]
trait Peer {
    /// On receipt, an application should do nothing other than reply as usual. It does not matter
    /// which object path a ping is sent to.
    fn ping(&self) -> Result<()>;

    /// An application should reply the containing a hex-encoded UUID representing the identity of
    /// the machine the process is running on. This UUID must be the same for all processes on a
    /// single system at least until that system next reboots. It should be the same across reboots
    /// if possible, but this is not always possible to implement and is not guaranteed. It does not
    /// matter which object path a GetMachineId is sent to.
    fn get_machine_id(&self) -> Result<String>;

/// Proxy for the `org.freedesktop.DBus.Monitoring` interface.
#[dbus_proxy(interface = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Monitoring")]
trait Monitoring {
    /// Converts the connection into a monitor connection which can be used as a
    /// debugging/monitoring tool.
    fn become_monitor(&self, n1: &[&str], n2: u32) -> Result<()>;

/// Proxy for the `org.freedesktop.DBus.Stats` interface.
#[dbus_proxy(interface = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Debug.Stats")]
trait Stats {
    /// GetStats (undocumented)
    fn get_stats(&self) -> Result<Vec<HashMap<String, OwnedValue>>>;

    /// GetConnectionStats (undocumented)
    fn get_connection_stats(&self, n1: &str) -> Result<Vec<HashMap<String, OwnedValue>>>;

    /// GetAllMatchRules (undocumented)
    fn get_all_match_rules(&self) -> Result<Vec<HashMap<String, Vec<String>>>>;

/// The flags used by the bus [`request_name`] method.
/// [`request_name`]: struct.DBusProxy.html#method.request_name
#[derive(Type, BitFlags, Debug, PartialEq, Copy, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum RequestNameFlags {
    /// If an application A specifies this flag and succeeds in becoming the owner of the name, and
    /// another application B later calls [`request_name`] with the [`ReplaceExisting`] flag, then
    /// application A will lose ownership and receive a `org.freedesktop.DBus.NameLost` signal, and
    /// application B will become the new owner. If [`AllowReplacement`] is not specified by
    /// application A, or [`ReplaceExisting`] is not specified by application B, then application B
    /// will not replace application A as the owner.
    /// [`ReplaceExisting`]: enum.RequestNameFlags.html#variant.ReplaceExisting
    /// [`AllowReplacement`]: enum.RequestNameFlags.html#variant.AllowReplacement
    /// [`request_name`]: struct.DBusProxy.html#method.request_name
    AllowReplacement = 0x01,
    /// Try to replace the current owner if there is one. If this flag is not set the application
    /// will only become the owner of the name if there is no current owner. If this flag is set,
    /// the application will replace the current owner if the current owner specified
    /// [`AllowReplacement`].
    /// [`AllowReplacement`]: enum.RequestNameFlags.html#variant.AllowReplacement
    ReplaceExisting = 0x02,
    ///  Without this flag, if an application requests a name that is already owned, the application
    ///  will be placed in a queue to own the name when the current owner gives it up. If this flag
    ///  is given, the application will not be placed in the queue, the request for the name will
    ///  simply fail. This flag also affects behavior when an application is replaced as name owner;
    ///  by default the application moves back into the waiting queue, unless this flag was provided
    ///  when the application became the name owner.
    DoNotQueue = 0x04,

/// The return code of the [`request_name`] method.
/// [`request_name`]: struct.DBusProxy.html#method.request_name
#[derive(Deserialize_repr, Serialize_repr, Type, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum RequestNameReply {
    /// The caller is now the primary owner of the name, replacing any previous owner. Either the
    /// name had no owner before, or the caller specified [`ReplaceExisting`] and the current owner
    /// specified [`AllowReplacement`].
    /// [`ReplaceExisting`]: enum.RequestNameFlags.html#variant.ReplaceExisting
    /// [`AllowReplacement`]: enum.RequestNameFlags.html#variant.AllowReplacement
    PrimaryOwner = 0x01,
    /// The name already had an owner, [`DoNotQueue`] was not specified, and either the current
    /// owner did not specify [`AllowReplacement`] or the requesting application did not specify
    /// [`ReplaceExisting`].
    /// [`DoNotQueue`]: enum.RequestNameFlags.html#variant.DoNotQueue
    /// [`ReplaceExisting`]: enum.RequestNameFlags.html#variant.ReplaceExisting
    /// [`AllowReplacement`]: enum.RequestNameFlags.html#variant.AllowReplacement
    InQueue = 0x02,
    /// The name already has an owner, [`DoNotQueue`] was specified, and either [`AllowReplacement`]
    /// was not specified by the current owner, or [`ReplaceExisting`] was not specified by the
    /// requesting application.
    /// [`DoNotQueue`]: enum.RequestNameFlags.html#variant.DoNotQueue
    /// [`ReplaceExisting`]: enum.RequestNameFlags.html#variant.ReplaceExisting
    /// [`AllowReplacement`]: enum.RequestNameFlags.html#variant.AllowReplacement
    Exists = 0x03,
    /// The application trying to request ownership of a name is already the owner of it.
    AlreadyOwner = 0x04,

