zbus 2.0.0-beta.2

API for D-Bus communication
use std::{
    convert::{TryFrom, TryInto},
    error, fmt,
    io::{Cursor, Error as IOError},
    os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, IntoRawFd, RawFd},

use zvariant::{EncodingContext, Error as VariantError, ObjectPath, Signature, Type};

use crate::{
    owned_fd::OwnedFd, utils::padding_for_8_bytes, EndianSig, MessageField, MessageFieldCode,
    MessageFields, MessageHeader, MessagePrimaryHeader, MessageType, MIN_MESSAGE_SIZE,

const FIELDS_LEN_START_OFFSET: usize = 12;
macro_rules! dbus_context {
    ($n_bytes_before: expr) => {

/// Error type returned by [`Message`] methods.
/// [`Message`]: struct.Message.html
pub enum MessageError {
    /// Insufficient data provided.
    /// Data too large.
    /// Endian signature invalid or doesn't match expectation.
    /// An I/O error.
    /// Missing body signature.
    /// Unmatching/bad body signature.
    /// Invalid message field.
    /// Data serializing/deserializing error.
    /// A required field is missing in the headers.

impl PartialEq for MessageError {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        match (self, other) {
            (Self::InsufficientData, Self::InsufficientData) => true,
            (Self::ExcessData, Self::ExcessData) => true,
            (Self::IncorrectEndian, Self::IncorrectEndian) => true,
            // Io is false
            (Self::NoBodySignature, Self::NoBodySignature) => true,
            (Self::UnmatchedBodySignature, Self::UnmatchedBodySignature) => true,
            (Self::InvalidField, Self::InvalidField) => true,
            (Self::Variant(s), Self::Variant(o)) => s == o,
            (_, _) => false,

impl error::Error for MessageError {
    fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn error::Error + 'static)> {
        match self {
            MessageError::Io(e) => Some(e),
            MessageError::Variant(e) => Some(e),
            _ => None,

impl fmt::Display for MessageError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        match self {
            MessageError::InsufficientData => write!(f, "insufficient data"),
            MessageError::Io(e) => e.fmt(f),
            MessageError::ExcessData => write!(f, "excess data"),
            MessageError::IncorrectEndian => write!(f, "incorrect endian"),
            MessageError::InvalidField => write!(f, "invalid message field"),
            MessageError::NoBodySignature => write!(f, "missing body signature"),
            MessageError::UnmatchedBodySignature => write!(f, "unmatched body signature"),
            MessageError::Variant(e) => write!(f, "{}", e),
            MessageError::MissingField => write!(f, "A required field is missing"),

impl From<VariantError> for MessageError {
    fn from(val: VariantError) -> MessageError {

impl From<IOError> for MessageError {
    fn from(val: IOError) -> MessageError {

struct MessageBuilder<'a, B> {
    ty: MessageType,
    body: &'a B,
    body_len: u32,
    reply_to: Option<MessageHeader<'a>>,
    fields: MessageFields<'a>,

impl<'a, B> MessageBuilder<'a, B>
    B: serde::ser::Serialize + Type,
    fn new(ty: MessageType, sender: Option<&'a str>, body: &'a B) -> Result<Self, MessageError> {
        let ctxt = dbus_context!(0);
        let (body_len, fds_len) = zvariant::serialized_size_fds(ctxt, body)?;
        let body_len = u32::try_from(body_len).map_err(|_| MessageError::ExcessData)?;

        let mut fields = MessageFields::new();

        let mut signature = B::signature();
        if !signature.is_empty() {
            if signature.starts_with(zvariant::STRUCT_SIG_START_STR) {
                // Remove leading and trailing STRUCT delimiters
                signature = signature.slice(1..signature.len() - 1);
        if let Some(sender) = sender {

        if fds_len > 0 {
            fields.add(MessageField::UnixFDs(fds_len as u32));

        Ok(Self {
            reply_to: None,

    fn build(self) -> Result<Message, MessageError> {
        let MessageBuilder {
            mut fields,
        } = self;

        if let Some(reply_to) = reply_to.as_ref() {
            let serial = reply_to.primary().serial_num();

            if let Some(sender) = reply_to.sender()? {

        let primary = MessagePrimaryHeader::new(ty, body_len);
        let header = MessageHeader::new(primary, fields);

        let ctxt = dbus_context!(0);
        // 1K for all the fields should be enough for most messages?
        let mut bytes: Vec<u8> =
            Vec::with_capacity(PRIMARY_HEADER_SIZE + 1024 + (body_len as usize));
        let mut cursor = Cursor::new(&mut bytes);

        zvariant::to_writer(&mut cursor, ctxt, &header)?;
        let (_, fds) = zvariant::to_writer_fds(&mut cursor, ctxt, body)?;

