workspace 0.2.2

CLI that takes care of your windows, tabs and working directory
workspace-0.2.2 is not a library.

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a command-line project manager to automate repetitive tasks

ws is a CLI to manage and interpret small TOML files that specify tasks to open a project, like opening an editor, launching a server or visiting slack or documentation in the browser. For example, it can be used to efficiently switch between work and side projects.


cargo install workspace

Then setup the ws command in your shell:

  • bash: Add this line to your .bashrc
    eval $(workspace shell bash)
  • fish: Add this line to your
    workspace shell fish | source
  • PowerShell: Add this line to your profile.ps1
    Invoke-Expression "$(workspace shell posh)"


ws --help

More documentation is coming about the format of workspace files when it becomes more stable. For now, use the outline created by ws add.


Should I use workspace or ws?

Use ws. workspace is the binary that powers the ws function and sets it up in your shell configuration.

Why do I need to add something to my shell configuration?

Otherwise workspace can't change your working directory or run commands that you specify for a workspace directly in the shell process.

I don't trust you

That's not technically a question. But the good thing is: you don't need to. If you run workspace shell ... you can see what you are invoking. Or you could just take a look at the code.