/// The return code of the [`release_name`] method.
/// [`release_name`]: struct.DBusProxy.html#method.release_name
#[derive(Deserialize_repr, Serialize_repr, Type, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum ReleaseNameReply {
    /// The caller has released their claim on the given name. Either the caller was the primary
    /// owner of the name, and the name is now unused or taken by somebody waiting in the queue for
    /// the name, or the caller was waiting in the queue for the name and has now been removed from
    /// the queue.
    Released = 0x01,
    /// The given name does not exist on this bus.
    NonExistent = 0x02,
    /// The caller was not the primary owner of this name, and was also not waiting in the queue to
    /// own this name.
    NotOwner = 0x03,

/// Proxy for the `org.freedesktop.DBus` interface.
#[dbus_proxy(interface = "org.freedesktop.DBus")]
trait DBus {
    /// Adds a match rule to match messages going through the message bus
    fn add_match(&self, rule: &str) -> Result<()>;

    /// Returns auditing data used by Solaris ADT, in an unspecified binary format.
    fn get_adt_audit_session_data(&self, bus_name: &str) -> Result<Vec<u8>>;

    /// Returns as many credentials as possible for the process connected to the server.
    fn get_connection_credentials(&self, bus_name: &str) -> Result<HashMap<String, OwnedValue>>;

    /// Returns the security context used by SELinux, in an unspecified format.
    #[dbus_proxy(name = "GetConnectionSELinuxSecurityContext")]
    fn get_connection_selinux_security_context(&self, bus_name: &str) -> Result<Vec<u8>>;

    /// Returns the Unix process ID of the process connected to the server.
    #[dbus_proxy(name = "GetConnectionUnixProcessID")]
    fn get_connection_unix_process_id(&self, bus_name: &str) -> Result<u32>;

    /// Returns the Unix user ID of the process connected to the server.
    fn get_connection_unix_user(&self, bus_name: &str) -> Result<u32>;

    /// Gets the unique ID of the bus.
    fn get_id(&self) -> Result<String>;

    /// Returns the unique connection name of the primary owner of the name given.
    fn get_name_owner(&self, name: &str) -> Result<String>;

    /// Returns the unique name assigned to the connection.
    fn hello(&self) -> Result<String>;

    /// Returns a list of all names that can be activated on the bus.
    fn list_activatable_names(&self) -> Result<Vec<String>>;

    /// Returns a list of all currently-owned names on the bus.
    fn list_names(&self) -> Result<Vec<String>>;

    /// List the connections currently queued for a bus name.
    fn list_queued_owners(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Vec<String>>;

    /// Checks if the specified name exists (currently has an owner).
    fn name_has_owner(&self, name: &str) -> Result<bool>;

    /// Ask the message bus to release the method caller's claim to the given name.
    fn release_name(&self, name: &str) -> Result<ReleaseNameReply>;

    /// Reload server configuration.
    fn reload_config(&self) -> Result<()>;

    /// Removes the first rule that matches.
    fn remove_match(&self, rule: &str) -> Result<()>;

    /// Ask the message bus to assign the given name to the method caller.
    fn request_name(
        name: &str,
        flags: BitFlags<RequestNameFlags>,
    ) -> Result<RequestNameReply>;

    /// Tries to launch the executable associated with a name (service
    /// activation), as an explicit request.
    fn start_service_by_name(&self, name: &str, flags: u32) -> Result<u32>;