        Ok(Message {
            fds: Fds::Raw(fds),

    fn set_reply_to(mut self, reply_to: &'a Message) -> Result<Self, MessageError> {
        self.reply_to = Some(reply_to.header()?);

    fn set_field(mut self, field: MessageField<'a>) -> Self {

    fn reply(
        sender: Option<&'a str>,
        reply_to: &'a Message,
        body: &'a B,
    ) -> Result<Self, MessageError> {
        Self::new(MessageType::MethodReturn, sender, body)?.set_reply_to(reply_to)

    fn error(
        sender: Option<&'a str>,
        reply_to: &'a Message,
        error_name: &'a str,
        body: &'a B,
    ) -> Result<Self, MessageError> {
        Ok(Self::new(MessageType::Error, sender, body)?

    fn method(
        sender: Option<&'a str>,
        path: ObjectPath<'a>,
        method_name: &'a str,
        body: &'a B,
    ) -> Result<Self, MessageError> {
        Ok(Self::new(MessageType::MethodCall, sender, body)?

    fn signal(
        sender: Option<&'a str>,
        path: ObjectPath<'a>,
        iface: &'a str,
        signal_name: &'a str,
        body: &'a B,
    ) -> Result<Self, MessageError> {
        Ok(Self::new(MessageType::Signal, sender, body)?

#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum Fds {

impl Clone for Fds {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        Fds::Raw(match self {
            Fds::Raw(v) => v.clone(),
            Fds::Owned(v) => v.iter().map(|fd| fd.as_raw_fd()).collect(),

/// A D-Bus Message.
/// The content of the message are stored in serialized format. To deserialize the body of the
/// message, use the [`body`] method. You may also access the header and other details with the
/// various other getters.
/// Also provided are constructors for messages of different types. These will mainly be useful for
/// very advanced use cases as typically you will want to create a message for immediate dispatch
/// and hence use the API provided by [`Connection`], even when using the low-level API.
/// **Note**: The message owns the received FDs and will close them when dropped. You can call
/// [`disown_fds`] after deserializing to `RawFD` using [`body`] if you want to take the ownership.
/// Moreover, a clone of a message with owned FDs will only receive unowned copies of the FDs.
/// [`body`]: #method.body
/// [`disown_fds`]: #method.disown_fds
/// [`Connection`]: struct.Connection#method.call_method
pub struct Message {
    bytes: Vec<u8>,
    fds: Fds,

// TODO: Handle non-native byte order: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/dbus/zbus/-/issues/19
impl Message {
    /// Create a message of type [`MessageType::MethodCall`].
    /// [`MessageType::MethodCall`]: enum.MessageType.html#variant.MethodCall
    pub fn method<'p, B>(
        sender: Option<&str>,
        destination: Option<&str>,
        path: impl TryInto<ObjectPath<'p>, Error = VariantError>,
        iface: Option<&str>,
        method_name: &str,
        body: &B,
    ) -> Result<Self, MessageError>
        B: serde::ser::Serialize + Type,
        let mut b = MessageBuilder::method(sender, path.try_into()?, method_name, body)?;
        if let Some(destination) = destination {
            b = b.set_field(MessageField::Destination(destination.into()));
        if let Some(iface) = iface {
            b = b.set_field(MessageField::Interface(iface.into()));

    /// Create a message of type [`MessageType::Signal`].
    /// [`MessageType::Signal`]: enum.MessageType.html#variant.Signal
    pub fn signal<'p, B>(
        sender: Option<&str>,
        destination: Option<&str>,
        path: impl TryInto<ObjectPath<'p>, Error = VariantError>,
        iface: &str,
        signal_name: &str,
        body: &B,
    ) -> Result<Self, MessageError>
        B: serde::ser::Serialize + Type,
        let mut b = MessageBuilder::signal(sender, path.try_into()?, iface, signal_name, body)?;
        if let Some(destination) = destination {
            b = b.set_field(MessageField::Destination(destination.into()));