    /// This method adds to or modifies that environment when activating services.
    fn update_activation_environment(&self, environment: HashMap<&str, &str>) -> Result<()>;

    /// This signal indicates that the owner of a name has
    /// changed. It's also the signal to use to detect the appearance
    /// of new names on the bus.
    fn name_owner_changed(&self, name: &str, old_owner: &str, new_owner: &str);

    /// This signal is sent to a specific application when it loses ownership of a name.
    fn name_lost(&self, name: &str);

    /// This signal is sent to a specific application when it gains ownership of a name.
    fn name_acquired(&self, name: &str);

    /// This property lists abstract “features” provided by the message bus, and can be used by
    /// clients to detect the capabilities of the message bus with which they are communicating.
    fn features(&self) -> Result<Vec<String>>;

    /// This property lists interfaces provided by the `/org/freedesktop/DBus` object, and can be
    /// used by clients to detect the capabilities of the message bus with which they are
    /// communicating. Unlike the standard Introspectable interface, querying this property does ot
    /// require parsing XML. This property was added in version 1.11.x of the reference
    /// implementation of the message bus.
    /// The standard `org.freedesktop.DBus` and `org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties` interfaces are not
    /// included in the value of this property, because their presence can be inferred from the fact
    /// that a method call on `org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties` asking for properties of
    /// `org.freedesktop.DBus` was successful. The standard `org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer` and
    /// `org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable` interfaces are not included in the value of this
    /// property either, because they do not indicate features of the message bus implementation.
    fn interfaces(&self) -> Result<Vec<String>>;

/// Errors from <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/dbus/dbus/-/blob/master/dbus/dbus-protocol.h>
#[derive(Debug, DBusError, PartialEq)]
#[dbus_error(prefix = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error")]
pub enum Error {
    /// Unknown or fall-through ZBus error.

    /// A generic error; "something went wrong" - see the error message for more.

    /// There was not enough memory to complete an operation.

    /// The bus doesn't know how to launch a service to supply the bus name you wanted.

    /// The bus name you referenced doesn't exist (i.e. no application owns it).

    /// No reply to a message expecting one, usually means a timeout occurred.

    /// Something went wrong reading or writing to a socket, for example.

    /// A D-Bus bus address was malformed.

    /// Requested operation isn't supported (like ENOSYS on UNIX).

    /// Some limited resource is exhausted.

    /// Security restrictions don't allow doing what you're trying to do.

    /// Authentication didn't work.

    /// Unable to connect to server (probably caused by ECONNREFUSED on a socket).

    /// Certain timeout errors, possibly ETIMEDOUT on a socket.
    /// Note that `TimedOut` is used for message reply timeouts.

    /// No network access (probably ENETUNREACH on a socket).

    /// Can't bind a socket since its address is in use (i.e. EADDRINUSE).

    /// The connection is disconnected and you're trying to use it.

    /// Invalid arguments passed to a method call.

    /// Missing file.

    /// Existing file and the operation you're using does not silently overwrite.

    /// Method name you invoked isn't known by the object you invoked it on.

    /// Object you invoked a method on isn't known.

    /// Interface you invoked a method on isn't known by the object.

    /// Property you tried to access isn't known by the object.

    /// Property you tried to set is read-only.

    /// Certain timeout errors, e.g. while starting a service.

    /// Tried to remove or modify a match rule that didn't exist.

    /// The match rule isn't syntactically valid.

    /// While starting a new process, the exec() call failed.
    #[dbus_error(name = "Spawn.ExecFailed")]

    /// While starting a new process, the fork() call failed.
    #[dbus_error(name = "Spawn.ForkFailed")]

    /// While starting a new process, the child exited with a status code.
    #[dbus_error(name = "Spawn.ChildExited")]

    /// While starting a new process, the child exited on a signal.
    #[dbus_error(name = "Spawn.ChildSignaled")]

    /// While starting a new process, something went wrong.
    #[dbus_error(name = "Spawn.Failed")]

    /// We failed to setup the environment correctly.
    #[dbus_error(name = "Spawn.FailedToSetup")]

    /// We failed to setup the config parser correctly.
    #[dbus_error(name = "Spawn.ConfigInvalid")]

    /// Bus name was not valid.
    #[dbus_error(name = "Spawn.ServiceNotValid")]

    /// Service file not found in system-services directory.
    #[dbus_error(name = "Spawn.ServiceNotFound")]

    /// Permissions are incorrect on the setuid helper.
    #[dbus_error(name = "Spawn.PermissionsInvalid")]

    /// Service file invalid (Name, User or Exec missing).
    #[dbus_error(name = "Spawn.FileInvalid")]

    /// There was not enough memory to complete the operation.
    #[dbus_error(name = "Spawn.NoMemory")]

    /// Tried to get a UNIX process ID and it wasn't available.

    /// A type signature is not valid.

    /// A file contains invalid syntax or is otherwise broken.

    /// Asked for SELinux security context and it wasn't available.

    /// Asked for ADT audit data and it wasn't available.

    /// There's already an object with the requested object path.

    /// The message meta data does not match the payload. e.g. expected number of file descriptors
    /// were not sent over the socket this message was received on.

    /// The message is not allowed without performing interactive authorization, but could have
    /// succeeded if an interactive authorization step was allowed.

    /// The connection is not from a container, or the specified container instance does not exist.

/// Alias for a `Result` with the error type [`zbus::fdo::Error`].
/// [`zbus::fdo::Error`]: enum.Error.html
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;

impl From<zbus::MessageError> for Error {
    fn from(val: zbus::MessageError) -> Self {
        match val {
            zbus::MessageError::InsufficientData => {
                Self::InconsistentMessage("insufficient data".to_string())
            zbus::MessageError::ExcessData => Self::InconsistentMessage("excess data".to_string()),
            zbus::MessageError::IncorrectEndian => {
                Self::InconsistentMessage("incorrect endian".to_string())
            zbus::MessageError::Io(e) => Self::IOError(e.to_string()),
            zbus::MessageError::UnmatchedBodySignature => {
                Self::InvalidArgs("incorrect body signature".to_string())
            zbus::MessageError::NoBodySignature => {
                Self::InvalidSignature("missing body signature".to_string())
            zbus::MessageError::InvalidField => {
                Self::InconsistentMessage("invalid message field".to_string())
            zbus::MessageError::Variant(e) => Self::InconsistentMessage(e.to_string()),
            zbus::MessageError::MissingField => {
                Self::InconsistentMessage("Required message field missing".to_string())

mod tests {
    use crate::{fdo, Error, Message};
    use std::{
        sync::{Arc, Mutex},

    fn error_from_zerror() {
        let m = Message::method(Some(":1.2"), None, "/", None, "foo", &()).unwrap();
        let m = Message::method_error(
            &("so long"),
        let e: Error = m.into();
        let e: fdo::Error = e.try_into().unwrap();
        assert_eq!(e, fdo::Error::TimedOut("so long".to_string()));

    fn signal() {
        // Register a well-known name with the session bus and ensure we get the appropriate
        // signals called for that.
        let conn = crate::Connection::new_session().unwrap();
        let owner_change_signaled = Arc::new(Mutex::new(false));
        let name_acquired_signaled = Arc::new(Mutex::new(false));

        let proxy = fdo::DBusProxy::new(&conn).unwrap();

        let well_known = "org.freedesktop.zbus.FdoSignalTest";
        let unique_name = conn.unique_name().unwrap().to_string();
            let well_known = well_known.clone();
            let signaled = owner_change_signaled.clone();
                .connect_name_owner_changed(move |name, _, new_owner| {
                    if name != well_known {
                        // Meant for the other testcase then
                        return Ok(());
                    assert_eq!(new_owner, unique_name);
                    *signaled.lock().unwrap() = true;

            let signaled = name_acquired_signaled.clone();
            // `NameAcquired` is emitted twice, first when the unique name is assigned on
            // connection and secondly after we ask for a specific name.
                .connect_name_acquired(move |name| {
                    if name == well_known {
                        *signaled.lock().unwrap() = true;


            .request_name(&well_known, fdo::RequestNameFlags::ReplaceExisting.into())

        loop {

            if *owner_change_signaled.lock().unwrap() && *name_acquired_signaled.lock().unwrap() {

        let result = proxy.release_name(&well_known).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(result, fdo::ReleaseNameReply::Released);

        let result = proxy.release_name(&well_known).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(result, fdo::ReleaseNameReply::NonExistent);