    /// Create a message of type [`MessageType::MethodReturn`].
    /// [`MessageType::MethodReturn`]: enum.MessageType.html#variant.MethodReturn
    pub fn method_reply<B>(
        sender: Option<&str>,
        call: &Self,
        body: &B,
    ) -> Result<Self, MessageError>
        B: serde::ser::Serialize + Type,
        MessageBuilder::reply(sender, call, body)?.build()

    /// Create a message of type [`MessageType::MethodError`].
    /// [`MessageType::MethodError`]: enum.MessageType.html#variant.MethodError
    pub fn method_error<B>(
        sender: Option<&str>,
        call: &Self,
        name: &str,
        body: &B,
    ) -> Result<Self, MessageError>
        B: serde::ser::Serialize + Type,
        MessageBuilder::error(sender, call, name, body)?.build()

    pub(crate) fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, MessageError> {
        if bytes.len() < MIN_MESSAGE_SIZE {
            return Err(MessageError::InsufficientData);

        if EndianSig::try_from(bytes[0])? != NATIVE_ENDIAN_SIG {
            return Err(MessageError::IncorrectEndian);

        let bytes = bytes.to_vec();
        let fds = Fds::Raw(vec![]);
        Ok(Self { bytes, fds })

    pub(crate) fn add_bytes(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<(), MessageError> {
        if bytes.len() > self.bytes_to_completion()? {
            return Err(MessageError::ExcessData);



    pub(crate) fn set_owned_fds(&mut self, fds: Vec<OwnedFd>) {
        self.fds = Fds::Owned(fds);

    /// Disown the associated file descriptors.
    /// When a message is received over a AF_UNIX socket, it may
    /// contain associated FDs. To prevent the message from closing
    /// those FDs on drop, you may remove the ownership thanks to this
    /// method, after that you are responsible for closing them.
    pub fn disown_fds(&mut self) {
        if let Fds::Owned(ref mut fds) = &mut self.fds {
            // From now on, it's the caller responsability to close the fds
            self.fds = Fds::Raw(fds.drain(..).map(|fd| fd.into_raw_fd()).collect());

    pub(crate) fn bytes_to_completion(&self) -> Result<usize, MessageError> {
        let header_len = MIN_MESSAGE_SIZE + self.fields_len()?;
        let body_padding = padding_for_8_bytes(header_len);
        let body_len = self.primary_header()?.body_len();
        let required = header_len + body_padding + body_len as usize;

        Ok(required - self.bytes.len())

    /// The signature of the body.
    /// **Note:** While zbus treats multiple arguments as a struct (to allow you to use the tuple
    /// syntax), D-Bus does not. Since this method gives you the signature expected on the wire by
    /// D-Bus, the trailing and leading STRUCT signature parenthesis will not be present in case of
    /// multiple arguments.
    pub fn body_signature<'b, 's: 'b>(&'s self) -> Result<Signature<'b>, MessageError> {
        match self
            MessageField::Signature(signature) => Ok(signature),
            _ => Err(MessageError::InvalidField),

    /// Deserialize the primary header.
    pub fn primary_header(&self) -> Result<MessagePrimaryHeader, MessageError> {
        zvariant::from_slice(&self.bytes, dbus_context!(0)).map_err(MessageError::from)

    pub(crate) fn modify_primary_header<F>(&mut self, mut modifier: F) -> Result<(), MessageError>
        F: FnMut(&mut MessagePrimaryHeader) -> Result<(), MessageError>,
        let mut primary = self.primary_header()?;
        modifier(&mut primary)?;

        let mut cursor = Cursor::new(&mut self.bytes);
        zvariant::to_writer(&mut cursor, dbus_context!(0), &primary)
            .map(|_| ())

    /// Deserialize the header.
    pub fn header<'h, 'm: 'h>(&'m self) -> Result<MessageHeader<'h>, MessageError> {
        zvariant::from_slice(&self.bytes, dbus_context!(0)).map_err(MessageError::from)

    /// Deserialize the fields.
    pub fn fields<'f, 'm: 'f>(&'m self) -> Result<MessageFields<'f>, MessageError> {
        let ctxt = dbus_context!(crate::PRIMARY_HEADER_SIZE);
        zvariant::from_slice(&self.bytes[crate::PRIMARY_HEADER_SIZE..], ctxt)

    /// Deserialize the body (without checking signature matching).
    pub fn body_unchecked<'d, 'm: 'd, B>(&'m self) -> Result<B, MessageError>
        B: serde::de::Deserialize<'d> + Type,
        if self.bytes_to_completion()? != 0 {
            return Err(MessageError::InsufficientData);

        let mut header_len = MIN_MESSAGE_SIZE + self.fields_len()?;
        header_len = header_len + padding_for_8_bytes(header_len);


    /// Check the signature and deserialize the body.
    pub fn body<'d, 'm: 'd, B>(&'m self) -> Result<B, MessageError>
        B: serde::de::Deserialize<'d> + Type,
        let b_sig = B::signature();
        let sig = match self.body_signature() {
            Ok(sig) => sig,
            Err(MessageError::NoBodySignature) => Signature::from_str_unchecked(""),
            Err(e) => return Err(e),

        let c = zvariant::STRUCT_SIG_START_CHAR;
        let b_sig = if b_sig.len() >= 2 && b_sig.starts_with(c) && !sig.starts_with(c) {
            &b_sig[1..b_sig.len() - 1]
        } else {
        if b_sig != sig.as_str() {
            return Err(MessageError::UnmatchedBodySignature);


    pub(crate) fn fds(&self) -> Vec<RawFd> {
        match &self.fds {
            Fds::Raw(fds) => fds.clone(),
            Fds::Owned(fds) => fds.iter().map(|f| f.as_raw_fd()).collect(),

    /// Get a reference to the byte encoding of the message.
    pub fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {

    fn fields_len(&self) -> Result<usize, MessageError> {
        zvariant::from_slice(&self.bytes[FIELDS_LEN_START_OFFSET..], dbus_context!(0))
            .map(|v: u32| v as usize)

impl fmt::Debug for Message {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        let mut msg = f.debug_struct("Msg");
        let _ = self.header().map(|h| {
            if let Ok(t) = h.message_type() {
                msg.field("type", &t);
            if let Ok(Some(sender)) = h.sender() {
                msg.field("sender", &sender);
            if let Ok(Some(serial)) = h.reply_serial() {
                msg.field("reply-serial", &serial);
            if let Ok(Some(path)) = h.path() {
                msg.field("path", &path);
            if let Ok(Some(iface)) = h.interface() {
                msg.field("iface", &iface);
            if let Ok(Some(member)) = h.member() {
                msg.field("member", &member);
        if let Ok(s) = self.body_signature() {
            msg.field("body", &s);
        if !self.fds().is_empty() {
            msg.field("fds", &self.fds);

impl fmt::Display for Message {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        let header = self.header();
        let (ty, error_name, sender, member) = if let Ok(h) = header.as_ref() {
        } else {
            (None, None, None, None)

        match ty {
            Some(MessageType::MethodCall) => {
                write!(f, "Method call")?;
                if let Some(m) = member {
                    write!(f, " {}", m)?;
            Some(MessageType::MethodReturn) => {
                write!(f, "Method return")?;
            Some(MessageType::Error) => {
                write!(f, "Error")?;
                if let Some(e) = error_name {
                    write!(f, " {}", e)?;

                let msg = self.body_unchecked::<&str>();
                if let Ok(msg) = msg {
                    write!(f, ": {}", msg)?;
            Some(MessageType::Signal) => {
                write!(f, "Signal")?;
                if let Some(m) = member {
                    write!(f, " {}", m)?;
            _ => {
                write!(f, "Unknown message")?;

        if let Some(s) = sender {
            write!(f, " from {}", s)?;


mod tests {
    use super::{Fds, Message, MessageError};
    use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
    use zvariant::Fd;

    fn test() {
        let stdout = std::io::stdout();
        let m = Message::method(
            &(Fd::from(&stdout), "foo"),
        assert_eq!(m.body_signature().unwrap().to_string(), "hs");
        assert_eq!(m.fds, Fds::Raw(vec![stdout.as_raw_fd()]));

        let body: Result<u32, MessageError> = m.body();
        assert_eq!(body.unwrap_err(), MessageError::UnmatchedBodySignature);

        assert_eq!(m.to_string(), "Method call do from :1.72");
        let r = Message::method_reply(None, &m, &("all fine!")).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(r.to_string(), "Method return");
        let e = Message::method_error(None, &m, "org.freedesktop.zbus.Error", &("kaboom!", 32))
        assert_eq!(e.to_string(), "Error org.freedesktop.zbus.Error: kaboom!");